

Kernel::System::Package – to manage application packages/modules


All functions to manage application packages/modules.



create an object

    my $PackageObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Package');


returns a list of repository packages

    my @List = $PackageObject->RepositoryList();

    my @List = $PackageObject->RepositoryList(
        Result => 'short',  # will only return name, version, install_status md5sum, vendor and build commit ID
        instead of the structure


get a package from local repository

    my $Package = $PackageObject->RepositoryGet(
        Name    => 'Application A',
        Version => '1.0',

    my $PackageScalar = $PackageObject->RepositoryGet(
        Name            => 'Application A',
        Version         => '1.0',
        Result          => 'SCALAR',
        DisableWarnings => 1,                 # optional


add a package to local repository

        String    => $FileString,
        FromCloud => 0,             # optional 1 or 0, it indicates if package came from Cloud or not


remove a package from local repository

        Name    => 'Application A',
        Version => '1.0',


install a package

        String    => $FileString,
        Force     => 1,             # optional 1 or 0, for to install package even if validation fails
        FromCloud => 1,             # optional 1 or 0, it indicates if package's origin is Cloud or not


reinstall files of a package

    $PackageObject->PackageReinstall( String => $FileString );


upgrade a package

        String => $FileString,
        Force  => 1,             # optional 1 or 0, for to install package even if validation fails


uninstall a package

    $PackageObject->PackageUninstall( String => $FileString );


returns a list of available online repositories

    my %List = $PackageObject->PackageOnlineRepositories();


returns a list of available on-line packages

    my @List = $PackageObject->PackageOnlineList(
        URL                => '',
        Lang               => 'en',
        Cache              => 0,    # (optional) do not use cached data
        FromCloud          => 1,    # optional 1 or 0, it indicates if a Cloud Service
                                    #  should be used for getting the packages list
        IncludeSameVersion => 1,    # (optional) to also get packages already installed and with the same version


download of an online package and put it into the local repository

        Source => '',
        File   => 'SomePackage-1.0.opm',


check if package (files) is deployed, returns true if it's ok

        Name    => 'Application A',
        Version => '1.0',
        Log     => 1, # Default: 1


returns the info of the latest DeployCheck(), what's not deployed correctly

    my %Hash = $PackageObject->DeployCheckInfo();


check if package is verified by the vendor

        Package   => $Package,
        Structure => \%Structure,


        Package => $Package,
        Name    => 'FAQ',


returns the info of the latest PackageVerify()

    my %Hash = $PackageObject->PackageVerifyInfo();


check if all installed packages are installed by the vendor returns a hash with package names and verification status.

    my %VerificationInfo = $PackageObject->PackageVerifyAll();


    %VerificationInfo = (
        FAQ     => 'verified',
        Support => 'verified',
        MyHack  => 'not_verified',


build an opm package

    my $Package = $PackageObject->PackageBuild(
        Name => {
            Content => 'SomePackageName',
        Version => {
            Content => '1.0',
        Vendor => {
            Content => 'OTRS AG',
        URL => {
            Content => 'L<>',
        License => {
            Content => 'GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, November 2007',
        Description => [
                Lang    => 'en',
                Content => 'english description',
                Lang    => 'de',
                Content => 'german description',
        Filelist = [
                Location   => 'Kernel/System/'
                Permission => '644',
                Content    => $FileInString,
                Location   => 'Kernel/System/'
                Permission => '644',
                Content    => $FileInString,


parse a package

    my %Structure = $PackageObject->PackageParse( String => $FileString );


export files of an package

        String => $FileString,
        Home   => '/path/to/export'


returns true if the package is already installed

        String => $PackageString,    # Attribute String or Name is required
        Name   => $NameOfThePackage,


returns true if the distribution package (located under ) can get installed



generates a MD5 Sum for all files in a given package

    my $MD5Sum = $PackageObject->PackageFileGetMD5Sum(
        Name => 'Package Name',
        Version => 123.0,


    $MD5SumLookup = {
        'Direcoty/File1' => 'f3f30bd59afadf542770d43edb280489'
        'Direcoty/File2' => 'ccb8a0b86adf125a36392e388eb96778'


Compare a framework array with the current framework.

    my %CheckOk = $PackageObject->AnalyzePackageFrameworkRequirements(
        Framework            => $Structure{Framework},  # [ { 'Content' => '4.0.x', 'Minimum' => '4.0.4'} ]
        NoLog                => 1,                      # optional
        IgnoreMinimumMaximum => 1,                      # optional, default 0, only check if the major version matches

    %CheckOK = (
        Success                     => 1,           # 1 || 0
        RequiredFramework           => '5.0.x',
        RequiredFrameworkMinimum    => '5.0.10',
        RequiredFrameworkMaximum    => '5.0.16',


Updates installed packages to their latest version.

    my %Result = $PackageObject->PackageUpgradeAll(
        Force           => 1,     # optional 1 or 0, Upgrades packages even if validation fails.
        SkipDeployCheck => 1,     # optional 1 or 0, If active it does not check file deployment status
                                  #     for already updated packages.

    %Result = (
        Updated => {                # updated packages to the latest on-line repository version
            PackageA => 1,
            PackageB => 1,
            PackageC => 1,
            # ...
        Installed => {              # packages installed as a result of missing dependencies
            PackageD => 1,
            # ...
        AlreadyInstalled {          # packages that are already installed with the latest version
            PackageE => 1,
            # ...
        Undeployed {                # packages not correctly deployed
            PackageK => 1,
            # ...
        Failed => {                 # or {} if no failures
            Cyclic => {             # packages with cyclic dependencies
                PackageF => 1,
                # ...
            NotFound => {           # packages not listed in the on-line repositories
                PackageG => 1,
                # ...
            WrongVersion => {       # packages that requires a mayor version that the available in the on-line repositories
                PackageH => 1,
                # ...
            DependencyFail => {     # packages with dependencies that fail on any of the above reasons
                PackageI => 1,
                # ...


Gets a list of packages and its corresponding install order including is package dependencies. Higher install order means to install first.

    my %Result = $PackageObject->PackageInstallOrderListGet(
        InstalledPackages => \@PakageList,      # as returned from RepositoryList(Result => 'short')
        OnlinePackages    => \@PakageList,      # as returned from PackageOnlineList()

    %Result = (
        InstallOrder => {
            PackageA => 3,
            PackageB => 2,
            PackageC => 1,
            PackageD => 1,
            # ...
        Failed => {                 # or {} if no failures
            Cyclic => {             # packages with cyclic dependencies
                PackageE => 1,
                # ...
            NotFound => {           # packages not listed in the on-line repositories
                PackageF => 1,
                # ...
            WrongVersion => {        # packages that requires a mayor version that the available in the on-line repositories
                PackageG => 1,
                # ...
            DependencyFail => {     # packages with dependencies that fail on any of the above reasons
                PackageH => 1,
                # ...


Removes all Package Upgrade All data from the database.

    my $Success = $PackageObject->PackageUpgradeAllDataDelete();


Check if there is a Package Upgrade All process running by checking the scheduler tasks and the system data.

    my %Result = $PackageObject->PackageUpgradeAllIsRunning();

Returns: %Result = ( IsRunning => 1, # or 0 if it is not running UpgradeStatus => 'Running' # (optional) 'Running' or 'Finished' or 'TimedOut', UpgradeSuccess => 1, # (optional) 1 or 0, );

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