Customer Users

After installation of the package a new widget named Configuration Item List will be available in the customer user detail view.

Configuration Item List Widget

Configuration Item List Widget

This widget displays the configuration items that are assigned to the customer user.

The assignment is done via attribute Owner by default. If the configuration item uses different attribute for linking, you should change it in the system configuration settings.

See also

See AgentFrontend::CustomerUserDetailView::WidgetType###ConfigItemList system configuration setting for more information.

The default setting is:

  Computer: Owner
  Hardware: Owner
  Location: Owner
  Network: Owner
  Software: Owner
  Computer: Owner
  Hardware: Owner
  Location: Owner
  Network: Owner
  Software: Owner

You also need to have this Owner attribute in the class definition to display the assigned configuration items. Check the existing class definitions in the Configuration Items module.

If your class definition doesn’t contain the Owner attribute, then you have to add it manually.

- Key: Owner
  Name: Owner
  Searchable: 1
    Type: Customer
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