Ticket Time Unit Dropdown

For service organizations that must meet strict service level agreements (SLAs), the documentation of time units is fundamental. For this purpose, the standard version of OTRS provides a field without any unit that can be filled in however you wish. However, the correct documentation of the working time with this field requires a company-wide understanding and knowledge of time and billing intervals. Unfortunately, and especially in global companies with several locations, this is not always the case. This can cause working times to be documented incorrectly and be a source of confusion for customers.

The problem can be solved by using this feature. It makes it possible to set time units in a drop-down list like minutes or hours.

It is possible to define the following values:

  • Selectable values

  • Displayed name of value (e.g. hour or minute)

  • Set default value

These definitions allow you to take into account the individual time and billing charge needs of your company. For example, when a quarter of an hour has already started, it could be calculated as a 15-minute interval automatically.

  • Reduction of error ratio when entering time units.

  • Unmistakable definition of intervals and default values reduces documentation time.

Target Groups
  • IT service management

  • Internal IT service

  • Customer service/support

  • Globally active companies

Available in Service Package

Package Name in OTRS Package Manager
  • OTRSTicketTimeUnitDropdown

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