

Defines groups for the main menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. Via the “Icon” key you can influence the type of the common icon which is rendered in front of the label. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Icon: pie-line-graph-desktop
  Label: Dashboards
  Name: Dashboard
  Order: '1000'
- Icon: tags
  Label: Tickets (Case and Process Management)
  Name: Ticket
  Order: '2000'
- Icon: book-close-2
  Label: Knowledge Management
  Name: KBA
  Order: '3000'
- Icon: multiple-users-1
  Label: Customer Management
  Name: Customer
  Order: '4000'
- Icon: cog
  Label: Administration
  Name: Admin
  Order: '5000'
- Icon: question-circle
  Label: Help
  Name: Help
  Order: '6000'


Defines custom groups for the main menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. Via the “Icon” key you can influence the type of the common icon which is rendered in front of the label. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- []


Defines groups for the main menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. Via the “Icon” key you can influence the type of the common icon which is rendered in front of the label. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

Default value:

- Icon: app-window-text-1
  Label: Service Management
  Name: ServiceManagement
  Order: '4000'


Defines menu items for the main menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- AccessKey: d
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show your personal dashboard
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /dashboard
  MenuGroup: Dashboard
  Name: Personal Dashboard
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: v
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show statistics and reports overview page
  - stats
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /statistic-report
  MenuGroup: Dashboard
  Name: Statistics and Reports
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: c
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show calendar overview page
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /calendar
  MenuGroup: Dashboard
  Name: Calendar Overview
  Prio: '300'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: p
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessProcessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new process ticket
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/process
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Start Process
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: n
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new phone ticket (inbound)
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/phone
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Take Phone Call
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: m
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new email ticket (outbound)
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/email
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Send Email
  Prio: '300'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: b
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessSMSTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new SMS ticket
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/sms
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Send SMS
  Prio: '400'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: o
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show unresolved tickets
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/unresolved
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Unresolved
  Prio: '500'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: l
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show unlocked tickets
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/unlocked
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Unlocked
  Prio: '600'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: r
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show tickets with reached reminders
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/reminders
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Reached Reminders
  Prio: '700'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: e
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show escalated tickets
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/escalations
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Escalations
  Prio: '800'
  Target: e
- AccessKey: t
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show recently created tickets
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/created
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Recently Created
  Prio: '900'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: z
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show recently closed tickets
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets/closed
  MenuGroup: Ticket
  Name: Show Recently Closed
  Prio: '1000'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: k
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessKBArticle
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new knowledge base article
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /knowledge-base/article/create
  MenuGroup: KBA
  Name: Add Knowledge
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: a
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show recently added knowledge base articles
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /knowledge-base-articles/added
  MenuGroup: KBA
  Name: Show Recently Added
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: u
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show recently updated knowledge base articles
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /knowledge-base-articles/updated
  MenuGroup: KBA
  Name: Show Recently Updated
  Prio: '300'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: h
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show highest rated knowledge base articles
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /knowledge-base-articles/rated
  MenuGroup: KBA
  Name: Show Highest Rated
  Prio: '400'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: x
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessCustomer
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new customer
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /customer/create
  MenuGroup: Customer
  Name: Create Customer
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: y
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessCustomerUser
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create a new customer user
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /customer/user/create
  MenuGroup: Customer
  Name: Create Customer User
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: f
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessAdminInterface
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the administrator interface
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /otrs/
  MenuGroup: Admin
  Name: Open Administrator Dashboard
  Prio: '100'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: g
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessAdminInterface
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the system configuration screen in the administrator interface
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /otrs/
  MenuGroup: Admin
  Name: Open System Configuration
  Prio: '200'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: q
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessContactWithData
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the contact with data management screen in the administrator
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /otrs/
  MenuGroup: Admin
  Name: Manage Contacts with Data
  Prio: '300'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessAdminInterface
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the documentation of the administrator interface
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  MenuGroup: Admin
  Name: Show Administrator Manual
  Prio: '400'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Get help
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  MenuGroup: Help
  Name: User Manual
  Prio: '100'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the accessibility statement
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  MenuGroup: Help
  Name: Accessibility Statement
  Prio: '200'
  Target: _blank
- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Go to the keyboard shortcuts used for menu items
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  MenuGroup: Help
  Name: Keyboard Shortcuts
  Prio: '300'
  Target: _blank


Defines menu items for the main menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessWatchlist
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show ticket watchlists
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets-watchlist
  MenuGroup: Dashboard
  Name: Show Watchlists
  Prio: '400'
  Target: ''


Defines custom menu items for the main menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- []


Defines menu items for the main menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

Default value:

- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show services
  - itsm-service
  - itsm-service
  Link: /services
  MenuGroup: ServiceManagement
  Name: Services
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: ''
  Active: '1'
  Description: Show service level agreements
  Group: []
  - itsm-service
  Link: /slas
  MenuGroup: ServiceManagement
  Name: Service Level Agreements
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''


Defines groups for the new action menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Label: Communication
  Name: Communication
  Order: '1000'
- Label: Processes
  Name: Processes
  Order: '2000'
- Label: Customer Relations
  Name: CustomerRelations
  Order: '3000'
- Label: Time & Resources
  Name: TimeAndResources
  Order: '4000'
- Label: Knowledge Base
  Name: KnowledgeBase
  Order: '5000'


Defines custom groups for the new action menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- []


Defines groups for the new action menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Label: Announcements
  Name: Announcements
  Order: '7000'


Defines groups for the new action menu. Additional menu groups are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Name” key is used as a group identifier, and must be unique. If changed it must be updated in the “MenuGroup” key for all affected menu items. You can use the “Label” key to change the user-facing text for the menu group. The “Order” key can be used to change the sorting order of the group, menu groups with higher value will sink to the bottom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Label: Watchlists
  Name: Watchlists
  Order: '9000'


Defines menu items for the new action menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- AccessKey: n
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new phone ticket (inbound)
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/phone
  MenuGroup: Communication
  Name: Take Phone Call
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: m
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new email ticket (outbound)
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/email
  MenuGroup: Communication
  Name: Send Email
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: b
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessSMSTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new SMS ticket
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/sms
  MenuGroup: Communication
  Name: Send SMS
  Prio: '300'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: p
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessProcessTicket
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new process ticket
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /ticket/create/process
  MenuGroup: Processes
  Name: Process Ticket
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: y
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessCustomer
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new customer
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /customer/create
  MenuGroup: CustomerRelations
  Name: Add Customer
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: x
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessCustomerUser
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new customer user
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /customer/user/create
  MenuGroup: CustomerRelations
  Name: Add Customer User
  Prio: '200'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: j
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessCalendarAppointment
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new appointment
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /calendar?TriggerAction=Calendar%3A%3AAddAppointment
  MenuGroup: TimeAndResources
  Name: Add Appointment
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''
- AccessKey: k
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessKBArticle
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new knowledge base article
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /knowledge-base/article/create
  MenuGroup: KnowledgeBase
  Name: Add Article
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''


Defines custom menu items for the new action menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- []


Defines menu items for the new action menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessAdminInterface
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new announcement
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /otrs/;Subaction=Add
  MenuGroup: Announcements
  Name: Add Announcement
  Prio: '700'
  Target: _blank


Defines menu items for the new action menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. You can use the “Name” and “Description” keys to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must belong to an existing “MenuGroup” in order to get displayed. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item, even if the menu is not expanded. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- AccessKey: ''
  AccessModule: Kernel::WebApp::Util::Menu::AccessWatchlist
  Active: '1'
  Description: Create new ticket watchlist
  Group: []
  GroupRo: []
  Link: /tickets-watchlist?TriggerAction=Create
  MenuGroup: Watchlists
  Name: Add Watchlist
  Prio: '100'
  Target: ''


Defines optional quick access menu items to be shown in the top bar menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. The “Name” key is used as an identifier for the menu item, and must be unique. You can use the “Description” key to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must have the “Icon” key defined, which refers to the type of the common icon which is rendered for it. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

Default value:

--- []


Defines custom quick access menu items to be shown in the top bar menu. Additional menu items are defined by adding new items and specifying their parameters. The “Group” and “GroupRo” arrays can be used to limit access of the menu item to members of certain groups with RW and RO permissions respectively. The “Name” key is used as an identifier for the menu item, and must be unique. You can use the “Description” key to change the user-facing text of the menu item. The “Link” key must contain either the path to the application route or an external URL. Each menu item must have the “Icon” key defined, which refers to the type of the common icon which is rendered for it. Using the “AccessModule” you can limit the display of the menu item based on more complex conditions, the value should be the package name of the relevant module. Via the “AccessKey” you can define a keyboard shortcut to activate the menu item. The “Target” key influences how the menu item will be opened (you can use “_blank” value to open the menu item in new window). The “Prio” key can be used to change the sorting order of the item in respect to its siblings, menu items with higher value will sink to the bottom. The “Active” key determines if the menu item is considered by the configuration (value 1) or ignored (value 0).

Default value:

--- []
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