

Kernel::System::Daemon::DaemonModules::PushEventManager – daemon to handle and prepare push events


This OTRS daemon module retrieves raw push event entries from the database (Kernel::System::PushEvent::Queue), prepares them based on stored subscriptions (Kernel::System::PushEvent::Subscription) and saves them in such prepared formats for regular pushes to the frontend. It also takes care of removing expired subscriptions and push events.


has ConfigObject

Contains an instantiated config object.

has CacheObject

Contains an instantiated cache object.

has DBObject

Contains an instantiated database object.

has PushEventQueueObject

Contains an instantiated push event queue object.

has PushEventSubscriptionObject

Contains an instantiated push event subscription object.

has PushEventUserMessageObject

Contains an instantiated push event user message object.

has NodeID

Contains the current node identifier for the running daemon.

has NodeID

Contains the current node identifier for the running daemon.

has Debug

Controls the debugging mode.

has Test

Controls the test mode.

has SleepPost

Controls the amount of time to sleep after a loop.

has Subscriptions

Attribute that holds a lookup for the current subscriptions (subscription name as a regex object).

has SubscriptionManagerList

Attribute that holds subscription manager list.

has SubscriptionManagerListRefreshTime

Attribute that holds the last subscription manager list refresh time


Create push manager object.


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