

Kernel::WebApp::Util::Role::ProvidesAgentTicketLock – Role that provides helpers to check and lock the ticket.


Check if the ticket is locked.

    my $IsLocked = $Controller->IsTicketLocked(
        TicketID => '...' # (optional) if not given uses the controller param 'TicketID'


Tries to lock the ticket to the current user.

    my $Result = $Controller->TicketLock(
        TicketID       => '...' # (optional) if not given uses the controller param 'TicketID'
        SkipOwnerCheck => '...' # (optional) 1|0 in case the ticket is already locked, do not perform
                                #   the owner check and return success


    # case the lock fails
        Success => 0,
        Error   => 'LockFailed',

    # case the ticket is already locked and can't be locked to
    #   current user
        Success => 0,
        Error   => 'AccessDenied',

    # ticket licked
        Success => 1,
        Data    => {
            PreviousOwnerID => '...' # In case the owner was changed


Returns the ticket id to use, if it was not given as a method parameter, it will get from the controller context ($Controller->param('TicketID')).

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