



Process ticket base class.


has Interface

Attribute that holds the process interface.

has EndpointContext

Attribute that holds the process endpoint context.

has UserID

Attribute that holds the process user id.

has User

Attribute that holds the process user.

has Ticket

Attribute that holds the process ticket.

has ProcessEntity

Attribute that holds the process entity.

has ActivityEntity

Attribute that holds the process activity entity.

has ActivityDialogEntity

Attribute that holds the process activity dialog entity.

has IsMainWindow

Attribute that holds the process main window.

has SkipFields

Attribute that holds the process skip fields.

has ProcessList

Attribute that holds the process list.

has ProcessObject

Attribute that holds the process object.

has Enroll

Attribute that holds the flag if is to enroll the ticket into a process ticket.

has _Form

Attribute that holds the process form.

has _TicketRequiredFields

Attribute that holds the process ticket required fields.

has OriginalData

Attribute that holds all data that was given.

has Errors

Attribute that holds the process errors.

has _DynamicFieldObjects

Attribute that holds all used field objects.


Customization of object construction, do not use it directly.


Returns the validity of the process.


Builds the form schema.


Returns the form values.


Checks if the process is valid.


Merges ticket data with current post data, to ensure ACL checks works. If no ticket data is present, the post data will be returned unmodified.


Initialize the Process State.


Return the process next steps.


Store the process current state.


Normalizes the data.


Updates a ticket property.


Controls whether to auto assign customer ID for unknown customers.


Stores the ticket article.


Sets the dynamic value for the ticket.


Get the list of processes to start and list only active processes by default.


Returns the schema for the process selection form.


Dictionary of process params.


Returns the internal value for the given label, e.g. ID for the priority '3 normal'.


Which fields trigger the form update.

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