Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::Ticket::TicketClone – GenericInterface Ticket TicketClone Operation backend
has Config
Attribute that holds the operation configuration.
has OperationSubType
Attribute that holds the operation sub type.
has Operation
Attribute that holds the operation name.
Perform TicketClone Operation. This will return the TicketID and TicketNumber of the created ticket and the created ArticleID(s). Ticket will be created on the target system, and if timestamps of the tickets and/or articles are sent, it will be possible to recreate them on the cloned
my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
Data => {
UserLogin => 'some agent login', # UserLogin or CustomerUserLogin or AccessToken is
# required
CustomerUserLogin => 'some customer login',
AccessToken => 123,
Password => 'some password', # if UserLogin or CustomerUserLogin is sent then
# Password is required
Ticket => {
Title => 'some ticket title',
TicketNumber => '1234567890123' # if not set, TN will be generated
QueueID => 123, # QueueID or Queue is required
Queue => 'some queue name',
LockID => 123, # optional
Lock => 'some lock name', # optional
TypeID => 123, # optional
Type => 'some type name', # optional
ServiceID => 123, # optional
Service => 'some service name', # optional
SLAID => 123, # optional
SLA => 'some SLA name', # optional
StateID => 123, # StateID or State is required
State => 'some state name',
PriorityID => 123, # PriorityID or Priority is required
Priority => 'some priority name',
OwnerID => 123, # optional
Owner => 'some user login', # optional
ResponsibleID => 123, # optional
Responsible => 'some user login', # optional
CustomerUser => 'some customer user login',
# Created and Changed parameters are used to recreate timestamps of the tickets
Created => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # optional
Changed => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # optional
PendingTime { # optional
Year => 2011,
Month => 12
Day => 03,
Hour => 23,
Minute => 05,
# or
PendingTime {
Diff => 10080, # Pending time in minutes
Article => [
CommunicationChannel => 'Email', # CommunicationChannel or CommunicationChannelID must be provided.
CommunicationChannelID => 1,
IsVisibleForCustomer => 1, # optional
SenderTypeID => 123, # optional
SenderType => 'some sender type name', # optional
AutoResponseType => 'some auto response type', # optional
From => 'some from string', # optional
To => 'some to string', # optional
Cc => 'some cc string', # optional
Bcc => 'some bcc string', # optional
Subject => 'some subject',
Body => 'some body',
ContentType => 'some content type', # ContentType or MimeType and Charset is required
MimeType => 'some mime type',
Charset => 'some charset',
HistoryType => 'some history type', # optional
HistoryComment => 'Some history comment', # optional
TimeUnit => 123, # optional
NoAgentNotify => 1, # optional
ForceNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
# CreateTime and ChangeTime parameters are used to recreate timestamps of the tickets
CreateTime => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # optional
ChangeTime => '2000-01-01 12:34:56', # optional
DynamicField => [ # optional
Name => 'some name',
Value => $Value, # value type depends on the dynamic field
# ...
# or
DynamicField => {
Name => 'some name',
Value => $Value,
Attachment => [
Content => 'content' # base64 encoded
ContentType => 'some content type'
Filename => 'some fine name'
# ...
Attachment => {
Content => 'content'
ContentType => 'some content type'
Filename => 'some fine name'
# or
Article => {
CommunicationChannel => 'Email', # CommunicationChannel or CommunicationChannelID must be provided.
CommunicationChannelID => 1,
IsVisibleForCustomer => 1, # optional
SenderTypeID => 123, # optional
SenderType => 'some sender type name', # optional
AutoResponseType => 'some auto response type', # optional
From => 'some from string', # optional
To => 'some to string', # optional
Cc => 'some cc string', # optional
Bcc => 'some bcc string', # optional
Subject => 'some subject',
Body => 'some body',
ContentType => 'some content type', # ContentType or MimeType and Charset is required
MimeType => 'some mime type',
Charset => 'some charset',
HistoryType => 'some history type', # optional
HistoryComment => 'Some history comment', # optional
TimeUnit => 123, # optional
NoAgentNotify => 1, # optional
ForceNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
# Either the "Article" parameter or an article parameter inside the "Ticket" parameter is required.
Article => {
CommunicationChannel => 'Email', # CommunicationChannel or CommunicationChannelID must be provided.
CommunicationChannelID => 1,
IsVisibleForCustomer => 1, # optional
SenderTypeID => 123, # optional
SenderType => 'some sender type name', # optional
AutoResponseType => 'some auto response type', # optional
From => 'some from string', # optional
To => 'some to string', # optional
Cc => 'some cc string', # optional
Bcc => 'some bcc string', # optional
Subject => 'some subject',
Body => 'some body',
ContentType => 'some content type', # ContentType or MimeType and Charset is required
MimeType => 'some mime type',
Charset => 'some charset',
HistoryType => 'some history type', # optional
HistoryComment => 'Some history comment', # optional
TimeUnit => 123, # optional
NoAgentNotify => 1, # optional
ForceNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [1, 2, 3] # optional
DynamicField => [ # optional
Name => 'some name',
Value => $Value, # value type depends on the dynamic field
# ...
# or
# DynamicField => {
# Name => 'some name',
# Value => $Value,
Attachment => [
Content => 'content' # base64 encoded
ContentType => 'some content type'
Filename => 'some fine name'
# ...
#Attachment => {
# Content => 'content'
# ContentType => 'some content type'
# Filename => 'some fine name'
# Recreate history line on the target system, created by UserID = 1.
HistoryLine => [
Name => 'Some History Name',
HistoryType => 'NewTicket',
CreateTime => '2000-01-01 12:34:56',
ChangeTime => '2000-01-01 12:34:56',
# ...
$Result = {
Success => 1, # 0 or 1
ErrorMessage => '', # in case of error
Data => { # result data payload after Operation
TicketID => 123, # Ticket ID number in OTRS (help desk system)
TicketNumber => 2324454323322 # Ticket Number in OTRS (Help desk system)
ArticleID => 43, # Article ID number in OTRS (help desk system)
ArticleIDs => [43], # If articles were created
Error => { # should not return errors
ErrorCode => 'ErrorCode',
ErrorMessage => 'Error Description',
# If IncludeTicketData is enabled
Ticket => [
TicketNumber => '20101027000001',
Title => 'some title',
TicketID => 123,
State => 'some state',
StateID => 123,
StateType => 'some state type',
Priority => 'some priority',
PriorityID => 123,
Lock => 'lock',
LockID => 123,
Queue => 'some queue',
QueueID => 123,
CustomerID => 'customer_id_123',
CustomerUserID => 'customer_user_id_123',
Owner => 'some_owner_login',
OwnerID => 123,
Type => 'some ticket type',
TypeID => 123,
SLA => 'some sla',
SLAID => 123,
Service => 'some service',
ServiceID => 123,
Responsible => 'some_responsible_login',
ResponsibleID => 123,
Age => 3456,
Created => '2010-10-27 20:15:00'
CreateBy => 123,
Changed => '2010-10-27 20:15:15',
ChangeBy => 123,
ArchiveFlag => 'y',
DynamicField => [
Name => 'some name',
Value => 'some value',
# (time stamps of expected escalations)
EscalationResponseTime (unix time stamp of response time escalation)
EscalationUpdateTime (unix time stamp of update time escalation)
EscalationSolutionTime (unix time stamp of solution time escalation)
# (general escalation info of nearest escalation type)
EscalationDestinationIn (escalation in e. g. 1h 4m)
EscalationDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
EscalationDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
EscalationTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
EscalationTime (seconds total till escalation of nearest escalation time type - response, update or solution time, e. g. "3600")
# (detailed escalation info about first response, update and solution time)
FirstResponseTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
FirstResponseTimeNotification (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
FirstResponseTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
FirstResponseTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
FirstResponseTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
FirstResponseTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")
UpdateTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
UpdateTimeNotification (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
UpdateTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
UpdateTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
UpdateTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
UpdateTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")
SolutionTimeEscalation (if true, ticket is escalated)
SolutionTimeNotification (if true, notify - x% of escalation has reached)
SolutionTimeDestinationTime (date of escalation in unix time, e. g. 72193292)
SolutionTimeDestinationDate (date of escalation, e. g. "2009-02-14 18:00:00")
SolutionTimeWorkingTime (seconds of working/service time till escalation, e. g. "1800")
SolutionTime (seconds total till escalation, e. g. "3600")
Article => [
DynamicField => [
Name => 'some name',
Value => 'some value',
Attachment => [
Content => "xxxx", # actual attachment contents, base64 enconded
ContentAlternative => "",
ContentID => "",
ContentType => "application/pdf",
Filename => "StdAttachment-Test1.pdf",
Filesize => "4.6 KBytes",
FilesizeRaw => 4722,