Kernel::Output::HTML::SysConfig – Manage HTML representation of SysConfig settings.
Create an object. Do not use it directly, instead use:
use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new();
my $SysConfigHTMLObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::Output::HTML::SysConfig');
Returns the specific HTML for the setting.
my $HTMLStr = $SysConfigHTMLObject->SettingRender(
Setting => {
Name => 'Setting Name',
XMLContentParsed => $XMLParsedToPerl,
EffectiveValue => "Product 6", # or a complex structure
DefaultValue => "Product 5", # or a complex structure
IsAjax => 1, # (optional) is ajax request. Default 0.
# ...
RW => 1, # (optional) Allow editing. Default 0.
UserID => 1, # (required) UserID
$HTMLStr = '<div class="Setting"><div class "Field"...</div></div>' # or false in case of an error
Returns response that is sent when user adds new array/hash item.
my %Result = $SysConfigHTMLObject->SettingAddItem(
SettingStructure => [], # (required) array that contains structure
# where a new item should be inserted (can be empty)
Setting => { # (required) Setting hash (from SettingGet())
'DefaultID' => '8905',
'DefaultValue' => [ 'Item 1', 'Item 2' ],
'Description' => 'Simple array item(Min 1, Max 3).',
'Name' => 'TestArray',
Key => 'HashKey', # (optional) hash key
IDSuffix => '_Array3, # (optional) suffix that will be added to all input/select fields
# (it is used in the JS on Update, during EffectiveValue calculation)
Value => [ # (optional) Perl structure
'Array' => [
'Item' => [
'Content' => 'Item 1',
AddSettingContent => 0, # (optional) if enabled, result will be inside of div with class "SettingContent"
UserID => 1, # (required) UserID
%Result = (
'Item' => '<div class=\'SettingContent\'>
<input type=\'text\' id=\'TestArray_Array4\'
value=\'Default value\' name=\'TestArray\' class=\' Entry\'/></div>',
%Result = (
'Error' => 'Error description',
Recursive helper for SettingRender().
my $HTMLStr = $SysConfigObject->_SettingRender(
Name => 'Setting Name',
Value => $XMLParsedToPerlValue, # (required)
EffectiveValue => "Product 6", # (required) or a complex structure
DefaultValue => "Product 5", # (optional) or a complex structure
ValueType => "String", # (optional)
IsAjax => 1, # (optional) Default 0.
# ...
RW => 1, # (optional) Allow editing. Default 0.
IsArray => 1, # (optional) Item is part of the array
IsHash => 1, # (optional) Item is part of the hash
Key => 'Key', # (optional) Hash key (if available)
SkipEffectiveValueCheck => 1, # (optional) If enabled, system will not perform effective value check.
# Default: 1.
UserID => 1, # (required) UserID
$HTMLStr = '<div class "Field"...</div>' # or false in case of an error