

Kernel::System::HTMLUtils – creating and modifying html strings


A module for creating and modifying html strings.



Don't use the constructor directly, use the ObjectManager instead:

    my $HTMLUtilsObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::HTMLUtils');


convert an HTML string to an ASCII string

    my $Ascii = $HTMLUtilsObject->ToAscii( String => $String );


converts an ASCII string to an HTML string.

    my $HTMLString = $HTMLUtilsObject->ToHTML(
        String                      => $String,
        MaxLines                    => $String,
        WrapLineAfterCharacters     => 0,          # optional, gracefully wrap line after a certain amount of characters if needed (defaults to not active)
        StripEmptyLines             => 0,           # optional, strip empty lines (defaults to not active)
        KeepSimpleSpaces            => 0,           # optional, don't mask subsequent spaces with   (defaults to not active)
        DetectLinks                 => 0,           # optional, call LinkQuote to detect and mark up links


check and e. g. add <html> and <body> tags to given html string

    my $HTMLDocument = $HTMLUtilsObject->DocumentComplete(
        String  => $String,
        Charset => $Charset,


remove html document tags from string

    my $HTMLString = $HTMLUtilsObject->DocumentStrip(
        String  => $String,


perform some sanity checks on HTML content.

 -  Replace <blockquote> by using
    "<div style="border:none;border-left:solid blue 1.5pt;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 4.0pt" type="cite">"
    because of cross mail client and browser compatibility.

 -  If there is no HTML doctype present, inject the HTML5 doctype, because it is compatible with HTML4
    and causes the browsers to render the content in standards mode, which is safer.

    $HTMLBody = $HTMLUtilsObject->DocumentCleanup(
        String => $HTMLBody,
        SkipBlockquote => 1,    # (optional) Do not replace <blockquote> tags. Default undef.


detect links in HTML code, add a href if missing

    my $HTMLWithLinks = $HTMLUtilsObject->LinkQuote(
        String    => $HTMLString,
        Target    => 'TargetName', # content of target="?", e. g. _blank
        TargetAdd => 1,            # add target="_blank" to all existing "<a href"

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLWithLinksRef = $HTMLUtilsObject->LinkQuote(
        String => \$HTMLStringRef,


To remove/strip active html tags/addons (javascript, applets, embeds and objects) from html strings.

    my %Safe = $HTMLUtilsObject->Safety(
        String         => $HTMLString,
        NoApplet       => 1,
        NoObject       => 1,
        NoEmbed        => 1,
        NoSVG          => 1,
        NoImg          => 1,
        NoIntSrcLoad   => 0,
        NoExtSrcLoad   => 1,
        NoJavaScript   => 1,
        ReplacementStr => 'string',          # optional, string to show instead of applet, object, embed, svg and img tags

also string ref is possible

    my %Safe = $HTMLUtilsObject->Safety(
        String       => \$HTMLStringRef,
        NoApplet     => 1,
        NoObject     => 1,
        NoEmbed      => 1,
        NoSVG        => 1,
        NoImg        => 1,
        NoIntSrcLoad => 0,
        NoExtSrcLoad => 1,
        NoJavaScript => 1,


    my %Safe = (
        String  => $HTMLString, # modified html string (scalar or ref)
        Replace => 1,           # info if something got replaced


extracts embedded images with data-URLs from an HTML document.

        DocumentRef    => \$Body,
        AttachmentsRef => \@Attachments,

Returns nothing. If embedded images were found, these will be appended to the attachments list, and the image data URL will be replaced with a cid: URL in the document.

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