Megjeleníti a jegy előzményeit (fordítottan rendezve) az ügyintézői felületen.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
Azt szabályozza, hogy hogyan jelenjenek meg a jegy előzmény bejegyzések olvasható értékként.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
AddNote: Added note (%s).
ArchiveFlagUpdate: Changed archive state to "%s".
Bounce: Bounced to "%s".
CustomerUpdate: Changed customer to "%s".
EmailAgent: Sent email to customer.
EmailCustomer: Added email. %s
EmailResend: Resent email to "%s".
EscalationResponseTimeNotifyBefore: Notified about response time escalation.
EscalationResponseTimeStart: Started response time escalation.
EscalationResponseTimeStop: Stopped response time escalation.
EscalationSolutionTimeNotifyBefore: Notified about solution time escalation.
EscalationSolutionTimeStart: Started solution time escalation.
EscalationSolutionTimeStop: Stopped solution time escalation.
EscalationUpdateTimeNotifyBefore: Notified about update time escalation.
EscalationUpdateTimeStart: Started update time escalation.
EscalationUpdateTimeStop: Stopped update time escalation.
FollowUp: Added follow-up to ticket [%s]. %s
Forward: Forwarded to "%s".
Lock: Locked ticket.
LoopProtection: 'Loop protection: no auto-response sent to "%s".'
Merged: Merged Ticket (%s/%s) to (%s/%s).
Misc: '%s'
Move: Changed queue to "%s" (%s) from "%s" (%s).
NewTicket: Created ticket [%s] in "%s" with priority "%s" and state "%s".
OwnerUpdate: Changed owner to "%s" (%s).
PhoneCallAgent: Added phone call to customer.
PhoneCallCustomer: Added phone call from customer.
PriorityUpdate: Changed priority from "%s" (%s) to "%s" (%s).
Remove: '%s'
ResponsibleUpdate: Changed responsible to "%s" (%s).
SLAUpdate: Changed SLA to "%s" (%s).
SendAgentNotification: Sent "%s" notification to "%s" via "%s".
SendAnswer: Sent email to "%s".
SendAutoFollowUp: Sent auto follow-up to "%s".
SendAutoReject: Sent auto reject to "%s".
SendAutoReply: Sent auto reply to "%s".
SendCustomerNotification: Sent notification to "%s".
SendProcessManagementEmail: Sent email to recipient "%s" via Process Management module.
ServiceUpdate: Changed service to "%s" (%s).
SetPendingTime: Changed pending time to "%s".
StateUpdate: Changed state from "%s" to "%s".
Subscribe: Added subscription for user "%s".
SystemRequest: Added system request (%s).
TicketDynamicFieldUpdate: Changed dynamic field %s from "%s" to "%s".
TicketLinkAdd: Added link to ticket "%s".
TicketLinkDelete: Deleted link to ticket "%s".
TimeAccounting: Added %s time unit(s), for a total of %s time unit(s).
TitleUpdate: Changed title from "%s" to "%s".
TypeUpdate: Changed type from "%s" (%s) to "%s" (%s).
Unlock: Unlocked ticket.
Unsubscribe: Removed subscription for user "%s".
WebRequestCustomer: Added web request from customer.
Azt szabályozza, hogy hogyan jelenjenek meg a jegy előzmény bejegyzések olvasható értékként.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
AddSMS: Added SMS for "%s".