



Organizer item types base class.


has UserID

Attribute that holds the record user id.

has Name

Attribute that holds the item name.

has Label

Attribute that holds the item label.

has Description

Attribute that holds the item description.

has Icon

Attribute that holds the item icon.

has Order

Attribute that holds the item order.

has SystemItem

Attribute that holds the flag indicating if the item is still system item or not.

has SystemItemName

Attribute that holds the name of the system item that this item references to.

has SystemItemDeleted

Attribute that holds the flag indicating if the system item is deleted or not.

has Changeable

Attribute that holds the flag indicating if the item is changeable or not.

has _Config

Attribute that holds the configuration specific for the item type.

has _DefaultConfig

Attribute that holds the default configuration specific for the item type.

has ItemType

Attribute that holds item type registration name.


Indicates if the item type supports config's customization or not.


Returns the item information as a HashRef.

    my $HashRef = $Item->ToHash();

        Name              => '...',
        Label             => '...',
        Description       => '...',
        Icon              => '...',
        Order             => '...',
        SystemItemName    => '...',
        SystemItemDeleted => '...',
        Changeable        => '...',
        ItemType          => '...',


Indicates if the item supports config's customization. This is only true, if both the flags 'Changeable' and 'ItemTypeCustomization' are true.


Returns the item config (always a copy).

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