Hardware and Software Requirements

OTRS can be installed on Linux. To run OTRS on Microsoft Windows is not possible.

To run OTRS, you’ll also need to use a web server as reverse proxy and a database server. Apart from that, you should install Perl and/or install some additional Perl modules on the OTRS machine.

Perl must be installed on the same machine as OTRS. The database back end and the web server may be installed locally or on another host.

For Perl, you will need some additional modules which can be installed either with the Perl shell and CPAN, or via the package manager of your operating system (rpm, yast, apt-get).

OTRS has a console command to check the environment and the missing modules.


The check environment script can be downloaded here as a standalone package: Download otrs.CheckEnvironment.zip

otrs> /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.CheckEnvironment.pl

If some packages are missing, you can get an install command for your operating system, if you run the script with --list option.

otrs> /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.CheckEnvironment.pl --list

If all needed packages are installed, the output of the environment check script shows the installed packages and the version numbers.

Checking for Perl Modules:
  o Archive::Zip.....................ok (v1.68)
  o BSD::Resource....................ok (v1.2911)
  o Compress::LZ4....................ok (v0.25)
  o CryptX...........................ok (v0.078)
  o Date::Format.....................ok (v2.24)
  o DateTime.........................ok (v1.59)
    o DateTime::TimeZone.............ok (v2.60)
  o DBI..............................ok (v1.643)
  o DBD::mysql.......................ok (v4.050)
  o DBD::ODBC........................Not installed! (optional - Required to connect to a MS-SQL database.)
    To install, you can use: 'apt-get install -y libdbd-odbc-perl'.
  o DBD::Oracle......................Not installed! (optional - Required to connect to a Oracle database.)
    To install, you can use: 'cpan DBD::Oracle'.
  o DBD::Pg..........................Not installed! (optional - Required to connect to a PostgreSQL database.)
    To install, you can use: 'apt-get install -y libdbd-pg-perl'.
  o Devel::NYTProf...................Not installed! (optional - Required for web server profiling.)
    To install, you can use: 'apt-get install -y libdevel-nytprof-perl'.
  o Digest::Bcrypt...................ok (v1.212)
  o Email::Address::XS...............ok (v1.05)
  o Encode::HanExtra.................ok (v0.23)
  o EV...............................ok (v4.33)
  o File::Map........................ok (v0.71)
  o IO::Socket::SSL..................ok (v2.083)
  o JSON::XS.........................ok (v4.03)
  o List::MoreUtils..................ok (v0.430)
  o LWP::UserAgent...................ok (v6.55)
  o Mail::IMAPClient.................ok (v3.43)
    o Authen::SASL...................ok (v2.16)
    o Authen::NTLM...................ok (v1.09)
  o Moo..............................ok (v2.005005)
  o Moose............................ok (v2.2206)
  o MooseX::NonMoose.................ok (v0.26)
  o Net::DNS.........................ok (v1.39)
  o Net::LDAP........................ok (v0.68)
  o Net::SMTP........................ok (v3.14)
  o Paws.............................Not installed! (optional - A Perl SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs.)
    To install, you can use: 'cpan Paws'.
  o Cache::Memcached::Fast...........Not installed! (optional - Required when using memcached for caching.)
    To install, you can use: 'cpan Cache::Memcached::Fast'.
  o Redis::Fast......................ok (v0.34)
  o Search::Elasticsearch............ok (v6.81)
  o Search::Elasticsearch::Client::6_0ok (v6.81)
  o Sereal...........................ok (v5.004)
  o Specio...........................ok (v0.48)
  o SQL::Abstract::More..............ok (v1.39)
  o Template.........................ok (v2.28)
  o Template::Stash::XS..............ok (undef)
  o Text::CSV_XS.....................ok (v1.51)
  o Text::Markdown...................ok (v1.000031)
  o Time::Moment.....................ok (v0.44)
  o XML::LibXML......................ok (v2.0134)
  o XML::LibXSLT.....................ok (v2.002001)
  o XML::Parser......................ok (v2.46)
  o YAML::XS.........................ok (v0.86)

Checking for External Programs:
  o GnuPG............................ok
  o npm..............................ok (9.8.0)
    o Node.js........................ok (20.5.1)
    o Python.........................ok (3.11.6)
    o g++............................ok (13.2.0)
  o OpenSSL..........................ok (3.0.10/OpenSSL)

Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements highly depend on the usage of OTRS. OTRS can be used to process a few tickets per month or to process hundreds of tickets per day. The storage requirement also depends on the number of tickets and size of attachments.

We recommend using a machine with:

  • AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Octa core or comparable CPU

  • 64 GB RAM

  • 2 × 1 TB NVMe SSD (Software-RAID 1)

  • Gigabit LAN

Bare metal server or virtual machine is required. Containerized environments are not supported.

Software Requirements

Operating Systems
  • CentOS Stream 9

  • Debian 10, 11 and 12

  • Gentoo

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and 9

  • Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and 24.04

  • Perl 5.16.0 or higher

  • Perl packages listed by /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.CheckEnvironment.pl console command

Web Servers
  • Apache2

  • nginx

  • Any other web server that can be used as a reverse proxy

  • MySQL 5.7 or higher

  • MariaDB 10.2 or higher

  • PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher

Other dependencies
  • Elasticsearch (see versions below)

  • Elasticsearch module analysis-icu

  • Elasticsearch module ingest-attachment (for Elasticsearch 6 and 7, it is included in 8)

  • Search::Elasticsearch

  • Search::Elasticsearch::Client::7_0 or Search::Elasticsearch::Client::8_0 (must have equal Perl package versions)

  • Node.js (see versions below)

  • Python (see versions below)




2024.3.1 – 2024.x.y

7.14.0 – 8.x


3.7.1 – 3.x

2024.1.1 – 2024.2.9

6.5.0 – 6.8.23


7.12.0 – 7.17.x

8.0.29 – 2023.1.1



8.0.1 – 8.0.28

14.15.0 – 14.x

Web browsers
  • Apple Safari version 7 or higher

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox version 32 or higher

  • Any other modern web browser with JavaScript support


OTRS does not support IE-Compatibility Mode.

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