

Kernel::System::Calendar::Appointment – calendar appointment lib


All appointment functions.



create an object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
    local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
    my $AppointmentObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::Calendar::Appointment');


creates a new appointment.

    my $AppointmentID = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentCreate(
        ParentID              => 1,                                       # (optional) valid ParentID for recurring appointments
        CalendarID            => 1,                                       # (required) valid CalendarID
        UniqueID              => 'jwioji-fwjio',                          # (optional) provide desired UniqueID; if there is already existing Appointment
                                                                          #            with same UniqueID, system will delete it
        Title                 => 'Webinar',                               # (required) Title
        Description           => 'How to use Process tickets...',         # (optional) Description
        Location              => 'Straubing',                             # (optional) Location
        StartTime             => '2016-01-01 16:00:00',                   # (required)
        EndTime               => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',                   # (required)
        AllDay                => 0,                                       # (optional) default 0
        TeamID                => [ 1 ],                                   # (optional) must be an array reference if supplied
        ResourceID            => [ 1, 3 ],                                # (optional) must be an array reference if supplied
        Recurring             => 1,                                       # (optional) flag the appointment as recurring (parent only!)
        RecurringRaw          => 1,                                       # (optional) skip loop for recurring appointments (do not create occurrences!)
        RecurrenceType        => 'Daily',                                 # (required if Recurring) Possible "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly",
                                                                          #           "CustomWeekly", "CustomMonthly", "CustomYearly"

        RecurrenceFrequency   => [1, 3, 5],                               # (required if Custom Recurring) Recurrence pattern
                                                                          #           for CustomWeekly: 1-Mon, 2-Tue,..., 7-Sun
                                                                          #           for CustomMonthly: 1-1st, 2-2nd,.., 31th
                                                                          #           for CustomYearly: 1-Jan, 2-Feb,..., 12-Dec
                                                                          # ...
        RecurrenceCount       => 1,                                       # (optional) How many Appointments to create
        RecurrenceInterval    => 2,                                       # (optional) Repeating interval (default 1)
        RecurrenceUntil       => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Until date
        RecurrenceID          => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Expected start time for this occurrence
        RecurrenceExclude     => [                                        # (optional) Which specific occurrences to exclude
            '2016-01-10 00:00:00',
            '2016-01-11 00:00:00',
        NotificationTime      => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',                   # (optional) Point of time to execute the notification event
        NotificationTemplate  => 'Custom',                                # (optional) Template to be used for notification point of time
        NotificationCustom    => 'relative',                              # (optional) Type of the custom template notification point of time
                                                                          #            Possible "relative", "datetime"
        NotificationCustomRelativeUnitCount   => '12',                    # (optional) minutes, hours or days count for custom template
        NotificationCustomRelativeUnit        => 'minutes',               # (optional) minutes, hours or days unit for custom template
        NotificationCustomRelativePointOfTime => 'beforestart',           # (optional) Point of execute for custom templates
                                                                          #            Possible "beforestart", "afterstart", "beforeend", "afterend"
        NotificationCustomDateTime => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',              # (optional) Notification date time for custom template
        TicketAppointmentRuleID    => '9bb20ea035e7a9930652a9d82d00c725', # (optional) Ticket appointment rule ID (for ticket appointments only!)
        UserID                     => 1,                                  # (required) UserID
        Visibility                 => 'Internal'                          # (optional) default 'Internal' (other values: External | ExternalRestricted | Public)

returns parent AppointmentID if successful

Events: AppointmentCreate


get a hash of Appointments.

    my @Appointments = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentList(
        CalendarID          => 1,                                       # (required) Valid CalendarID
        Title               => '*',                                     # (optional) Filter by title, wildcard supported
        Description         => '*',                                     # (optional) Filter by description, wildcard supported
        Location            => '*',                                     # (optional) Filter by location, wildcard supported
        StartTime           => '2016-01-01 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Filter by start date
        EndTime             => '2016-02-01 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Filter by end date
        TeamID              => 1,                                       # (optional) Filter by team
        ResourceID          => 2,                                       # (optional) Filter by resource
        DynamicFields       => 0|1,                                     # (optional, default 0) include dynamic field data as well
        Result              => 'HASH',                                  # (optional), HASH|ARRAY
        Visibility          => '...' | [...]                            # (optional) Filter by visibility, multiple values supported

returns an array of hashes with select Appointment data or simple array of AppointmentIDs:

Result => 'HASH':

    @Appointments = [
            AppointmentID => 1,
            CalendarID    => 1,
            UniqueID      => '20160101T160000-71E386@localhost',
            Title         => 'Webinar',
            Description   => 'How to use Process tickets...',
            Location      => 'Straubing',
            StartTime     => '2016-01-01 16:00:00',
            EndTime       => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',
            AllDay        => 0,
            Recurring     => 1,                                           # for recurring (parent) appointments only
            AppointmentID => 2,
            ParentID      => 1,                                           # for recurred (child) appointments only
            CalendarID    => 1,
            UniqueID      => '20160101T180000-A78B57@localhost',
            Title         => 'Webinar',
            Description   => 'How to use Process tickets...',
            Location      => 'Straubing',
            StartTime     => '2016-01-02 16:00:00',
            EndTime       => '2016-01-02 17:00:00',
            TeamID        => [ 1 ],
            ResourceID    => [ 1, 3 ],
            AllDay        => 0,
            AppointmentID                         => 3,
            CalendarID                            => 1,
            UniqueID                              => '20160101T180000-A78B57@localhost',
            Title                                 => 'Webinar',
            Description                           => 'How to use Process tickets...',
            Location                              => 'Straubing',
            StartTime                             => '2016-01-02 16:00:00',
            EndTime                               => '2016-01-02 17:00:00',
            TimezoneID                            => 1,
            TeamID                                => [ 1 ],
            ResourceID                            => [ 1, 3 ],
            NotificationDate                      => '2016-01-02 16:10:00',
            NotificationTemplate                  => 'Custom',
            NotificationCustom                    => 'relative',
            NotificationCustomRelativeUnitCount   => '10',
            NotificationCustomRelativeUnit        => 'minutes',
            NotificationCustomRelativePointOfTime => 'afterstart',
            NotificationCustomDateTime            => '2016-01-02 16:00:00',
            TicketAppointmentRuleID               => '9bb20ea035e7a9930652a9d82d00c725',    # for ticket appointments only!,
            Visibility                            => 'Internal',

Result => 'ARRAY':

    @Appointments = [ 1, 2, ... ]


get a hash of days with Appointments in all user calendars.

    my %AppointmentDays = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentDays(
        StartTime           => '2016-01-01 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Filter by start date
        EndTime             => '2016-02-01 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Filter by end date
        UserID              => 1,                                       # (required) Valid UserID

returns a hash with days as keys and number of Appointments as values:

    %AppointmentDays = {
        '2016-01-01' => 1,
        '2016-01-13' => 2,
        '2016-01-30' => 1,


Get appointment data.

    my %Appointment = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentGet(
        AppointmentID => 1,                                  # (required)
                                                             # or
        UniqueID      => '20160101T160000-71E386@localhost', # (required) will return only parent for recurring appointments
        CalendarID    => 1,                                  # (required)
        DynamicFields => 0|1,                                # (optional, default 0) include dynamic field data as well

Returns a hash:

    %Appointment = (
        AppointmentID       => 2,
        ParentID            => 1,                                  # only for recurred (child) appointments
        CalendarID          => 1,
        UniqueID            => '20160101T160000-71E386@localhost',
        Title               => 'Webinar',
        Description         => 'How to use Process tickets...',
        Location            => 'Straubing',
        StartTime           => '2016-01-01 16:00:00',
        EndTime             => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',
        AllDay              => 0,
        TeamID              => [ 1 ],
        ResourceID          => [ 1, 3 ],
        Recurring           => 1,
        RecurrenceType      => 'Daily',
        RecurrenceFrequency => 1,
        RecurrenceCount     => 1,
        RecurrenceInterval  => 2,
        RecurrenceUntil     => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',
        RecurrenceID        => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',
        RecurrenceExclude   => [
            '2016-01-10 00:00:00',
            '2016-01-11 00:00:00',
        NotificationTime                  => '2016-01-01 17:0:00',
        NotificationTemplate              => 'Custom',
        NotificationCustomUnitCount       => '12',
        NotificationCustomUnit            => 'minutes',
        NotificationCustomUnitPointOfTime => 'beforestart',

        TicketAppointmentRuleID => '9bb20ea035e7a9930652a9d82d00c725',  # for ticket appointments only!
        CreateTime              => '2016-01-01 00:00:00',
        CreateBy                => 2,
        ChangeTime              => '2016-01-01 00:00:00',
        ChangeBy                => 2,
        Visibility              => 'Internal',


updates an existing appointment.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentUpdate(
        AppointmentID         => 2,                                       # (required)
        CalendarID            => 1,                                       # (required) Valid CalendarID
        Title                 => 'Webinar',                               # (required) Title
        Description           => 'How to use Process tickets...',         # (optional) Description
        Location              => 'Straubing',                             # (optional) Location
        StartTime             => '2016-01-01 16:00:00',                   # (required)
        EndTime               => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',                   # (required)
        AllDay                => 0,                                       # (optional) Default 0
        TeamID                => 1,                                       # (optional)
        ResourceID            => [ 1, 3 ],                                # (optional) must be an array reference if supplied
        Recurring             => 1,                                       # (optional) flag the appointment as recurring (parent only!)

        RecurrenceType        => 'Daily',                                 # (required if Recurring) Possible "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", "Yearly",
                                                                          #           "CustomWeekly", "CustomMonthly", "CustomYearly"

        RecurrenceFrequency   => 1,                                       # (required if Custom Recurring) Recurrence pattern
                                                                          #           for CustomWeekly: 1-Mon, 2-Tue,..., 7-Sun
                                                                          #           for CustomMonthly: 1-Jan, 2-Feb,..., 12-Dec
                                                                          # ...
        RecurrenceCount       => 1,                                       # (optional) How many Appointments to create
        RecurrenceInterval    => 2,                                       # (optional) Repeating interval (default 1)
        RecurrenceUntil       => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',                   # (optional) Until date
        NotificationTime      => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',                   # (optional) Point of time to execute the notification event
        NotificationTemplate  => 'Custom',                                # (optional) Template to be used for notification point of time
        NotificationCustom    => 'relative',                              # (optional) Type of the custom template notification point of time
                                                                          #            Possible "relative", "datetime"
        NotificationCustomRelativeUnitCount   => '12',                    # (optional) minutes, hours or days count for custom template
        NotificationCustomRelativeUnit        => 'minutes',               # (optional) minutes, hours or days unit for custom template
        NotificationCustomRelativePointOfTime => 'beforestart',           # (optional) Point of execute for custom templates
                                                                          #            Possible "beforestart", "afterstart", "beforeend", "afterend"
        NotificationCustomDateTime => '2016-01-01 17:00:00',              # (optional) Notification date time for custom template
        TicketAppointmentRuleID    => '9bb20ea035e7a9930652a9d82d00c725', # (optional) Ticket appointment rule ID (for ticket appointments only!)
        UserID                     => 1,                                  # (required) UserID
        Visibility                 => 'Internal'                          # (optional) default 'Internal' (other values: External | ExternalRestricted | Public)

returns 1 if successful: $Success = 1;

Events: AppointmentUpdate


deletes an existing appointment.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentDelete(
        AppointmentID   => 1,                              # (required)
        UserID          => 1,                              # (required)

returns 1 if successful: $Success = 1;

Events: AppointmentDelete


deletes a single recurring appointment occurrence.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentDeleteOccurrence(
        UniqueID     => '20160101T160000-71E386@localhost',    # (required)
        RecurrenceID => '2016-01-10 00:00:00',                 # (required)
        UserID       => 1,                                     # (required)

returns 1 if successful: $Success = 1;


Returns UniqueID containing appointment start time, random hash and system FQDN.

    my $UniqueID = $AppointmentObject->GetUniqueID(
        CalendarID => 1,                        # (required)
        StartTime  => '2016-01-01 00:00:00',    # (required)
        UserID     => 1,                        # (required)

    $UniqueID = '20160101T000000-B9909D@localhost';


Get appointment data for upcoming appointment start or end.

    my @UpcomingAppointments = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentUpcomingGet(
        Timestamp => '2016-08-02 03:59:00', # get appointments for the related notification timestamp

Returns appointment data of AppointmentGet().


Delete all calendar appointment future tasks.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentFutureTasksDelete();


    True if future task deletion was successful, otherwise false.


Update OTRS daemon future task list for upcoming appointments.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentFutureTasksUpdate();


    True if future task update was successful, otherwise false.


Prepare appointment notification data.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->_AppointmentNotificationPrepare();


    True if preparation was successful, otherwise false.


Will be triggered by the OTRS daemon to fire events for appointments, that reaches it's reminder (notification) time.

    my $Success = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentNotification();


    True if notify action was successful, otherwise false.


Search for appointments in the system.

    my @AppointmentIDs = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentSearch(
        # Result (required)
        Result => 'ARRAY' || 'COUNT',

        # Result limit
        Limit => 10000,

        # Use AppointmentSearch as a appointment filter on a single appointment
        # or a predefined appointment list
        AppointmentID => 1234,
        AppointmentID => [1234, 1235],

        # Appointment title (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        Title => '%SomeText%',
        Title => ['%SomeTest1%', '%SomeTest2%'],

        # Appointment location (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        Location => '%SomeText%',
        Location => ['%SomeTest1%', '%SomeTest2%'],

        # Appointment description (optional) as STRING or as ARRAYREF
        Description => '%SomeText%',
        Description => ['%SomeTest1%', '%SomeTest2%'],

        # Appointment calendars
        CalendarIDs => [1, 2, 3],
        Calendars   => ['CalendarA', 'CalendarB'],

        # Appointment teams
        TeamIDs => [1, 2, 3],
        Teams   => ['TeamA', 'TeamB'],

        # Appointment resources
        ResourceIDs => [1, 2, 3],

        # AllDay appointments
        AllDay => 1,

        # Appointments created more than 60 minutes ago (appointment older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
        AppointmentCreateTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

        # Appointments created less than 120 minutes ago (appointment newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
        AppointmentCreateTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # Appointments with create time after ... (appointment newer than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentCreateTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

        # Appointments with created time before ... (appointment older than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentCreateTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # Appointments started more than 60 minutes ago (appointment start time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
        AppointmentStartTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

        # Appointments started less than 120 minutes ago (appointment start time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
        AppointmentStartTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # Appointments with start time after ... (appointment start time newer than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentStartTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

        # Appointments with start time before ... (appointment start time older than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentStartTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # Appointments ended more than 60 minutes ago (appointment end time older than 60 minutes)  (optional)
        AppointmentEndTimeOlderMinutes => 60,

        # Appointments ended less than 120 minutes ago (appointment end time newer than 120 minutes) (optional)
        AppointmentEndTimeNewerMinutes => 120,

        # Appointments with end time after ... (appointment end time newer than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentEndTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',

        # Appointments with end time before ... (appointment end time older than this date) (optional)
        AppointmentEndTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # Appointments which are inside the given period. Both values must be given for this filter. (optional)
        AppointmentPeriodTimeNewerDate => '2006-01-09 00:00:01',
        AppointmentPeriodTimeOlderDate => '2006-01-19 23:59:59',

        # DynamicFields
        #   At least one operator must be specified. Operators will be connected with AND,
        #       values in an operator with OR.
        #   You can also pass more than one argument to an operator: ['value1', 'value2']
        DynamicField_FieldNameX => {
            Empty             => 1,                       # will return dynamic fields without a value
                                                          # set to 0 to search fields with a value present
            Equals            => 123,
            Like              => 'value*',                # "equals" operator with wildcard support
            GreaterThan       => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            GreaterThanEquals => '2001-01-01 01:01:01',
            SmallerThan       => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',
            SmallerThanEquals => '2002-02-02 02:02:02',

        # OrderBy and SortBy (optional)
        OrderBy => 'Down',  # Down|Up
        SortBy  => 'Age',   # AppointmentID, Title, Calendar, Location, StartTime, EndTime, AllDay, Age, Created, Changed

        # OrderBy and SortBy as ARRAY for sub sorting (optional)
        OrderBy => ['Down', 'Up'],
        SortBy  => ['Priority', 'Age'],


Result: 'ARRAY'

    @AppointmentIDs = ( 1, 2, 3 );

Result: 'COUNT'

    $AppointmentIDs = 123;


Returns a list of appointments that are visible for general public or customer user.

    my @List = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentSearchForCustomerUser(
        CustomerUserLogin              => '...', # optional
        UserID                         => '...', # required
        Group                          => '...', # optional (default:All; All|Personal|Company)
                                                 # only takes effect when a valid customer-user was passed.
        DynamicFields                  => [...]  # optional (list of dynamic fields to include)


    undef - in case of any error


Get appointment data.

    my %Appointment = $AppointmentObject->AppointmentGetForCustomerUser(
        AppointmentID => 1,                                  # (required)
        DynamicFields => 0|1,                                # (optional, default 0) include dynamic field data as well

Returns a hash:

    %Appointment = (
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