Home Page

Homepage for Logged in User

Homepage for Logged in User

Meta Navigation Bar

The meta navigation bar contains the login link for customer users. It can also contain other custom links depending on the settings made by the system administrator.

Primary Navigation Bar

The primary navigation bar contains a link to the knowledge base and can also contain other custom links depending on the settings made by the system administrator.

Main Section

The main section contains the search field and can be used to display information, such as a welcome message.

Link List

The link list section can be used to create boxes that contain a collection of useful links.

Image Teaser

The image teaser section can be used to show boxes that contain pictures and links.

Content Card

The content card section can be used to show boxes that contain teaser text and links to further information.

Footer Bar

The footer bar section contains a drop-down menu for selecting the language of the external interface.

In the bottom right corner is the chat icon. Clicking on this icon will open the chat function of the external interface.


This picture shows only the original state of the software with example content. The content of your external interface may vary depending on the settings made by the system administrator.

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