Kernel::System::CustomerUser – customer user lib
All customer user functions. E. g. to add and update customer users.
Moose post-constructor method, that is executed right after instantiation
of the object. During the instantiation
of the object, the event handling will be initialized. For the Customer User the backend module must be configured
return customer source list
my %List = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSourceList(
ReadOnly => 0 # optional, 1 returns only RO backends, 0 returns writable, if not passed returns all backends
to search users
# text search
my %List = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearch(
Search => '*some*', # also 'hans+huber' possible
Valid => 1, # (optional) default 1
Limit => 100, # (optional) overrides limit of the config
# username search
my %List = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearch(
UserLogin => '*some*',
Valid => 1, # (optional) default 1
# email search
my %List = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearch(
PostMasterSearch => '',
Valid => 1, # (optional) default 1
# search by CustomerID
my %List = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearch(
CustomerID => 'CustomerID123',
Valid => 1, # (optional) default 1
To find customer user in the system.
The search criteria are logically AND connected. When a list is passed as criteria, the individual members are OR connected. When an undef or a reference to an empty array is passed, then the search criteria is ignored.
Returns either a list, as an arrayref, or a count of found customer user ids. The count of results is returned when the parameter Result = 'COUNT'
is passed.
my $CustomerUserIDsRef = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerSearchDetail(
# all search fields possible which are defined in CustomerUserSearchFields
UserLogin => 'example*', # (optional)
UserFirstname => 'Firstn*', # (optional)
# special parameters
CustomerCompanySearchCustomerIDs => [ '' ], # (optional)
ExcludeUserLogins => [ 'example', 'doejohn' ], # (optional)
# array parameters are used with logical OR operator (all values are possible which
are defined in the config selection hash for the field)
UserCountry => [ 'Austria', 'Germany', ], # (optional)
# DynamicFields
# At least one operator must be specified. Operators will be connected with AND,
# values in an operator with OR.
# You can also pass more than one argument to an operator: ['value1', 'value2']
DynamicField_FieldNameX => {
Equals => 123,
Like => 'value*', # "equals" operator with wildcard support
GreaterThan => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
GreaterThanEquals => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
SmallerThan => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',
SmallerThanEquals => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',
OrderBy => [ 'UserLogin', 'UserCustomerID' ], # (optional)
# ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'
# default: [ 'UserLogin' ]
# (all search fields possible which are defined in CustomerUserSearchFields)
# Additional information for OrderBy:
# The OrderByDirection can be specified for each OrderBy attribute.
# The pairing is made by the array indices.
OrderByDirection => [ 'Down', 'Up' ], # (optional)
# ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'
# (Down | Up) Default: [ 'Down' ]
Result => 'ARRAY' || 'COUNT', # (optional)
# default: ARRAY, returns an array of change ids
# COUNT returns a scalar with the number of found changes
Valid => 1, # (optional)
# default: 1, return only valid customer users
Limit => 100, # (optional)
# ignored if the result type is 'COUNT'
Result: 'ARRAY'
@CustomerUserIDs = ( 1, 2, 3 );
Result: 'COUNT'
$CustomerUserIDs = 10;
Get a list of the defined search fields (optional only the relevant fields for the given source).
my @SeachFields = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserSearchFields(
Source => 'CustomerUser', # optional, but important in the CustomerSearchDetail to get the right database fields
Types => ['Input', 'Selection', 'DynamicField'], # optional
Returns an array of hash references.
@SeachFields = (
Name => 'UserEmail',
Label => 'Email',
Type => 'Input',
DatabaseField => 'mail',
Name => 'UserCountry',
Label => 'Country',
Type => 'Selection',
SelectionsData => {
'Germany' => 'Germany',
'United Kingdom' => 'United Kingdom',
'United States' => 'United States',
DatabaseField => 'country',
Name => 'DynamicField_SkypeAccountName',
Label => '',
Type => 'DynamicField',
DatabaseField => 'SkypeAccountName',
Get a list of the defined fields for the given source.
my @Fields = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserFields(
Source => 'CustomerUser',
Returns an array of hash references.
@Fields = (
Name => 'UserEmail',
Label => 'Email',
Type => 'Input',
DatabaseField => 'mail',
Name => 'UserCountry',
Label => 'Country',
Type => 'Selection',
SelectionsData => {
'Germany' => 'Germany',
'United Kingdom' => 'United Kingdom',
'United States' => 'United States',
DatabaseField => 'country',
Name => 'DynamicField_SkypeAccountName',
Label => '',
Type => 'DynamicField',
DatabaseField => 'SkypeAccountName',
This function collect some field config information from the customer user map.
my %FieldConfig = $CustomerCompanyObject->GetFieldConfig(
FieldName => 'CustomerCompanyName',
Source => 'CustomerCompany', # optional
Returns some field config information:
my %FieldConfig = (
Label => 'Name',
DatabaseField => 'name',
StorageType => 'var',
This function collect the selections for the given field name, if the field has some selections.
my %SelectionsData = $CustomerUserObject->GetFieldSelections(
FieldName => 'UserTitle',
Source => 'CustomerUser', # optional
Returns the selections for the given field name (merged from all sources) or a empty hash:
my %SelectionData = (
'Mr.' => 'Mr.',
'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.',
return a list of with all known unique CustomerIDs of the registered customers users (no SearchTerm), or a filtered list where the CustomerIDs must contain a search term.
my @CustomerIDs = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerIDList(
SearchTerm => 'somecustomer', # optional
Valid => 1, # optional
get customer user name
my $Name = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerName(
UserLogin => 'some-login',
get customer user customer ids
my @CustomerIDs = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerIDs(
User => 'some-login',
get user data (UserLogin, UserFirstname, UserLastname, UserEmail, …)
my %User = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserDataGet(
User => 'franz',
NoSensitive => 1, # not required -> 0|1 (default 0)
# returns data without sensitive information
AvatarFile => 1, # not required -> 0|1 (default 0)
# returns Avatar image content if present
to add new customer users
my $UserLogin = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserAdd(
Source => 'CustomerUser', # CustomerUser source config
UserFirstname => 'Huber',
UserLastname => 'Manfred',
UserCustomerID => 'A124',
UserLogin => 'mhuber',
UserPassword => 'some-pass', # not required
UserEmail => '',
ValidID => 1,
UserID => 123,
to update customer users
Source => 'CustomerUser', # CustomerUser source config
ID => 'mh' # current user login
UserLogin => 'mhuber', # new user login
UserFirstname => 'Huber',
UserLastname => 'Manfred',
UserPassword => 'some-pass', # not required
UserEmail => '',
ValidID => 1,
UserID => 123,
to set customer users passwords
UserLogin => 'some-login',
PW => 'some-new-password',
SetPasswordLastSetTime => 1, # (optional) default 1
generate a random password
my $Password = $CustomerUserObject->GenerateRandomPassword();
my $Password = $CustomerUserObject->GenerateRandomPassword(
Size => 16,
Check if the password is changeable for the current user.
my $PasswordChangeable = $CustomerUserObject->IsPasswordChangeable(
UserLogin => 'some-login',
Return true if the password is changeable and otherwise false.
Collect the current password policy for the given customer user.
my %PasswordPolicyRules = $CustomerUserObject->GetPasswordPolicyRules(
UserLogin => 'customer',
Returns hash ref of the current password policy rules.
%PasswordPolicyRules = {
PasswordMinSize => 8,
PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters => 1,
PasswordNeedDigit => 1,
Check the password history for a new password.
my $Result = $CustomerUserObject->CheckPasswordHistory(
UserLogin => 'tt',
NewPassword => 'test-password',
Returns true if the password is allowed and false, if the password was already used in the last time.
Update the password history for a new password, if needed.
my $Result = $CustomerUserObject->UpdatePasswordHistory(
UserLogin => 'tt',
NewPassword => 'test-password',
Returns true if the password history was updated and false if not.
set customer user preferences
Key => 'UserComment',
Value => 'some comment',
UserID => 'some-login',
get customer user preferences
my %Preferences = $CustomerUserObject->GetPreferences(
UserID => 'some-login',
search in customer user preferences
my %UserList = $CustomerUserObject->SearchPreferences(
Key => 'UserSomeKey',
Value => 'SomeValue', # optional, limit to a certain value/pattern
Limit => 1000, # optional, limit the amount of result entries
Offset => 0, # optional, paginate the results
delete keys from user preferences for customer users
my $Success = $CustomerUserObject->DeletePreferences(
Keys => ['AvatarLocation', 'UserComment', 'UserLastLogin', 'UserLoginFailed'],
UserIDs => ['customer-123', 'customer-456', 'customer-789'],
SkipPushEvent => 1,
generate a random token
my $Token = $CustomerUserObject->TokenGenerate(
UserID => 123,
check password token
my $Valid = $CustomerUserObject->TokenCheck(
Token => $Token,
UserID => 123,
clear cache of customer user data
UserLogin => 'mhuber',
to add a customer user to a customer
my $Success = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserCustomerMemberAdd(
CustomerUserID => 123,
CustomerID => 123,
Active => 1, # optional
UserID => 123,
get related customer IDs of a customer user
my @CustomerIDs = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserCustomerMemberList(
CustomerUserID => 123,
Returns: @CustomerIDs = ( '123', '456', );
get related customer users of a customer ID
my @CustomerUsers = $CustomerUserObject->CustomerUserCustomerMemberList(
CustomerID => 123,
Returns: @CustomerUsers = ( '123', '456', );
get avatar image and store it into cache.
Get user's avatar file content.
my $AvatarFile = $CustomerUserObject->_AvatarFileGet(
FileLocation => $ReturnData{AvatarLocation},
Returns avatar file content:
$AvatarFile = '<binary-content>';
Please note this function will return an empty string in case not avatar file was found.
Deletes the short-lived cache of the method CustomerUserDataGet
User => '...', # User login