This chapter describes the new features that are available in the administrator interface after installation of the package.
Bidirectional Communication
The modules included in this package provide communication between OTRS and a SAP Solution Manager system (from now on referred to as SolMan in this document), however it is necessary to first setup both systems independently in order make sure that both systems work correctly and then execute all the necessary steps in the SolMan system to request and provide actions trough a non-SAP web service.
With this package (and the necessary customized configuration) OTRS will be able to communicate with an existing SolMan by pretending to be another SolMan system, using the same function names, data structures and value types.
OTRS does not implement the full set of SolMan API. Please refer to the Web Services chapter to check which ones are available in OTRS.
Prior to any attempt to creating an OTRS web service with this package modules is necessary to know how SolMan handle concepts like priorities, states (SAPUserStatus
), article types (TextTypes
), etc. and the values for this concepts in the used instance of SolMan system, as well as in OTRS.
OTRS and the SolMan system should be able to communicate over the network to send and receive SOAP messages between them. Please be sure to open the necessary ports on both servers and any network device between them (like a switch or firewall).
In order to use this package and the contained modules is necessary to create or modify a web service within OTRS. Please refer to the Web Services chapter for more information.
Automatic Creation of Customer Users and Agents in OTRS
Tickets exchanged between OTRS and SolMan also transfer ticket owner and customer user.
If an incoming ticket creation/update contains data of an unknown agent, a new agent will be automatically created in OTRS. The same behavior exists similarly for customer users.
Multiple SolMan Instances
It is possible to connect to multiple SolMan instances from within the same OTRS system. Just use one web service per instance.
The system GUID of each system is stored separately and so is the ticket synchronization state.