

Kernel::System::CommunicationLog::DB – Database interface to Communication Log


Global module to handle all the Database operations for the Communication Log.



Create a Communication Log Database object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    my $CommunicationDBObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::CommunicationLog::DB');


Create a new communication element.

    my $CommunicationID = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationCreate(
        Transport       => '...',
        Direction       => '...',
        Status          => '...',
        AccountType     => '...',
        AccountID       => '...',

Returns the created ID.


Update Communication elements.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationUpdate(
        CommunicationID => '...',
        Status         => '[Successful|Warning|Failed]',

Returns 1 or undef.


List communication entries. If parameters are given, the listing will be filtered, otherwise all available entries will be returned.

    my $CommunicationList = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationList(
        Transport   => 'Email',      # (optional) Log type/transport/module
        Direction   => 'Incoming',   # (optional) 'Incoming' or 'Outgoing'
        Status      => 'Processing', # (optional) 'Successful', 'Processing' or 'Failed'
        Date        => '2017-07-03', # (optional) List communications just from the given date.
        StartDate   => '2017-07-03', # (optional) List communications starting from the given date.
        OlderThan   => '2017-07-03', # (optional) List communications older than the given date.
        Result      => 'ARRAY'       # (optional) Can be ARRAY or AVERAGE. ARRAY returns the results as
                                     #            an array while AVERAGE returns the communication average in seconds.
                                     #            Default: ARRAY
        OrderBy     => 'Down',       # (optional) Down|Up; Default: Down
        SortBy      => 'StartTime',  # (optional) Transport|Direction|Status|StartTime|EndTime|Duration, default: StartTime
        AccountType => 'POP3',       # (optional) The used account type
        AccountID   => 123,          # (optional) The used account id


    $CommunicationList = [
            CommunicationID => 33,
            Transport       => 'Email',
            Direction       => 'Incoming',
            Status          => 'Failed',
            AccountType     => 'IMAPS',
            AccountID       => 1,
            StartTime       => '2017-07-20 08:57:56',
            EndTime         => '2017-07-20 08:57:57',
            Duration        => 1,
            CommunicationID => 34,
            Transport       => 'Email',
            Direction       => 'Outgoing',
            Status          => 'Successful',
            AccountType     => 'DoNotSendEmail',
            AccountID       => undef,
            StartTime       => '2017-07-20 08:58:43',
            EndTime         => '2017-07-20 08:58:49'
            Duration        => 6,


Deletes a Communication entry if specified. Otherwise deletes all communications.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationDelete(
        CommunicationID => 1,            # (optional) Communication ID
        Status          => 'Processing', # (optional) 'Successful', 'Processing' or 'Failed'
                                         # for example, using '!Processing', means different from
        Date            => '2017-07-03', # (optional) Delete communications just from the given date.
        OlderThan       => '2017-07-03', # (optional) Delete communications older than the given date.


    C<undef> - in case of error
    1        - in case of success


Get a communication entry data.

    my $CommunicationData = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationGet(
        CommunicationID => 123, # Required


    $CommunicationData = {
        CommunicationID => 123,
        Transport       => 'Email',
        Direction       => 'Incoming',
        Status          => 'Processing',
        StartTime       => '2017-05-31 09:26:20',
        EndTime         => '2017-05-31 09:30:15',
        Duration        => 235,


Get relative link information if AccountType and AccountID are present.

    my $ParamString = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationAccountLinkGet();

Returns something like this:

    $ParamString = "Action=AdminMailAccount;Subaction=Update;ID=2";


Get related account label if AccountType and AccountID are present.

    my $AccountLabel = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationAccountLabelGet();

Returns something like this:

    $AccountLabel = " / Alice (IMAPS)";


Creates the logging for a specific communication object.

    my $ObjectLogID = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogCreate(
        CommunicationID => 123,          # (required) The CommunicationID of the related ongoing communication.
        ObjectLogType   => 'Connection', # (required) Must be 'Connection' or 'Message'.
        Status          => 'Processing', # (optional) Needs to be either 'Successful', 'Processing' or 'Failed'


Stop the logging for a specific communication object.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogUpdate(
        CommunicationID => 123,             # (required) The CommunicationID of the related ongoing communication.
        ObjectLogID     => 234,             # (required) The ObjectLogID to be used
        ObjectLogType   => 'Connection',    # (required) Must be 'Connection' or 'Message'.
        Status          => 'Processing',    # (optional) Needs to be either 'Successful', 'Processing' or 'Failed'


Get the object list for a specific communication.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogList(
        CommunicationID    => '123',         # (optional)
        ObjectLogID        => '123',         # (optional)
        ObjectLogType      => 'Connection',  # (optional)
        StartDate          => '2017-07-03',  # (optional) List communications starting from the given date.
        ObjectLogStartTime => '2017-07-03',  # (optional)
        ObjectLogEndTime   => '2017-07-03',  # (optional)
        ObjectLogStatus    => 'Successful',  # (optional)
        OrderBy            => 'Down',        # (optional) Down|Up; Default: Down
        SortBy             => 'ID',          # (optional) ID|CommunicationID|ObjectLogType|StartTime|EndTime|Status|Duration, default: ID


    $Result = [
            ObjectLogID        => '19',
            CommunicationID    => '11',
            ObjectLogStatus    => 'Successful',
            ObjectLogType      => 'Connection',
            ObjectLogStartTime => '2017-07-20 10:50:22',
            ObjectLogEndTime   => '2017-07-20 10:50:22',
            ObjectLogDuration  => '0',
            ObjectLogID        => '18',
            CommunicationID    => '11',
            ObjectLogType      => 'Message',
            ObjectLogStatus    => 'Successful',
            ObjectLogStartTime => '2017-07-20 10:50:21',
            ObjectLogEndTime   => '2017-07-20 10:50:22',
            ObjectLogDuration  => '1',


Delete the logging.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogDelete(
        CommunicationID => '...',    # optional
        ObjectLogID     => '...',    # optional
        ObjectLogStatus => '...',    # optional


Returns the Communication Log Object by ID

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogGet(
        CommunicationID  => '...',
        ObjectLogID      => '...',

    Returns something like:

    $Result = {
        ObjectLogID        => '18',
        CommunicationID    => '11',
        ObjectLogType      => 'Message',
        ObjectLogStatus    => 'Successful',
        ObjectLogStartTime => '2017-07-20 10:50:21',
        ObjectLogEndTime   => '2017-07-20 10:50:22',
        ObjectLogDuration  => '1',


Create a log entry for the specific communication object.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogEntryCreate(
        ObjectLogID => '...', # required
        Key         => '...', # required
        Value       => '...', # required
        Priority    => '...', # required

    Returns 1 on success.


Get the logging list for a specific communication.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLogEntryList(
        CommunicationID     => '...',
        ObjectLogID         => '...',   # optional
        ObjectLogType       => '...',   # optional
        ObjectLogStartTime  => '...',   # optional
        ObjectLogEndTime    => '...',   # optional
        ObjectLogStatus     => '...',   # optional
        LogID               => '...',   # optional
        LogKey              => '...',   # optional
        LogValue            => '...',   # optional
        LogPriority         => '...',   # optional
        LogCreateTime       => '...',   # optional
        OrderBy             => 'Down',  # (optional) Down|Up; Default: Down
        SortBy              => 'LogID',    # (optional) ObjectLogID|ObjectLogType|ObjectStartTime|ObjectEndTime|ObjectStatus|LogID|LogKey|LogPriority|LogCreateTime; Default: LogID


Method specifically created for optimization purposes for the Support Data Collector. Joins the Communication Log Object and Communications.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->GetConnectionsObjectsAndCommunications(
        ObjectLogStartDate => '...',    # Required
        Status             => '...',    # Optional

Returns Arrayref of Hashes.

    $Result = [
            CommunicationID => '...',
            ObjectLogStatus => '...',
            AccountType     => '...',
            AccountID       => '...',


Inserts or updates a lookup information.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLookupSet(
        ObjectLogID      => '123',     # (required)
        TargetObjectType => 'Article', # (required)
        TargetObjectID   => '123',     # (required)


    1 in case of success, <undef> in case of errors


Get a list of the objects lookup information.

    my $List = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLookupSearch(
        ObjectLogID      => '123',     # (optional)
        ObjectLogType    => 'Message', # (optional)
        TargetObjectType => 'Article', # (optional)
        TargetObjectID   => '123',     # (optional)
        CommunicationID  => '123',     # (optional)


    <undef> - if any error occur
    An arrayref of object lookup - in case of success
    $List = [
            ObjectLogID      => '...',
            TargetObjectType => '...',
            TargetObjectID   => '...',


Gets the object lookup information.

    my $Result = $CommunicationDBObject->ObjectLookupGet(
        ObjectLogID      => '123',         # (optional)
        TargetObjectID   => '123',         # (optional)
        TargetObjectType => '123',         # (optional)


    $Result = {
        CommunicationID  => '...',
        ObjectLogID      => '...',
        TargetObjectType => '...',
        TargetObjectID   => '...',

    <undef> - if any error occur
    An hashref with object lookup information - in case info exists
    An empty hasref                           - in case info doesn't exists


Get a communication entry data by a communication object id.

    my %CommunicationData = $CommunicationDBObject->CommunicationGetByObjectLogID(
        ObjectLogID => 123,


    %CommunicationData = (
        CommunicationID => 123,
        Transport       => 'Email',
        Direction       => 'Incoming',
        Status          => 'Processing',
        AccountType     => '...',
        AccountID       => '...',
        StartTime       => '2017-05-31 09:26:20',
        EndTime         => '2017-05-31 09:30:15',


Lookup for the transport module.


    undef  - case not found
    module - case found


Helper Method for logging.


Check if the given direction is valid.

    my $Result = $LogModuleObject->_IsValidDirection(
        Direction => '...',


Check if the given Object Log Type is valid.

    my $Result = $LogModuleObject->_IsValidObjectLogType(
        ObjectLogType => '...',


Check if the given status is valid.

    my $Result = $LogModuleObject->_IsValidStatus(
        Status => '...',


Return the SQL expression to get the difference between two dates in seconds.

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