Kernel::System::DataTypes – Provides data type constraints and subroutines.
This module provides type constraints that may be used for Moose attribute types or also directly in non-Moose code.
The type constraints are defined in Kernel::System::DataTypes::Definition
but should only be used via this module.
A declared type constraint like:
parent => t('Str'),
where => sub { length $_[0] > 0 },
can either be instantiated by it's name via the t() function, after the use statement of this module:
use Kernel::System::DataTypes;
# moose attributes
has 'MyStringAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('StrWithData'),
or to validate values inside non-Moose code:
use Kernel::System::DataTypes;
my $Bool = is_StrWithData($MyStringValue);
All declared types as well as all builtin types are automatically exported and usable via t() or a related validation subroutines with 'is_' as a prefix. For more information about available type methods, please refer to Specio::Constraint::Simple.
For more information about builtin types and declaration of custom types, please refer to Specio.
Boolean and numeric type constraints
String type constraints
Hash / Array type constraints
Validates data to determine booleans. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('Bool'),
my $Result = t('Bool')->value_is_valid(1);
my $Result = is_Bool(1);
Validates data to determine integers. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('Int'),
my $Result = t('Int')->value_is_valid(123);
my $Result = is_Int(123);
Validates data to determine positive integers.
Inherits from parent type: "Int".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('PositiveInt'),
my $Result = t('PositiveInt')->value_is_valid(123);
my $Result = is_PositiveInt(123);
Validates data to determine negative integers.
Inherits from parent type: "Int".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('NegativeInt'),
my $Result = t('NegativeInt')->value_is_valid(-123);
my $Result = is_NegativeInt(-123);
Validates data to determine numbers. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('Num'),
my $Result = t('Num')->value_is_valid(1.23);
my $Result = is_Num(1.23);
Validates data to determine positive numbers.
Inherits from parent type: "Num".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('PositiveNum'),
my $Result = t('PositiveNum')->value_is_valid(1.23);
my $Result = is_PositiveNum(1.23);
Validates data to determine negative numbers.
Inherits from parent type: "Num".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('NegativeNum'),
my $Result = t('NegativeNum')->value_is_valid(-1.23);
my $Result = is_NegativeNum(-1.23);
Validates data to determine strings. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('Str'),
my $Result = t('Str')->value_is_valid('My valid string');
my $Result = is_Str(''); # even empty strings are valid!
Validates data to determine strings with characters.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('StrWithData'),
my $Result = t('StrWithData')->value_is_valid('test');
my $Result = is_StrWithData('test');
Validates data to determine string values with perl package paths.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('PerlPackage'),
my $Result = t('PerlPackage')->value_is_valid('MyPackage');
my $Result = is_PerlPackage('My::Package');
Validates data to determine string values with MD5 hashes.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('MD5'),
my $Result = t('MD5')->value_is_valid('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e');
my $Result = is_MD5('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e');
Validates data to determine string values with SHA1 hashes.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('SHA1'),
my $Result = t('SHA1')->value_is_valid('da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709');
my $Result = is_SHA1('da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709');
Validates data to determine string values with SHA256 hashes.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('SHA256'),
my $Result = t('SHA256')->value_is_valid('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');
my $Result = is_SHA256('e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855');
Validates data to determine UUID values.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('UUID'),
my $Result = t('UUID')->value_is_valid('c945728e-2324-11e8-9b56-9fdee36e124b');
my $Result = is_UUID('CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223');
Validates data to determine IPv4 addresses.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('IPv4'),
my $Result = t('IPv4')->value_is_valid('');
my $Result = is_IPv4('');
Validates data to determine IPv6 addresses.
Inherits from parent type: "Str".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('IPv6'),
my $Result = t('IPv6')->value_is_valid('2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1');
my $Result = is_IPv6('::1');
Validates data to determine hash references. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('HashRef'),
my $Result = t('HashRef')->value_is_valid( { Test => 'My valid hash reference' } );
my $Result = is_HashRef( {} ); # even empty hash references are valid!
Validates data to determine array references. This type belongs to the builtin types. For more information about builtin types, please refer to Specio.
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('ArrayRef'),
my $Result = t('ArrayRef')->value_is_valid( [ 'My', 'valid', 'array', 'reference' ] );
my $Result = is_ArrayRef( [] ); # even empty array references are valid!
Validates data to determine hash references with payload.
Inherits from parent type: "HashRef".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('HashRefWithData'),
my $Result = t('HashRefWithData')->value_is_valid( { a => 1 } );
my $Result = is_HashRefWithData( { test => [1,2,3] } );
Validates data to determine array references with payload.
Inherits from parent type: "ArrayRef".
returns 1 if data matches criteria or undef otherwise
has 'MyAttribute' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => t('ArrayRefWithData'),
my $Result = t('ArrayRefWithData')->value_is_valid( [1, 2, 3] );
my $Result = is_ArrayRefWithData( [ { a => 1 }, { b => 2 } ] );