OTRS supports ticket notifications and appointment notifications. Ticket notifications show events happening on a ticket, for example the change of the owner or the movement into another queue. Appointment notifications show time-based events for calendars. Both notification types are displayed in the notification list.
Notifications can be received via email or SMS, as well as by using the web view with possible browser notification support. If the Web View notification method is selected, then the notification will be shown in the notifications list, and the bell icon at the header area of the agent interface will display the number of new notifications.

Clicking on the bell icon opens a popup where the latest five unread notifications are displayed.

Use the Mark as Read button to mark all notifications as read. Clicking on the Show All button opens the notification list where all notifications are displayed. Clicking on the document icon opens the notification list and shows the notification details. This action also marks the notification as read.
The preferred notification method can be set in the Notification Settings section of the Personalization menu. In the same menu, agents can select their preferred queues. Notifications will display only for tickets that are in the agent’s preferred queues.

The possible methods are Email, Web View with Browser Notification support or SMS.
Notification List
The notification list shows the ticket notifications and appointment notifications.

Selecting a notification opens a widget with the full text of the notification. There is a Show Ticket or Show Appointment button to open the relevant ticket in the ticket detail view or to show the appointment in the calendar.

Notification List Actions
The notification list supports some actions that can be performed on many notifications at the same time. To enable the bulk actions, the agent has to select at least one notification in the list and click on an icon in the breadcrumb bar.
The note icon makes it possible to mark the selected notifications as read. This action works for unread notifications only; there is no way to mark a notification as unread.
The trash icon allows users to delete the selected notifications. Notifications can be also deleted with the trash icon in the last column of the list.
The notifications will be deleted without confirmation.