

Kernel::System::GenericInterface::DebugLog – log interface for generic interface


All log functions.



create a debug log object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    my $DebugLogObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::GenericInterface::DebugLog');


add a communication bit to database if we don't already have a communication chain, create it

returns 1 on success or undef on error

    my $Success = $DebugLogObject->LogAdd(
        CommunicationID   => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',
        CommunicationType => 'Provider',        # 'Provider' or 'Requester'
        Data              => 'additional data' # optional
        DebugLevel        => 'info',           # 'debug', 'info', 'notice', 'error'
        RemoteIP          => '',    # optional, must be valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
        Summary           => 'description of log entry',
        WebserviceID      => 1,


get communication chain data

    my $LogData = $DebugLogObject->LogGet(
        CommunicationID => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',

    $LogData = {
        CommunicationID   => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',
        CommunicationType => 'Provider',
        Created           => '2011-02-15 16:47:28',
        LogID             => 1,
        RemoteIP          => '', # optional
        WebserviceID      => 1,


get all individual entries for a communication chain

    my $LogData = $DebugLogObject->LogGetWithData(
        CommunicationID => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',

    $LogData = {
        CommunicationID   => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',
        CommunicationType => 'Provider',
        Created           => '2011-02-15 16:47:28',
        LogID             => 1,
        RemoteIP          => '', # optional
        WebserviceID      => 1,
        Data              => [
                Created    => '2011-02-15 17:00:06',
                Data       => 'some logging specific data or structure', # optional
                DebugLevel => 'info',
                Summary    => 'a log bit',


delete a complete communication chain

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DebugLogObject->LogDelete(
        NoErrorIfEmpty  => 1,                                  # optional
        CommunicationID => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9', # optional
        WebserviceID    => 1,                                  # optional
                                                               # exactly one id parameter required


search for log chains based on several criteria when the parameter 'WithData' is set, the complete communication chains will be returned

    my $LogData = $DebugLogObject->LogSearch(
        CommunicationID   => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9', # optional
        CommunicationType => 'Provider',     # optional, 'Provider' or 'Requester'
        CreatedAtOrAfter  => '2011-01-01 00:00:00', # optional
        CreatedAtOrBefore => '2011-12-31 23:59:59', # optional
        Limit             => 1000, # optional, default 100
        RemoteIP          => '', # optional, must be valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
        WebserviceID      => 1, # optional
        WithData          => 0, # optional
        Sort              => 'ASC', # optional. 'ASC' (default) or 'DESC'

    $LogData = [
            CommunicationID   => '6f1ed002ab5595859014ebf0951522d9',
            CommunicationType => 'Provider',
            Created           => '2011-02-15 16:47:28',
            LogID             => 1,
            RemoteIP          => '', # optional
            WebserviceID      => 1,
            Data              => [ # only when 'WithData' is set
                    Created    => '2011-02-15 17:00:06',
                    Data       => 'some logging specific data or structure', # optional
                    DebugLevel => 'info',
                    Summary    => 'a log bit',


removes all log entries (including content) from a given time and before.

returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise

    my $Success = $DebugLogObject->LogCleanup(
        CreatedAtOrBefore => '2011-12-31 23:59:59',
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