

Kernel::System::Loader – CSS/JavaScript loader backend


All valid functions.



create an object

    my $LoaderObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Loader');


takes a list of files and returns a filename in the target directory which holds the minified and concatenated content of the files. Uses caching internally.

    my $TargetFilename = $LoaderObject->MinifyFiles(
        List  => [                          # optional,  minify list of files
        Checksum             => '...'       # optional, pass a checksum for the minified file
        Content              => '...'       # optional, pass direct (already minified) content instead of a file list
        Type                 => 'CSS',      # CSS | JavaScript
        TargetDirectory      => $TargetDirectory,
        TargetFilenamePrefix => 'CommonCSS',    # optional, prefix for the target filename


returns the minified contents of a given CSS or JavaScript file. Uses caching internally.

    my $MinifiedCSS = $LoaderObject->GetMinifiedFile(
        Location => $Filename,
        Type     => 'CSS',      # CSS | JavaScript

Warning: this function may cause a die() if there are errors in the file, protect against that with eval().


returns a minified version of the given CSS Code

    my $MinifiedCSS = $LoaderObject->MinifyCSS( Code => $CSS );

Warning: this function may cause a die() if there are errors in the file, protect against that with eval().


returns a minified version of the given JavaScript Code.

    my $MinifiedJS = $LoaderObject->MinifyJavaScript( Code => $JavaScript );

Warning: this function may cause a die() if there are errors in the file, protect against that with eval().

This function internally uses the CPAN module JavaScript::Minifier. As of version 1.05 of that module, there is an issue with regular expressions:

This will cause a die:

    function test(s) { return /\d{1,2}/.test(s); }

A workaround is to enclose the regular expression in parentheses:

    function test(s) { return (/\d{1,2}/).test(s); }


generates the loader cache files for all frontend modules.

    my %GeneratedFiles = $LoaderObject->CacheGenerate();


deletes all the loader cache files.

Returns a list of deleted files.

    my @DeletedFiles = $LoaderObject->CacheDelete();
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