The logo shown on top of the login box of the administrator interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.
Default value:
StyleHeight: 70px
URL: skins/Agent/default/img/loginlogo_default.png
The logo shown in the header of the administrator interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.
Default value:
StyleHeight: 50px
StyleRight: 30px
StyleTop: 20px
StyleWidth: 120px
URL: skins/Agent/default/img/loginlogo_default.png
The logo shown in the header of the administrator interface for the skin “OTRS”. See “AgentLogo” for further description.
This setting is not active by default.
Default value:
StyleHeight: 50px
StyleRight: 30px
StyleTop: 20px
StyleWidth: 120px
URL: skins/Agent/default/img/loginlogo_default.png
The logo shown in the header of the administrator interface for the skin “High Contrast”. See “AgentLogo” for further description.
Default value:
StyleHeight: 50px
StyleRight: 25px
StyleTop: 20px
StyleWidth: 50px
URL: skins/Agent/highcontrast/img/otrs-signet-white.png
The logo shown in the header of the administrator interface for the skin “Slim”. See “AgentLogo” for further description.
Default value:
StyleHeight: 30px
StyleRight: 15px
StyleTop: 13px
StyleWidth: 30px
URL: skins/Agent/default/img/otrs-signet.png
Defines the configuration options for the autocompletion feature.
Default value:
AutoCompleteActive: '1'
ButtonText: Search Customer
MaxResultsDisplayed: '20'
MinQueryLength: '2'
QueryDelay: '100'
Defines the configuration options for the autocompletion feature.
Default value:
AutoCompleteActive: '1'
ButtonText: Search User
MaxResultsDisplayed: '20'
MinQueryLength: '2'
QueryDelay: '100'
List of all appointment events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- AppointmentCreate
- AppointmentUpdate
- AppointmentDelete
- AppointmentNotification
List of all article events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ArticleCreate
- ArticleUpdate
- ArticleSend
- ArticleBounce
- ArticleAgentNotification
- ArticleCustomerNotification
- ArticleAutoResponse
- ArticleFlagSet
- ArticleFlagsSet
- ArticleFlagDelete
- ArticleCustomerFlagSet
- ArticleCustomerFlagDelete
- ArticleAgentNotification
- ArticleCustomerNotification
- ArticleEmailSendingQueued
- ArticleEmailSendingSent
- ArticleEmailSendingError
- ArticleDeleteAttachment
List of all calendar events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- CalendarCreate
- CalendarUpdate
List of all chat events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ChatAdd
- ChatChannelUpdate
- ChatMessageAdd
- ChatRequestUpdate
- ChatUpdate
List of all custom page events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- CustomPageAdd
- CustomPageUpdate
- CustomPageDelete
- CustomPageContentAdd
- CustomPageContentUpdate
- CustomPageContentDelete
List of all customer company events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- CustomerCompanyAdd
- CustomerCompanyUpdate
List of all customer user events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- CustomerUserAdd
- CustomerUserUpdate
List of all dynamic field events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- DynamicFieldAdd
- DynamicFieldUpdate
- DynamicFieldDelete
List of all knowledge base article events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- FAQCreate
- FAQDelete
- FAQUpdate
- FAQVoteAdd
- FAQCategoryGroupUpdate
List of all general catalog events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ItemAdd
- ItemUpdate
- GeneralCatalogPreferencesSetPre
- GeneralCatalogPreferencesSet
List of all link object events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- LinkObjectLinkAdd
- LinkObjectLinkDelete
List of all package events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- PackageInstall
- PackageReinstall
- PackageUpgrade
- PackageUninstall
List of all queue events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- QueueCreate
- QueueUpdate
List of all service level agreement events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- SLACreate
- SLAPreferencesSet
- SLAUpdate
List of all package events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- Scheduler
List of all service events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ServiceCreate
- ServicePreferencesSet
- ServiceUpdate
List of all service catalog item events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ItemContentCategorySet
- ItemContentDelete
- ItemContentUpdate
List of all system configuration events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- ConfigurationDeploy
List of all ticket events to be displayed in the GUI.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
- TicketCreate
- TicketDelete
- TicketTitleUpdate
- TicketUnlockTimeoutUpdate
- TicketQueueUpdate
- TicketTypeUpdate
- TicketServiceUpdate
- TicketSLAUpdate
- TicketCustomerUpdate
- TicketPendingTimeUpdate
- TicketLockUpdate
- TicketArchiveFlagUpdate
- TicketStateUpdate
- TicketOwnerUpdate
- TicketResponsibleUpdate
- TicketPriorityUpdate
- HistoryAdd
- HistoryDelete
- TicketAccountTime
- TicketMerge
- TicketSubscribe
- TicketUnsubscribe
- TicketFlagSet
- TicketCustomerFlagSet
- TicketFlagDelete
- TicketCustomerFlagDelete
- EscalationResponseTimeNotifyBefore
- EscalationUpdateTimeNotifyBefore
- EscalationSolutionTimeNotifyBefore
- EscalationResponseTimeStart
- EscalationUpdateTimeStart
- EscalationSolutionTimeStart
- EscalationResponseTimeStop
- EscalationUpdateTimeStop
- EscalationSolutionTimeStop
- NotificationNewTicket
- NotificationFollowUp
- NotificationLockTimeout
- NotificationOwnerUpdate
- NotificationResponsibleUpdate
- NotificationAddNote
- NotificationMove
- NotificationPendingReminder
- NotificationEscalation
- NotificationEscalationNotifyBefore
- NotificationServiceUpdate
- NotificationSLAUpdate
- WatchlistQueueChangeNotification
- WatchlistAgentArticleNotification
- WatchlistCustomerArticleNotification
- WatchlistOwnerChangeNotification
- WatchlistStateChangeNotification
- WatchlistMoveNotification
- TicketWatcherReminderNotification
- MissingDTTCustomerGroup
Defines the default value for the action parameter.
Default value:
Uses rich text for viewing and editing resources in the administrator interface: articles, salutations, signatures, standard templates, auto responses and notifications.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines the default CSS used in rich text editors.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
font-family:Geneva,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12px;
Enables the enhanced mode for the multi-line editor with more editing features.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines the height for the rich text editor component. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines the URL rich text editor path.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines the width for the rich text editor component. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines an alternate login URL for the administrator interface.
This setting is not active by default.
Default value:
Use modern type of select and autocomplete fields in the administrator interface, where applicable (input fields).
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Defines the list of possible next actions on an error screen, a full path is required, then is possible to add external links if needed.
Default value:
'[% Env(''CGIHandle'') %]?Action=Admin': Go to administrator interface.