

Kernel::System::PDF – pdf lib


Functions for generating PDF files.



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $PDFObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::PDF');

Please note that currently you should only create one PDF object per instance of this class.


Create a new PDF Document

These font aliases are available in all methods: Proportional ProportionalBold ProportionalItalic ProportionalBoldItalic Monospaced MonospacedBold MonospacedItalic MonospacedBoldItalic

    $True = $PDFObject->DocumentNew(
        Title     => 'The Document Title',  # Title of PDF Document
        Encode    => 'utf-8',               # Charset of Document
        Testfonts => 1,                     # (optional) default 0


Create a new, blank Page

    $True = $PDFObject->PageBlankNew(
        Width           => 200,          # (optional) default 595 (Din A4) - _ both or nothing
        Height          => 300,          # (optional) default 842 (Din A4) -
        PageOrientation => 'landscape',  # (optional) default normal (normal|landscape)
        MarginTop       => 40,           # (optional) default 0 -
        MarginRight     => 40,           # (optional) default 0  |_ all or nothing
        MarginBottom    => 40,           # (optional) default 0  |
        MarginLeft      => 40,           # (optional) default 0 -
        ShowPageNumber  => 0,            # (optional) default 1


Create a new Page

        Width           => 200,                 # (optional) default 595 (Din A4)
        Height          => 300,                 # (optional) default 842 (Din A4)
        PageOrientation => 'landscape',         # (optional) default normal (normal|landscape)
        MarginTop       => 40,                  # (optional) default 0
        MarginRight     => 40,                  # (optional) default 0
        MarginBottom    => 40,                  # (optional) default 0
        MarginLeft      => 40,                  # (optional) default 0
        ShowPageNumber  => 0,                   # (optional) default 1
        LogoFile        => '/path/to/file.jpg', # (optional) you can use jpg, gif and png-Images
        HeaderRight     => 'Header Right Text', # (optional)
        HeadlineLeft    => 'Headline Text',     # (optional)
        HeadlineRight   => 'Headline Text',     # (optional)
        FooterLeft      => 'Footer Left Text',  # (optional)
        FooterRight     => 'Footer Right Text', # (optional)


Return the PDF as string

    $DocumentString = $PDFObject->DocumentOutput();


Add a table.

In case of missing or misused parameters, undef is returned in scalar context and an empty list is returned in list context.

        $Return{CellData}                # (reference) complete calculated
        $Return{ColumnData}              # (reference) complete calculated

    %Return = $PDFObject->Table(
        CellData            => $CellData,    # 2D arrayref (see example)
        ColumnData          => $ColumnData,  # arrayref (see example)
        RowData             => $RowData,     # arrayref (see example)
        Type                => 'Cut',        # (optional) default ReturnLeftOver (ReturnLeftOver|ReturnLeftOverHard|Cut)
        Width               => 300,          # (optional) default maximal width
        Height              => 400,          # (optional) default minimal height
        Font                => 'Monospaced', # (optional) default Proportional (see DocumentNew())
        FontSize            => 9,            # (optional) default 11
        FontColor           => 'red',        # (optional) default black
        FontColorEven       => 'blue',       # (optional) cell font color for even rows
        FontColorOdd        => 'green',      # (optional) cell font color for odd rows
        Align               => 'right',      # (optional) default left (left|center|right)
        Lead                => 3,            # (optional) default 1
        Padding             => 18,           # (optional) default 3
        PaddingTop          => 10,           # (optional) top cell padding, overides Padding
        PaddingRight        => 30,           # (optional) right cell padding, overides Padding
        PaddingBottom       => 30,           # (optional) bottom cell padding, overides Padding
        PaddingLeft         => 10,           # (optional) left cell padding, overides Padding
        BackgroundColor     => '#101010',    # (optional) default white
        BackgroundColorEven => '#F0F0F0',    # (optional) cell background color for even rows
        BackgroundColorOdd  => '#A0A0A0',    # (optional) cell background color for odd rows
        Border              => 1,            # (optional) default 1 (values between 0 and 20)
        BorderColor         => '#FF0000',    # (optional) default black

    $CellData = [
                Content => "Cell 1 (Row 1, Column 1)",  # (optional)
                Font => 'Monospaced',                   # (optional) (see DocumentNew())
                FontSize => 13,                         # (optional)
                FontColor => '#00FF00',                 # (optional)
                Align => 'center',                      # (optional)
                Lead => 7,                              # (optional)
                BackgroundColor => '#101010',           # (optional)
                Content => "Cell 2 (Row 1, Column 2)",
                Content => "Cell 3 (Row 2, Column 1)",
                Content => "Cell 4 (Row 2, Column 2)",

    $ColumData = [        # this array was automaticly generated, if not given
            Width => 11,  # (optional)
            Width => 44,

    $RowData = [           # this array was automaticly generated, if not given
            Height => 11,  # (optional)
            Height => 44,


Output a text line


    %Return = $PDFObject->Text(
        Text     => 'Text',              # Text
        Width    => 300,                 # (optional) available width of textblock
        Height   => 200,                 # (optional) available height of textblock
        Type     => 'Cut',               # (optional) default ReturnLeftOver (ReturnLeftOver|ReturnLeftOverHard|Cut)
        Font     => 'ProportionalBold',  # (optional) default Proportional  (see DocumentNew())
        FontSize => 15,                  # (optional) default 10
        Color    => '#FF0000',           # (optional) default #000000
        Align    => 'center',            # (optional) default left (left|center|right)
        Lead     => 20,                  # (optional) default 1 distance between lines


Output a image

    $True = $PDFObject->Image(
        File   => '/path/image.gif',  # (gif|jpg|png)
        Type   => 'ReturnFalse'       # (optional) default Reduce (ReturnFalse|Reduce)
        Width  => 300,                # width of image
        Height => 150,                # height of image


Output a horizontal line

    $True = $PDFObject->HLine(
        Width     => 300,           # (optional) default 'end of printable dimension'
        Type      => 'ReturnFalse'  # (optional) default Cut (ReturnFalse|Cut)
        Color     => '#101010',     # (optional) default black
        LineWidth => 1,             # (optional) default 1


Set new position on current page

    $True = $PDFObject->PositionSet(
        Move => 'absolut',  # (optional) default absolut (absolut|relativ)
        X    => 10,         # (optional) (<integer>|left|center|right)
        Y    => 20,         # (optional) (<integer>|top|middle|bottom)


Get position on current page


    %Position = $PDFObject->PositionGet();


Set active dimension

    $Dim = $PDFObject->DimSet(
        Dim => 'printable',  # (optional) default content (content|printable)


Get active dimension (printable or content)

    $Dim = $PDFObject->DimGet();
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