

Kernel::System::FetchMail – FetchMail wrapper functions


Functions for email fetch.


create a FetchMail object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    my $FetchMailObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::FetchMail');


Retrieves messages from an email server using fetchmail backend.

    my $Success = $FetchMailObject->Fetch(

        # General Options:
        Check        => 1,                          # Optional, check for messages without fetching
        Silent       => 1,                          # Optional, work silently
        Verbose      => 1,                          # Optional, work noisily (diagnostic output)
        NoSoftBounce => 1,                          # Optional, fetchmail deletes permanently undeliverable messages.
        SoftBounce   => 1,                          # Optional, keep permanently undeliverable messages on server (default).

        # Disposal Options:
        Keep       => 1,                            # Optional, save new messages after retrieval
        NoKeep     => 1,                            # Optional, delete new messages after retrieval
        Flush      => 1,                            # Optional, delete old messages from server
        LimitFlush => 1,                            # Optional, delete oversized messages

        # Protocol and Query Options:
        Protocol       => 'imap',                   # Optional, (auto || pop2 || pop3 || apop || rpop || kpop || sdps
                                                    #   || imap || etrn || odmr) specify retrieval protocol
        UIDL           => 1,                        # Optional, force the use of UIDLs (pop3 only)
        Service        => 123,                      # Optional, TCP service to connect to (can be numeric TCP port)
        Principal      => 'SomePrincipal',          # Optional, mail service principal
        Timeout        => 123,                      # Optional, server nonresponse timeout
        Plugin         => 'SomeCommand',            # Optional, specify external command to open connection
        Plugout        => 'SomeCommand',            # Optional, specify external command to open smtp connection
        Folder         => 'SomeForlder',            # Optional, specify remote folder name
        TracePolls     => 1,                        # Optional, add poll-tracing information to Received header
        SSL            => 1,                        # Optional, enable ssl encrypted session
        SSLCert        => 'SomeCertName',           # Optional, ssl client certificate
        SSLKey         => 'SomeKeyName',            # Optional, ssl private key file
        SSLProto       => 'SSL2',                   # Optional, (SSL2 || SSL3 || TLS1) force ssl protocol
        SSLCertCheck   => 1,                        # Optional, do strict server certificate check (recommended)
        SSLCertFile    => 'SomeCerName',            # Optional, path to trusted-CA ssl certificate file
        SSLCertPath    => 'SomeCertPath',           # Optional, path to trusted-CA ssl certificate directory
        SSLFingerprint => 'SomeFingerprint',        # Optional, fingerprint that must match that of the server's cert.

        # Delivery Control Options:
        SMTPHost     => 'SomeHosts',                # Optional, set SMTP forwarding host
        FetchDomains => 'SomeDomains',              # Optional, fetch mail for specified domains
        SMTPAddress  => 'SomeAddress',              # Optional, set SMTP delivery domain to use
        SMTPName     => '',         # Optional, set SMTP full name username@domain
        AntiSpam     => '123,456',                  # Optional, set antispam response values
        MDA          => 'SomeCommand',              # Optional, set MDA to use for forwarding
        LMTP         => 1,                          # Optional, use LMTP (RFC2033) for delivery
        BSMTP        => 'SomeFile',                 # Optional, set output BSMTP file
        BadHeader    => 'reject',                   # Optional, (reject || accept), specify policy for handling messages with bad headers

        # Resource Limit Control Options
        Limit          => 123,                      # Optional, don't fetch messages over given size
        Warnings       => 123,                      # Optional, interval between warning mail notification
        BatchLimit     => 123,                      # Optional, set batch limit for SMTP connections
        FetchLimit     => 123,                      # Optional, set fetch limit for server connections
        FetchSizeLimit => 123,                      # Optional, set fetch message size limit
        FastUIDL       => 123,                      # Optional, do a binary search for UIDLs
        Expunge        => 123,                      # Optional, set max deletions between expunges

        # Authentication Options:
        Username => 'SomeUserName',                 # Optional, specify user's login on server
        Auth     => 'ssh',                          # Optional, (password || kerberos || ssh || otp) authentication type

        # Miscellaneous Options:
        FetchMailrc => 'SomeFile',                  # Optional, specify alternate run control file
        IDFile      => 'SomeFile',                  # Optional, specify alternate UIDs file
        NoRewrite   =>  1,                          # Optional, don't rewrite header addresses
        Envelope    => 'SomeXHeader',               # Optional, envelope address header
        QVirtual    => 'SomePrefix',                # Optional, prefix to remove from local user id

        # Administrative Options:
        Postmaster  => 'SomeName',                  # Optional, specify recipient of last resort
        NoBouce     => 1,                           # Optional, redirect bounces from user to postmaster.

Returns: $Success = 1, # or false in case of an error

Note: To get more information about the parameters please check fetchmail man pages for the corresponding option

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