OTRS has built-in scripts for backup and restore. Execute the scripts with -h
option for more information.
To create a backup, write permission is needed for otrs
user for the destination directory.
otrs> /opt/otrs/scripts/backup.pl -h
The output of the script:
Backup an OTRS system.
backup.pl -d /data_backup_dir [-c gzip|bzip2] [-r DAYS] [-t fullbackup|nofullbackup|dbonly]
-d - Directory where the backup files should place to.
[-c] - Select the compression method (gzip|bzip2). Default: gzip.
[-r DAYS] - Remove backups which are more than DAYS days old.
[-t] - Specify which data will be saved (fullbackup|nofullbackup|dbonly). Default: fullbackup.
[-h] - Display help for this command.
Using -t fullbackup saves the database and the whole OTRS home directory (except /var/tmp and cache directories).
Using -t nofullbackup saves only the database, /Kernel/Config* and /var directories.
With -t dbonly only the database will be saved.
Config.tar.gz - Backup of /Kernel/Config* configuration files.
Application.tar.gz - Backup of application file system (in case of full backup).
VarDir.tar.gz - Backup of /var directory (in case of no full backup).
DataDir.tar.gz - Backup of article files.
DatabaseBackup.sql.gz - Database dump.
To restore a backup, an empty application database is needed without tables.
otrs> /opt/otrs/scripts/restore.pl -h
The output of the script:
Restore an OTRS system from backup.
restore.pl -b /data_backup/<TIME>/ -d /opt/otrs/
-b - Directory of the backup files.
-d - Target OTRS home directory.
[-h] - Display help for this command.