
Table of Contents


Parameters for the skin setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '0'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Skin
Desc: Select your preferred layout for the administrator interface.
Key: ''
Label: Administrator Interface Skin
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Dummy
NeedsReload: '1'
PrefKey: UserSkin
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '100'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the theme setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '0'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Theme
Desc: Select your preferred theme for the OTRS user interface.
Key: ''
Label: Theme
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Dummy
NeedsReload: '1'
PrefKey: UserTheme
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '3100'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the pages (in which the communication log entries are shown) of the communication log overview.

Default value:

Active: '0'
  '10': '10'
  '15': '15'
  '20': '20'
  '25': '25'
  '30': '30'
  '35': '35'
  '50': '50'
DataSelected: '25'
Desc: Communication log limit per page for Communication Log Overview.
Key: ''
Label: CommunicationLog Overview Limit
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: AdminCommunicationLogPageShown
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '8100'


Defines the config parameters of this item, to be shown in the preferences view. Please note: setting ‘Active’ to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use ‘PreferenceGroup’ to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Block: Input
Data: '[% Env("UserDynamicField_NameX") %]'
Desc: This is a description for dynamic field on framework.
Label: Default value for NameX
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: UserDynamicField_NameX
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '7000'


Parameters for the pages (in which the surveys are shown) of the small survey overview.

Default value:



Defines how queue names are shown globally (shortened or full). When “Enabled” is set to 1 it disables the setting for users to set their preferred way of showing queue names.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Enabled: '0'
GlobalValue: '1'


Defines how service names are shown globally (shortened or full). When “Enabled” is set to 1 it disables the setting for users to set their preferred way of showing service names.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Enabled: '0'
GlobalValue: '1'


The anonymous login for the agent.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '0'
AdminInterfaceOnly: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::AnonymousLogin
Block: Input
Desc: Enter the username of the alternate user here.
Key: Anonymous Login
Label: Alternate User
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::AnonymousLogin
PrefKey: AnonymousLogin
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '4000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the transport selection for appointment notifications in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::AppointmentNotificationEvent
Desc: Choose for which kind of appointment changes you want to receive notifications.
Key: Appointment Notifications
Label: Appointment Notifications
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::NotificationEvents::Appointment
PrefKey: AppointmentNotificationTransport
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '8001'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the avatar setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Avatar
Block: Avatar
Desc: Upload your avatar image.
Key: Avatar
Label: Avatar
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Avatar
PrefKey: UserAvatar
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '1000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Gives end users the possibility to override the separator character for CSV files, defined in the translation files. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
AllowUndefinedValue: '1'
DataSelected: '0'
Desc: Select the separator character used in CSV files (statistics and searches).
  If you do not select a separator here, the default separator for your language will
  be used.
Key: CSV Separator
Label: CSV Separator
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select
  '': ''
  ',': ','
  ;: ;
  \t: tab
  '|': '|'
PrefKey: UserCSVSeparator
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '4000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the preferred chat channels setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::CustomChatChannel
Desc: Your selection of your preferred external chat channels. You will be notified
  about external chat requests in these chat channels.
Key: My Chat Channels
Label: My Chat Channels
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::ChatChannels
PrefKey: ExternalChannels
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '4000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the comment setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '0'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
Block: Input
  Value: '[% Env("UserComment") %]'
Desc: This is a description for a comment on framework.
Key: Comment
Label: Comment
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Generic
PrefKey: UserComment
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '6000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the pages (in which the announcements are shown) of the announcement overview.

Default value:

Active: '0'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
DataSelected: '35'
Desc: Announcement limit per page for announcement overview.
Key: Announcements per page
Label: Announcement Overview Limit
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select
  '10': '10'
  '15': '15'
  '20': '20'
  '25': '25'
  '30': '30'
  '35': '35'
  '50': '50'
PrefKey: AgentDashboardNewsOverviewPageShown
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '8000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the date and time format setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
DataSelected: relative
Desc: Configure which date time format should be used for the date time display.
Key: Date Time Format
Label: Date Time Format
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select
  absolute: Absolute
  combined: Combined
  relative: Human readable (e.g. 12 minutes ago)
PrefKey: UserDateTimeFormat
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '3600'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'
TranslateOptions: '1'


Parameters for the dynamic field focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences. Only the types “Dropdown”, “Multiselect”, “Database”, “WebService” and “ConfigItem” are supported.

Default value:

- Active: '0'
  AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the value
  AdminModule: ''
  Area: Agent
  Desc: Set values that you focus on.
  ListFilter: DynamicField_NameX
  ListFilterLabel: Values I focus on
  Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::DynamicField
  PrefKey: DynamicField_DFField1
  PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
  Prio: '1300'
  ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the owner focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the owner
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set owners that you focus on.
Key: Owner
Label: Owner
ListFilter: OwnerIDs
ListFilterLabel: Owners I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Owner
PrefKey: OwnerID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '1100'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the priority focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the priority
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set priorities that you focus on.
Key: Priority
Label: Priority
ListFilter: PriorityIDs
ListFilterLabel: Priorities I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Priority
PrefKey: PriorityID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '1000'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the queue focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the queue
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set queues that you focus on.
Key: Queue
Label: Queue
ListFilter: QueueIDs
ListFilterLabel: Queues I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Queue
PrefKey: QueueID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '0500'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the responsible focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the responsible
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set responsibles that you focus on.
Key: Responsible
Label: Responsible
ListFilter: ResponsibleIDs
ListFilterLabel: Responsibles I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Responsible
PrefKey: ResponsibleID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '1200'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the SLA focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences. Dependent of the setting “Ticket::Service”.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the SLA
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set SLAs that you focus on.
Key: SLA
Label: SLA
ListFilter: SLAIDs
ListFilterLabel: SLAs I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::SLA
PrefKey: SLAID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '0800'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the service focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences. Dependent of the setting “Ticket::Service”.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the service
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set services that you focus on.
Key: Service
Label: Service
ListFilter: ServiceIDs
ListFilterLabel: Services I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Service
PrefKey: ServiceID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '0700'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the state focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the state
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set states that you focus on.
Key: State
Label: State
ListFilter: StateIDs
ListFilterLabel: States I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::State
PrefKey: StateID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '0900'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the type focus topic setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Setting “Active” to 0 will prevent agents from editing this setting in their personal preferences. Dependent of the setting “Ticket::Type”.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminFilterLabel: All agents who focus on the type
AdminModule: ''
Area: Agent
Desc: Set types that you focus on.
Key: Type
Label: Type
ListFilter: TypeIDs
ListFilterLabel: Types I focus on
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::FocusTopics::Type
PrefKey: TypeID
PreferenceGroup: FocusTopics
Prio: '0600'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'


Parameters for the language setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Language
Desc: Select the main interface language.
Key: Language
Label: Language
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::Language
NeedsReload: '1'
PrefKey: UserLanguage
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '1000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the preferred queues setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::CustomQueue
Desc: Your queue selection of your preferred queues. You also get notified about those
  queues via email if enabled.
Key: My Queues
Label: My Queues
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::MyQueues
Permission: ro
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '1000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the preferred services setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::CustomService
Desc: Your service selection of your preferred services. You also get notified about
  those services via email if enabled.
Key: My Services
Label: My Services
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::MyServices
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '3000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the out of office setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::OutOfOffice
Block: OutOfOffice
Desc: If you are going to be out of office, you may wish to let other users know by
  setting the exact dates of your absence.
Key: Out of Office Time
Label: Out of Office Time
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::OutOfOffice
PrefKey: UserOutOfOffice
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '4000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the password setting in the personal preferences of the agent. “PasswordRegExp” allows to match passwords against a regular expression. “PasswordMinSize” defines the minimum number of used characters. “PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters” defines if at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters are needed by setting the appropriate option to “1”. “PasswordMin2Characters” defines if the password needs to contain at least 2 letter characters (set to 0 or 1). “PasswordNeedDigit” defines the need of at least 1 digit (set to 0 or 1 to control). “PasswordMaxLoginFailed” allows to set an agent to invalid-temporarily if max failed logins reached. “PasswordHistory” is the amount of how many old passwords are stored which can not be used as new password. “PasswordTTL” is the time in days how long passwords are valid. “PasswordWarnBeforeExpiry” is the time in days which is used to display a warning before passwords expires. With “PasswordChangeAfterFirstLogin” the user must change the password after the first login. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Password
Area: Agent
Desc: Set a new password by filling in your current password and a new one.
Label: Change Password
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Password
PasswordChangeAfterFirstLogin: '1'
PasswordHistory: '3'
PasswordMaxLoginFailed: '5'
PasswordMin2Characters: '0'
PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters: '0'
PasswordMinSize: '12'
PasswordNeedDigit: '0'
PasswordRegExp: ''
PasswordTTL: '90'
PasswordWarnBeforeExpiry: '5'
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '0500'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the preferred way of showing queue names (shortened or full).

Default value:

Active: '1'
DefaultValue: '1'
Label: 'Show short path (e.g.: ''Sub-Item'' instead of ''Item::Sub-Item'')'
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Checkbox::ShowShortQueueNames
PrefKey: ShowShortQueueNames
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '2000'
ShowFormGroupLabel: '0'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'
SwitchStyle: '1'


Parameters for the preferred way of showing service names (shortened or full).

Default value:

Active: '1'
DefaultValue: '1'
Label: 'Show short path (e.g.: ''Sub-Item'' instead of ''Item::Sub-Item'')'
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Checkbox::ShowShortServiceNames
PrefKey: ShowShortServiceNames
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '4000'
ShowFormGroupLabel: '0'
ShowInUserManagement: '0'
SwitchStyle: '1'


Parameters for the style setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Style
Desc: Select your preferred style for the OTRS user interface.
Key: Style
Label: Style
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::AgentStyle
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '3000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the transport selection for ticket notifications in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::NotificationEvent
Desc: Choose for which kind of ticket changes you want to receive notifications. Please
  note that you can not completely disable notifications marked as mandatory.
Key: Ticket Notifications
Label: Ticket Notifications
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::NotificationEvents::Ticket
PrefKey: NotificationTransport
PreferenceGroup: NotificationSettings
Prio: '8000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the time zone setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::TimeZone
Desc: Select your personal time zone. All times will be displayed relative to this
  time zone.
Key: Time Zone
Label: Time Zone
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::TimeZone
PrefKey: UserTimeZone
PreferenceGroup: UserProfile
Prio: '3500'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the two-factor setting in the personal preferences of the agent. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
AdminModule: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::TwoFactor
Desc: Manage your two-factor authentication settings.
Key: Two-factor
Label: Two-factor Authentication
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::TwoFactor
NeedsReload: '1'
PrefKey: TwoFactor
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '0800'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Defines groups for preferences items.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- CommonIcon: regular,single-neutral-actions-edit-1
  Description: Change your personal information and more.
  Icon: user
  Label: User Profile
  Name: UserProfile
  Order: '1000'
  Title: ''
- CommonIcon: regular,monitor-lock
  Description: Change your security settings.
  Icon: lock
  Label: Security
  Name: Security
  Order: '1500'
  Title: ''
- CommonIcon: bold,cog
  Description: Change the system appearance and more.
  Icon: cog
  Label: Miscellaneous
  Name: Miscellaneous
  Order: '2000'
  Title: ''
- CommonIcon: regular,monitor-settings
  Description: Choose which notifications you would like to receive.
  Icon: envelope
  Label: Settings & Notifications
  Name: NotificationSettings
  Order: '3000'
  Title: ''


Defines groups for preferences items.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- []


Defines groups for preferences items.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

- CommonIcon: regular,police-man-2
  Description: Change your focus topic settings.
  Hint: An additional ticket filter will be available in ticket lists like “In My
    Queues” and it can be used for ticket notifications if such a ticket notification
    has been set up by your administrator accordingly.
  Icon: police-man-2
  Label: Focus Topic Settings
  Name: FocusTopics
  Order: '4000'
  Title: ''


Defines the configuration parameters for custom modules to be shown in the agent preferences view. Each registration item corresponds to one legacy agent preference found during the update of the system.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- {}


Parameters for the RefreshTime object in the preference view of the agent interface. Please note: setting ‘Active’ to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use ‘PreferenceGroup’ to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
  '0': off
  '10': 10 minutes
  '15': 15 minutes
  '2': ' 2 minutes'
  '5': ' 5 minutes'
  '7': ' 7 minutes'
DataSelected: '0'
Desc: If enabled, the different overviews (Dashboard, LockedView, QueueView) will
  automatically refresh after the specified time.
Key: ''
Label: Overview Refresh Time
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PrefKey: UserRefreshTime
PreferenceGroup: Miscellaneous
Prio: '2000'


Defines the name of the table where the user preferences are stored.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:



Defines the column to store the keys for the preferences table.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:



Defines the name of the column to store the user identifier in the preferences table.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:



Defines the name of the column to store the data in the preferences table.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:



Parameters for the avatar setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Upload your avatar image.
Key: Avatar
Label: Avatar
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Avatar
PrefKey: UserAvatar
PreferenceGroup: General
Prio: '0100'


Parameters for the language setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Select the main interface language.
Key: Language
Label: Language
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::Language
PrefKey: UserLanguage
PreferenceGroup: General
Prio: '2000'


Parameters for the login forbidden setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '0'
DataSelected: '0'
Desc: The login is forbidden if the customer user reached the max failed logins.
Key: Login Forbidden
Label: Login Forbidden
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select
  '0': No
  '1': Yes
PrefKey: UserLoginForbidden
PreferenceGroup: General
Prio: '1000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the PGP key setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Upload your PGP key.
Key: PGP Key
Label: PGP Key
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::File::PGP
PrefKey: UserPGPKey
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '10000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the password setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. “PasswordRegExp” allows to match passwords against a regular expression. “PasswordMinSize” defines the minimum number of used characters. “PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters” defines if at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters are needed by setting the appropriate option to “1”. “PasswordMin2Characters” defines if the password needs to contain at least 2 letter characters (set to 0 or 1). “PasswordNeedDigit” defines the need of at least 1 digit (set to 0 or 1 to control). “PasswordMaxLoginFailed” allows to set a customer user to invalid-temporarily if max failed logins reached. “PasswordHistory” is the amount of how many old passwords are stored which can not be used as new password. “PasswordTTL” is the time in days how long passwords are valid. “PasswordWarnBeforeExpiry” is the time in days which is used to display a warning before passwords expires. With “PasswordChangeAfterFirstLogin” the user must change the password after the first login. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Area: Customer
Desc: Set a new password by filling in your current password and a new one.
Label: Change Password
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Password
PasswordChangeAfterFirstLogin: '1'
PasswordHistory: '3'
PasswordMaxLoginFailed: '5'
PasswordMin2Characters: '0'
PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters: '0'
PasswordMinSize: '12'
PasswordNeedDigit: '0'
PasswordRegExp: ''
PasswordTTL: '90'
PasswordWarnBeforeExpiry: '5'
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '1000'


Parameters for the S/MIME certificate setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Upload your S/MIME certificate.
Key: S/MIME Certificate
Label: S/MIME Certificate
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::File::SMIME
PrefKey: UserSMIMEKey
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '11000'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Parameters for the time zone setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Select your personal time zone. All times will be displayed relative to this
  time zone.
Key: Time Zone
Label: Time Zone
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::Select::TimeZone
PrefKey: UserTimeZone
PreferenceGroup: General
Prio: '2500'


Parameters for the two-factor setting in the personal preferences of the customer user. Please note: setting “Active” to 0 will only prevent customer users from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user’s behalf. Use “PreferenceGroup” to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.

Default value:

Active: '1'
Desc: Manage two-factor authentication settings.
Key: Two-factor
Label: Two-factor Authentication
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::UserPreferenceType::TwoFactor
PrefKey: TwoFactor
PreferenceGroup: Security
Prio: '1200'
ShowInUserManagement: '1'


Defines groups for preferences items.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Description: ''
  Label: General
  Name: General
  Order: '1000'
  Title: ''
- Description: ''
  Label: Security
  Name: Security
  Order: '2000'
  Title: ''


Preference module mapping for preferences which should be shown in the customer user add and edit screens of the administrator interface.

Default value:

LoginForbidden: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic
PGP: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::PGP
SMIME: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::SMIME
TwoFactor: Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::TwoFactor
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