Knowledge Base Article Approval

OTRS has a knowledge base article approval feature. If you activate the approval feature all newly created knowledge base articles also create a new ticket in a predefined queue. The persons who need to approve the knowledge base articles can then act on these tickets and approve the knowledge base articles if they see fit. As long as the article has not been approved the article will not be visible in the external interface.

The approval function can be activated via the FAQ::ApprovalRequired system configuration setting. The following system configuration settings may be useful to set this feature properly:


The approval message can be defined in the FAQ::ApprovalTicketBody setting. You can modify the text if you need, and you can also use OTRS smart tags that will be substituted with their actual values when the approval note is generated. The available OTRS smart tags are listed in the table below.




Category name of the knowledge base article.


Category ID of the knowledge base article.


Language of the knowledge base article.


Item ID of the knowledge base article.


FAQ number of the knowledge base article.


Title of the knowledge base article.


Author name of the knowledge base article.


State (visibility) of the knowledge base article.

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