Kernel::System::DynamicField – Dynamic field management class.
This class takes care about handling dynamic field definitions or related object instances. It is possible to lookup, list, create, retrieve, update and delete those dynamic field definitions. Apart from handling dynamic field objects or definitions directly, this class contains functions to control the mapping between dynamic fields and other objects, like tickets, articles etc.
- Retrieving dynamic field objects
Dynamic field objects can be retrieved by using the method FieldGet, which either expects a matching id or a name.
If the dynamic field is existing, the method will instantiate and return a driver object, which can be used to handle the related data, for example:
my $FieldObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DynamicField')->FieldGet( ID => 123 ); $FieldObject->ValueSet('My new value'); print $FieldObject->ValueGet( ObjectID => 123 );
- Retrieving multiple dynamic field objects
The field listing methods can be used to search for dynamic fields by filter values. FieldList returns either matching dynamic field id's or id's and their corresponding names for further usage. FieldListGet expects the same parameters as FieldList, but instantiates and returns a set of dynamic field objects instead.
Enclosed an example for a normal field listing and further usage:
my $DynamicFieldManager = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DynamicField'); my $FieldList = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldList( ResultType => 'ARRAY', Filter => { Valid => 1, }, ); for my $FieldID ( @{$FieldList} ) { print $DynamicFieldManager->FieldGet( ID => $FieldID )->ValueGet( ObjectID => 123 ); }
And here an example with the same purpose, but using FieldListGet:
my $DynamicFieldManager = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DynamicField'); my $FieldList = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldListGet( ResultType => 'ARRAY', Filter => { Valid => 1, }, ); for my $Field ( @{$FieldList} ) { print $Field->ValueGet( ObjectID => 123 ); }
- The usage of names and id's vs. the usage of objects
During the calls of methods like FieldAdd, FieldUpdate, FieldDelete etc. it's of course possible to use parameters like ID, Name etc., which still might be practical and feasible, depending on the current situation, but in some cases it might be useful to use already instantiated objects directly. Using objects for method calls is possible for a set of available methods.
Enclosed an example of updating a dynamic field, by manipulating and using a field object:
my $DynamicFieldManager = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DynamicField'); my $Field = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldGet( ID => 123 ); # we're going to update the dynamic field name and related configuration $Field->Name('MyNewName'); $Field->Config({ PossibleValues => [1, 2, 3], Description => 'New description.', }); $DynamicFieldManager->FieldUpdate( Object => $Field );
Re-using the already existing field object for management tasks might be a good way of keeping the code as simple and understandable as possible. The related methods calls the needed values from the given object directly, but it's anytime possible to call those methods with regular parameters as well.
has CacheTTL
Attribute that holds the time to live value for the caching mechanism.
Lookup the id or name for a dynamic field
my $FieldName = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldLookup(
ID => $FieldID,
my $FieldID = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldLookup(
Name => $FieldName,
Get a list of dynamic field id's and names, ordered by the their corresponding field order.
my $FieldList = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldList(
# optional, 'ARRAY' or 'HASH', defaults to 'ARRAY'
ResultType => 'HASH',
# optional, filter by field parameters
Filter => {
# optional, defaults to 1
Valid => 0,
# optional, can be either a string or an array reference of strings
ObjectType => 'Ticket',
ObjectType => ['Ticket', 'Article'],
# optional, can be either a string or an array reference of strings
FieldType => 'Text',
FieldType => ['Text', 'Textarea'],
# optional, only active fields (non 0) will be returned
FieldDisplay => {
DynamicFieldNameOne => 1,
DynamicFieldNameTwo => 2,
DynamicFieldNameThree => 1,
DynamicFieldNameFour => 1,
DynamicFieldNameFive => 0,
Returns either a hash reference:
$List = {
123 => 'DynamicFieldNameOne',
234 => 'DynamicFieldNameTwo',
345 => 'DynamicFieldNameThree',
456 => 'DynamicFieldNameFour',
or an array reference:
$List = [
Get a list of dynamic field objects, ordered by the their corresponding field order. This method accepts the same parameters as FieldList, but returns an either an array reference or a hash reference of instantiated objects.
my $Fields = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldListGet(
# optional, 'ARRAY' or 'HASH', defaults to 'ARRAY'
ResultType => 'HASH',
# optional, filter by field parameters
Filter => {
# optional, defaults to 1
Valid => 0,
# optional, can be either a string or an array reference of strings
ObjectType => 'Ticket',
ObjectType => ['Ticket', 'Article'],
# optional, can be either a string or an array reference of strings
FieldType => 'Text',
FieldType => ['Text', 'Textarea'],
# optional, only active fields (non 0) will be returned
FieldDisplay => {
DynamicFieldNameOne => 1,
DynamicFieldNameTwo => 2,
DynamicFieldNameThree => 1,
DynamicFieldNameFour => 1,
DynamicFieldNameFive => 0,
Returns either a hash reference:
$List = {
123 => FieldObject1(),
234 => FieldObject2(),
345 => FieldObject3(),
456 => FieldObject4(),
or an array reference:
$List = [
Creates a new dynamic field.
my $FieldObject = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldAdd(
InternalField => 0, # optional, 0 or 1, internal fields are protected
Name => 'NameForField', # mandatory
Label => 'a description', # mandatory, label to show
FieldOrder => 123, # mandatory, display order
FieldType => 'Text', # mandatory, selects the DF backend to use for this field
ObjectType => 'Article', # this controls which object the dynamic field links to
# allow only lowercase letters
Config => $ConfigHashRef, # it is stored on YAML format
# to individual articles, otherwise to tickets
Reorder => 1, # or 0, to trigger reorder function, default 1
ValidID => 1,
UserID => 123,
my $FieldObject = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldAdd( Object => $MyCustomFieldObject );
Returns an object of the added dynamic field.
get Dynamic Field attributes
my $FieldObject = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldGet(
ID => 123,
Name => 'MyDynamicField',
Returns an object of the requested dynamic field.
update Dynamic Field content into database
returns 1 on success or undef on error
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldUpdate(
ID => 1234, # mandatory
Name => 'NameForField', # mandatory
Label => 'Description', # mandatory, label to show
FieldOrder => 123, # mandatory, display order
FieldType => 'Text', # mandatory, selects the DF backend to use for this field
ObjectType => 'Article', # this controls which object the dynamic field links to
# allow only lowercase letters
Config => $ConfigHashRef, # it is stored on YAML format
# to individual articles, otherwise to tickets
ValidID => 1,
Reorder => 1, # or 0, to trigger reorder function, default 1
UserID => 123,
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldUpdate(
Object => $MyCustomFieldObject, # Object, e.g. retrieved by C<FieldGet>
Reorder => 1, # or 0, to trigger reorder function, default 1
UserID => 123,
Deletes a dynamic field entry. You need to make sure that all values are deleted before calling this function, otherwise it will fail on DBMS which check referential integrity.
returns 1 if successful or undef otherwise
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldDelete(
ID => 123,
UserID => 123,
Reorder => 1, # or 0, to trigger reorder function, default 1
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldDelete( Object => $MyCustomFieldObject );
Re-calculates the order of all dynamic fields based on a consecutive number list, starting with at 1. This function will remove duplicate order numbers and gaps in the numbering.
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldOrderReset();
Returns 1 or 0.
Checks for duplicate order numbers and gaps in the numbering.
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->FieldOrderCheck();
Returns 0 in case of duplicates or gaps and 1 if the order is clean.
(a) Fetches object ID(s) for given object name(s). (b) Fetches object name(s) for given object ID(s).
NOTE: Only use object mappings for dynamic fields that must support non-integer object IDs, like customer user logins and customer company IDs.
my $ObjectMapping = $DynamicFieldManager->ObjectMappingGet(
ObjectName => $ObjectName, # Name or array ref of names of the object(s) to get the ID(s) for
# Note: either give ObjectName or ObjectID
ObjectID => $ObjectID, # ID or array ref of IDs of the object(s) to get the name(s) for
# Note: either give ObjectName or ObjectID
ObjectType => 'CustomerUser', # Type of object to get mapping for
Returns for parameter ObjectID:
$ObjectMapping = {
ObjectID => ObjectName,
ObjectID => ObjectName,
ObjectID => ObjectName,
# ...
Returns for parameter ObjectName:
$ObjectMapping = {
ObjectName => ObjectID,
ObjectName => ObjectID,
ObjectName => ObjectID,
# ...
Creates an object mapping for the given given object name.
NOTE: Only use object mappings for dynamic fields that must support non-integer object IDs, like customer user logins and customer company IDs.
my $ObjectID = $DynamicFieldManager->ObjectMappingCreate(
ObjectName => 'customer-1', # Name of the object to create the mapping for
ObjectType => 'CustomerUser', # Type of object to create the mapping for
Changes name of given object mapping.
NOTE: Only use object mappings for dynamic fields that must support non-integer object IDs, like customer user logins and customer company IDs.
my $Success = $DynamicFieldManager->ObjectMappingNameChange(
OldObjectName => 'customer-1',
NewObjectName => 'customer-2',
ObjectType => 'CustomerUser', # Type of object to change name for
Returns 1 on success.
has _DynamicFieldObjects
Attribute that holds all instantiated field objects.
has _ValidateID
Dynamic field list with field ID's as keys. It will be used to validate, if given ID parameters are present in the database.
has _ValidateName
Dynamic field list with field names as keys. It will be used to validate, if given Name parameters are present in the database.
Re-order the list of fields.
$Success = $DynamicFieldManager->_FieldReorder(
ID => 123, # mandatory, the field ID that triggers the re-order
Mode => 'Add', # || Update || Delete
FieldOrder => 2, # mandatory, the FieldOrder from the trigger field
$Success = $DynamicFieldManager->_FieldReorder(
ID => 123, # mandatory, the field ID that triggers the re-order
Mode => 'Update', # || Update || Delete
FieldOrder => 2, # mandatory, the FieldOrder from the trigger field
OldFieldOrder => 10, # mandatory for Mode = 'Update', the FieldOrder before the
# update