Defines the module to display a notification if cloud services are disabled.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Group: admin
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::AgentCloudServicesDisabled
Defines the module to display a notification in the administrator interface, if there are modified system configuration settings that are not deployed yet.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Group: admin
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::SystemConfigurationIsDirtyCheck
Defines the module to display a notification in the administrator interface, if there are invalid system configuration settings deployed.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Group: admin
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::SystemConfigurationInvalidCheck
Defines the module to display a notification in the administrator interface if the system configuration is out of sync.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
AllowedDelayMinutes: '5'
DebugSyncCheck: '0'
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::SystemConfigurationOutOfSyncCheck
Defines the module to display a notification in the administrator interface, if the installation of not verified packages is activated.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::PackageManagerCheckNotVerifiedPackages
Defines the module to display a generic notification in the administrator interface. Either “Text” – if configured – or the contents of “File” will be displayed (must be located under “/var/notifications”). Use “Priority” key to style the notification. If “Link” key is supplied, notification text will be wrapped in an anchor leading to specified address. You can use “Target” key to define a target attribute of the defined link.
This setting is not active by default.
Default value:
File: notify.txt
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::Generic
Priority: Warning
Target: _blank
Text: The OTRS Website
Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the password is about to expire.
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Module: Kernel::WebApp::Util::NotifyModule::Agent::UserLDAPPasswordCheck
Name: LDAPPasswordCheck
Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the agent is available for external chats, but forgot to set preferred channel(s).
This setting can not be deactivated.
Default value:
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::ChatPreferredChannelsCheck
Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface if the OTRS Daemon is not running.
Default value:
Module: Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::DaemonCheck