

Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::Ticket::TicketSearch – GenericInterface Ticket Search Operation backend


has Config

Attribute that holds the operation configuration.


perform TicketSearch Operation. This will return a Ticket ID list.

    my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
        # ticket number (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        TicketNumber => '%123546%',
        TicketNumber => ['%123546%', '%123666%'],

        # ticket title (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        Title => '%SomeText%',
        Title => ['%SomeTest1%', '%SomeTest2%'],

        Queues   => ['system queue', 'other queue'],
        QueueIDs => [1, 42, 512],

        # use also sub queues of Queue|Queues in search
        UseSubQueues => 0,

        # You can use types like normal, ...
        Types   => ['normal', 'change', 'incident'],
        TypeIDs => [3, 4],

        # You can use states like new, open, pending reminder, ...
        States   => ['new', 'open'],
        StateIDs => [3, 4],

        # (Open|Closed) tickets for all closed or open tickets.
        StateType => 'Open',

        # You also can use real state types like new, open, closed,
        # pending reminder, pending auto, removed and merged.
        StateType    => ['open', 'new'],
        StateTypeIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Priorities  => ['1 very low', '2 low', '3 normal'],
        PriorityIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Services   => ['Service A', 'Service B'],
        ServiceIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        SLAs   => ['SLA A', 'SLA B'],
        SLAIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        Locks   => ['unlock'],
        LockIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        OwnerIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        ResponsibleIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        WatchUserIDs => [1, 12, 455, 32]

        # CustomerID (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        CustomerID => '123',
        CustomerID => ['123', 'ABC'],

        # CustomerUserLogin (optional) as STRING as ARRAYREF
        CustomerUserLogin => 'uid123',
        CustomerUserLogin => ['uid123', 'uid777'],

        # create ticket properties (optional)
        CreatedUserIDs     => [1, 12, 455, 32]
        CreatedTypes       => ['normal', 'change', 'incident'],
        CreatedTypeIDs     => [1, 2, 3],
        CreatedPriorities  => ['1 very low', '2 low', '3 normal'],
        CreatedPriorityIDs => [1, 2, 3],
        CreatedStates      => ['new', 'open'],
        CreatedStateIDs    => [3, 4],
        CreatedQueues      => ['system queue', 'other queue'],
        CreatedQueueIDs    => [1, 42, 512],

        # DynamicFields
        #   At least one operator must be specified. Operators will be connected with AND,
        #       values in an operator with OR.
        #   You can also pass more than one argument to an operator: ['value1', 'value2']
        DynamicField_FieldNameX => {
            Empty             => 1,                       # will return dynamic fields without a value
                                                          #     set to 0 to search fields with a value present.
            Equals            => 123,
            Like              => 'value*',                # "equals" operator with wildcard support
            GreaterThan       => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            GreaterThanEquals => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            SmallerThan       => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            SmallerThanEquals => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',

        # article stuff (optional)
        MIMEBase_From    => '',
        MIMEBase_To      => '',
        MIMEBase_Cc      => '',
        MIMEBase_Subject => '%VIRUS 32%',
        MIMEBase_Body    => '%VIRUS 32%',

        # attachment stuff (optional, applies only for ArticleStorageDB)
        AttachmentName => '%anyfile.txt%',

        # use full article text index if configured (optional, default off)
        FullTextIndex => 1,

        # article content search (AND or OR for From, To, Cc, Subject and Body) (optional)
        ContentSearch => 'AND',

        # content conditions for From,To,Cc,Subject,Body
        # Title,CustomerID and CustomerUserLogin (all optional)
        ConditionInline => 1,

        # articles created more than 60 minutes ago (article older than 60 minutes) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # articles created less than 120 minutes ago (article newer than 60 minutes) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # articles with create time after ... (article newer than this date) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # articles with created time before ... (article older than this date) (optional)
        ArticleCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets created more than 60 minutes ago (ticket older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets created less than 120 minutes ago (ticket newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with create time after ... (ticket newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with created time before ... (ticket older than this date) (optional)
        TicketCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # ticket history entries that created more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # ticket history entries that created less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets changed more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketLastChangeTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets changed less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketLastChangeTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with changed time after ... (ticket changed newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketLastChangeTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with changed time before ... (ticket changed older than this date) (optional)
        TicketLastChangeTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # ticket history entry create time after ... (ticket history entries newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # ticket history entry create time before ... (ticket history entries older than this date) (optional)
        TicketChangeTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets closed more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets closed less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with closed time after ... (ticket closed newer than this date) (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with closed time before ... (ticket closed older than this date) (optional)
        TicketCloseTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # tickets with pending time of more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeOlderMinutes => 60,
        # tickets with pending time of less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # tickets with pending time after ... (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with pending time before ... (optional)
        TicketPendingTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # you can use all following escalation options with this four different ways of escalations
        # TicketEscalationTime...
        # TicketEscalationUpdateTime...
        # TicketEscalationResponseTime...
        # TicketEscalationSolutionTime...

        # ticket escalation time of more than 60 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeOlderMinutes => -60,
        # ticket escalation time of less than 120 minutes ago (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeNewerMinutes => -120,

        # tickets with escalation time after ... (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        # tickets with escalation time before ... (optional)
        TicketEscalationTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-09 23:59:59',

        # search in archive (optional, default is not to search in archived tickets)
        SearchInArchive => 'AllTickets',    # 'AllTickets' (normal and archived) or 'ArchivedTickets' (only archived)

        # OrderBy and SortBy (optional)
        OrderBy => 'Down',  # Down|Up
        SortBy  => 'Age',   # Owner|Responsible|CustomerID|State|TicketNumber|Queue|Priority|Age|Type|Lock
                            # Changed|Title|Service|SLA|PendingTime|EscalationTime
                            # EscalationUpdateTime|EscalationResponseTime|EscalationSolutionTime
                            # DynamicField_FieldNameX
                            # TicketFreeTime1-6|TicketFreeKey1-16|TicketFreeText1-16

        # OrderBy and SortBy as ARRAY for sub sorting (optional)
        OrderBy => ['Down', 'Up'],
        SortBy  => ['Priority', 'Age'],

        # result limit
        Limit => 100,

    $Result = {
        Success      => 1,                                # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage => '',                               # In case of an error
        Data         => {
            TicketID => [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],



get search parameters.

    my %GetParam = _GetParams(
        %Params,                          # all ticket parameters


    %GetParam = {
        AllowedParams => 'WithContent', # return not empty parameters for search


get search parameters.

    my %DynamicFieldSearchParameters = _GetDynamicFields(
        %Params,                          # all ticket parameters


    %DynamicFieldSearchParameters = {
        'AllAllowedDF' => 'WithData',   # return not empty parameters for search


get search parameters.

    my %GetParam = _CreateTimeSettings(
        %Params,                          # all ticket parameters


    %GetParam = {
        AllowedTimeSettings => 'WithData',   # return not empty parameters for search


The /_BuildConfig() method will get the operation configuration.

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