

Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::Ticket::TicketGet – GenericInterface Ticket Get Operation backend



perform TicketGet Operation. This function is able to return one or more ticket entries in one call.

    my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
        Data => {
            UserLogin            => 'some agent login',                            # UserLogin or CustomerUserLogin or AccessToken is
                                                                                   #   required
            CustomerUserLogin    => 'some customer login',
            AccessToken          => 123,

            Password             => 'some password',                               # if UserLogin or customerUserLogin is sent then
                                                                                   #   Password is required
            TicketID             => '32,33',                                       # required, could be coma separated IDs or an Array
            DynamicFields        => 0,                                             # Optional, 0 as default. Indicate if Dynamic Fields
                                                                                   #     should be included or not on the ticket content.
            Extended             => 1,                                             # Optional, 0 as default
            AllArticles          => 1,                                             # Optional, 0 as default. Set as 1 will include articles
                                                                                   #     for tickets.
            ArticleSenderType    => [ $ArticleSenderType1, $ArticleSenderType2 ],  # Optional, only requested article sender types
            ArticleOrder         => 'DESC',                                        # Optional, DESC,ASC - default is ASC
            ArticleLimit         => 5,                                             # Optional
            Attachments          => 1,                                             # Optional, 0 as default. If it's set with the value 1,
                                                                                   # attachments for articles will be included on ticket data
            GetAttachmentContents = 1                                              # Optional, 1 as default. 0|1,
            HTMLBodyAsAttachment => 1                                              # Optional, If enabled the HTML body version of each article
                                                                                   #    is added to the attachments list

    $Result = {
        Success      => 1,                                # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage => '',                               # In case of an error
        Data         => {
            Ticket => [
                    TicketNumber       => '20101027000001',
                    Title              => 'some title',
                    TicketID           => 123,
                    State              => 'some state',
                    StateID            => 123,
                    StateType          => 'some state type',
                    Priority           => 'some priority',
                    PriorityID         => 123,
                    Lock               => 'lock',
                    LockID             => 123,
                    Queue              => 'some queue',
                    QueueID            => 123,
                    CustomerID         => 'customer_id_123',
                    CustomerUserID     => 'customer_user_id_123',
                    Owner              => 'some_owner_login',
                    OwnerID            => 123,
                    Type               => 'some ticket type',
                    TypeID             => 123,
                    SLA                => 'some sla',
                    SLAID              => 123,
                    Service            => 'some service',
                    ServiceID          => 123,
                    Responsible        => 'some_responsible_login',
                    ResponsibleID      => 123,
                    Age                => 3456,
                    Created            => '2010-10-27 20:15:00'
                    CreateBy           => 123,
                    Changed            => '2010-10-27 20:15:15',
                    ChangeBy           => 123,
                    ArchiveFlag        => 'y',
                    TimeUnit           => 123,

                    # If DynamicFields => 1 was passed, you'll get an entry like this for each dynamic field:
                    DynamicField => [
                            Name  => 'some name',
                            Value => 'some value',

                    # (time stamps of expected escalations)
                    EscalationResponseTime           (unix time stamp of response time escalation)
                    EscalationUpdateTime             (unix time stamp of update time escalation)
                    EscalationSolutionTime           (unix time stamp of solution time escalation)

                    # (general escalation info of nearest escalation type)
                    EscalationDestinationIn          (escalation in e. g. 1h 4m)
                    EscalationDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
                    EscalationDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
                    EscalationTimeWorkingTime        (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
                    EscalationTime                   (seconds total till escalation of nearest escalation time type - response, update or solution time, e. g. "3600")

                    # (detailed escalation info about first response, update and solution time)
                    FirstResponseTimeEscalation      (if true, ticket is escalated)
                    FirstResponseTimeNotification    (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
                    FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
                    FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
                    FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime     (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
                    FirstResponseTime                (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

                    UpdateTimeEscalation             (if true, ticket is escalated)
                    UpdateTimeNotification           (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
                    UpdateTimeDestinationTime        (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
                    UpdateTimeDestinationDate        (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
                    UpdateTimeWorkingTime            (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
                    UpdateTime                       (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

                    SolutionTimeEscalation           (if true, ticket is escalated)
                    SolutionTimeNotification         (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
                    SolutionTimeDestinationTime      (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
                    SolutionTimeDestinationDate      (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
                    SolutionTimeWorkingTime          (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
                    SolutionTime                     (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")

                    # if you use param Extended to get extended ticket attributes
                    FirstResponse                   (timestamp of first response, first contact with customer)
                    FirstResponseInMin              (minutes till first response)
                    FirstResponseDiffInMin          (minutes till or over first response)

                    SolutionInMin                   (minutes till solution time)
                    SolutionDiffInMin               (minutes till or over solution time)

                    FirstLock                       (timestamp of first lock)

                    Article => [

                            # If DynamicFields => 1 was passed, you'll get an entry like this for each dynamic field:
                            DynamicField => [
                                    Name  => 'some name',
                                    Value => 'some value',

                            Attachment => [
                                    Content            => "xxxx",     # actual attachment contents, base64 enconded
                                    ContentAlternative => "",
                                    ContentID          => "",
                                    ContentType        => "application/pdf",
                                    FileID             => 34,
                                    Filename           => "StdAttachment-Test1.pdf",
                                    FilesizeRaw        => 4722,
                                   # . . .
                            #. . .
                    #. . .
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