

List of colors in hexadecimal RGB which will be available for selection during calendar creation. Make sure the colors are dark enough so white text can be overlayed on them.

Default value:

- '#000000'
- '#1E1E1E'
- '#3A3A3A'
- '#545453'
- '#6E6E6E'
- '#878687'
- '#888787'
- '#A09FA0'
- '#B8B8B8'
- '#D0D0D0'
- '#E8E8E8'
- '#891100'
- '#894800'
- '#888501'
- '#458401'
- '#028401'
- '#018448'
- '#008688'
- '#004A88'
- '#001888'
- '#491A88'
- '#891E88'
- '#891648'
- '#FF2101'
- '#FF8802'
- '#FFFA03'
- '#83F902'
- '#05F802'
- '#03F987'
- '#00FDFF'
- '#008CFF'
- '#002EFF'
- '#8931FF'
- '#FF39FF'
- '#FF2987'
- '#FF726E'
- '#FFCE6E'
- '#FFFB6D'
- '#CEFA6E'
- '#68F96E'
- '#68FDFF'
- '#68FBD0'
- '#6ACFFF'
- '#6E76FF'
- '#D278FF'
- '#FF7AFF'
- '#FF7FD3'


OTRS doesn’t support recurring Appointments without end date or number of iterations. During import process, it might happen that ICS file contains such Appointments. Instead, system creates all Appointments in the past, plus Appointments for the next N months (120 months/10 years by default).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:



Appointment calendar event module that prepares notification entries for appointments.

Default value:

Event: (AppointmentCreate|AppointmentUpdate|AppointmentDelete|AppointmentNotification|CalendarCreate|CalendarUpdate)
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::Notification
Transaction: '1'


Marks down the object involved on the event.

Default value:

Event: ''
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::IndexManagement


Appointment calendar event module that updates the ticket with data from ticket appointment.

Default value:

Event: AppointmentUpdate
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::TicketAppointments


Appointment calendar event module that handles calendar push events.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Event: ''
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::CalendarPushEventQueue


Appointment calendar event module that handles calendar appointment push events.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

Event: ''
Module: Kernel::System::Calendar::Event::AppointmentPushEventQueue
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