The external interface has a new menu item to show appointments. In this screen all appointments are displayed that have the visibility set to External Restricted by an agent.
This screen has three tabs:
- Personal
Appointments that have no linked tickets or the customer user is the assigned customer user of the ticket linked to the appointment.
- Company
Appointments that have linked tickets where the primary or secondary customer of the customer user is the same as the customer of the logged in customer user.
- All
Personal and company appointments.
Each tab has filters to selecting the time range for the displayed appointments. The possible values are Day, Week, Month and Year. Clicking on the Today button will show the appointments for the current day.
You can use the search box to filter the displayed appointments.
Hovering an appointment will give a brief overview about the appointment while clicking on an appointment will lead to the detail view of the appointment.
See also
The field Resource is configurable in the system configuration to be shown or not. It is disabled by default.