Social Media Profiles


This feature is available only for managed customers. A special contract is needed to use this feature.

Social media profile integration makes it possible to connect OTRS with social media channels. This allows agents to send and receive messages and communicate with social media users like with customer users. This feature stores the messages in the tickets as articles.

Use this screen to add social media profiles to the system. The social media profile management screen is available in the Social Media Profiles module of the Communication & Notifications group.

Profile Configuration Management Screen

Profile Configuration Management Screen

Manage Twitter Profiles

To add a Twitter profile:

  1. Select Twitter from the Actions widget in the left sidebar.

  2. Fill in the required fields in the General widget.

    General Widget

    General Widget

    Name *

    The name of this resource. Must be unique and only accept alphabetic and numeric characters. The name will be displayed in the overview table.


    Add additional information to this resource. It is recommended to always fill this field as a description of the resource with a full sentence for better clarity, because the comment will be also displayed in the overview table.

  3. Click on the Save button and follow the instruction steps. You have to save the entered data between all steps.

  4. Read the instructions and create the necessary Twitter resources.

    Step 1: Setup Twitter Developer Account

    Step 1: Setup Twitter Developer Account

  5. Add the Twitter app name.

    Step 2: Twitter App Name

    Step 2: Twitter App Name

    Twitter App Name *

    Enter a Twitter app name.

  6. Add the consumer API keys.

    Step 3: Access Permissions

    Step 3: Access Permissions

    Consumer Key *

    Copy and paste your consumer key from the consumer API key section of the Twitter app.

    Consumer Secret *

    Copy and paste your consumer secret from the consumer API key section of the Twitter app.

  7. Add the access token.

    Step 4: Access Token

    Step 4: Access Token

    Access Token *

    Copy and paste your access token from the Twitter app.

    Access Token Secret *

    Copy and paste your access token secret from the Twitter app.

  8. Click on the Verify Credentials button to test the configuration.

    Step 5: Credentials Verification

    Step 5: Credentials Verification

  1. Select a target queue and add automatic response for the messages from Twitter.

Step 6: Incoming Settings

Step 6: Incoming Settings

Target Queue *

Select the queue used for incoming entities.

Auto Response

Add an automatic response used for incoming direct messages. Click on the checkbox to enable it.

  1. Click on the Save and Finish button.


Social media profiles can not be deleted from the system. They can only be deactivated by setting the Validity option to invalid or invalid-temporarily.

To edit a Twitter profile:

  1. Click on a Twitter profile in the list of social media profiles.

  2. Modify the fields. Use the Previous Step and the Next Step buttons to navigate between the steps.

  3. Click on the Save or Save and finish button.


If several social media profiles are added to the system, use the filter box to find a particular social media profile by just typing the name to filter.

Limit User Access to Profiles

In case you would like to limit the user access to a certain social media profile, you can use the Access Control Lists (ACL).

In the following example, we restrict the access of members of the group twitter to a Twitter profile with relevant views. This guide assumes that you have already created this group and assigned users with rw permissions to it.

To identify the profile ID:

  1. Go to the Social Media Profiles module in the administrator interface.

  2. Select the target profile in the list you would like to limit the access to.

  3. Identify the ID of the current profile in the URL of the current page. In our case, the ID is 1.


To create an ACL:

  1. Copy the exported ACL below and paste it into a text editor.

    - ChangeBy: root@localhost
      ChangeTime: 2020-11-05 10:57:35
      Comment: Twitter access restriction
            - '1'
            - '[Not]twitter'
      CreateBy: root@localhost
      CreateTime: 2020-11-05 10:55:15
      Description: Restrict the access of members of the group “twitter” to a Twitter
      ID: 2
      Name: Limit Access to Twitter Profile
      StopAfterMatch: 0
      ValidID: 1
  2. Change the value of TwitterProfileID in line 9 to the ID identified in the URL and save the file as TwitterAccessRestriction.yml.

  3. Go to the Access Control Lists (ACL) module in the administrator interface.

  4. Import the ACL from the TwitterAccessRestriction.yml file.

  5. Click on the Deploy ACLs button in the left sidebar.

From now on, a user who is not member of the group twitter will no longer have access to the page profile with the ID 1 in the Twitter app field on the corresponding screens.

Ticket Follow-up with Social Media Channels

When a new entity (e.g. a new comment, a new direct message) is received, the system performs a ticket search with state types (new, open, closed) to look for an existing ticket for this entity.

Depending on the follow-up setting for the Queues where social media tickets are assigned, the system has the following behavior:

  • If the ticket is not closed, the ticket is used to store the received entity.

  • If the follow-up option is set to new ticket for the queue and the ticket is closed, the system will create a new ticket.

  • If the follow-up option is set to possible for the queue and the ticket is closed, the ticket will be re-opened and locked, depending on the queue settings.

  • If the follow-up option is set to reject for the queue and the ticket is closed, no social media update will be performed.

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