

Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout – all generic html functions


All generic html functions. E. g. to get options fields, template processing, …



create a new object. Do not use it directly, instead use:

    use Kernel::System::ObjectManager;
    local $Kernel::OM = Kernel::System::ObjectManager->new(
        'Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout' => {
            Lang    => 'de',
    my $LayoutObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::Output::HTML::Layout');


call a block and pass data to it (optional) to generate the block's output.

        Name => 'Row',
        Data => {
            Time => ...,


Encode perl data structure to JSON string

    my $JSON = $LayoutObject->JSONEncode(
        Data        => $Data,
        NoQuotes    => 0|1, # optional: no double quotes at the start and the end of JSON string


return html for browser to redirect

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Redirect(
        OP => "Action=AdminUserGroup;Subaction=User;ID=$UserID",

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Redirect(
        ExtURL => "",

During login action, Login = 1> should be passed to Redirect(), which indicates that if the browser has cookie support, it is OK for the session cookie to be not yet set.


Generate HTML code for a notification line and return it.

The Info/Data text of the notification will always be translated. Use the Priority parameter to style the notification:

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'Warning',
        Info     => 'Some Info Message',

If you supply Data with a Link, the text will be wrapped in an anchor tag with defined LinkClass and LinkTarget:

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority   => 'Warning',
        Data       => 'Template content',
        Link       => '',
        LinkClass  => 'some_CSS_class',              # optional
        LinkTarget => '_blank',                      # optional

For error notifications, you can supply your own error message:

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'Error',
        Info     => 'Some Error Message',

Or use the last error message from the log backend.

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Notify(
        Priority => 'Error',

If no error was found, an empty string will be returned.


Adds notification about tickets which are not updated.

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->NotifyNonUpdatedTickets();

generates the HTML for the page begin in the Agent interface.

    my $Output = $LayoutObject->Header(
        Type              => 'Small',                # (optional) '' (Default, full header) or 'Small' (blank header)
        ShowToolbarItems  => 0,                      # (optional) default 1 (0|1)
        ShowLogoutButton  => 0,                      # (optional) default 1 (0|1)

        DisableIFrameOriginRestricted => 1,          # (optional, default 0) - suppress X-Frame-Options header.


convert ASCII to html string

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->Ascii2Html(
        Text            => 'Some <> Test <font color="red">Test</font>',
        Max             => 20,       # max 20 chars flowed by [..]
        VMax            => 15,       # first 15 lines
        NewLine         => 0,        # move \r to \n
        HTMLResultMode  => 0,        # replace " " with C<&nbsp;>
        StripEmptyLines => 0,
        Type            => 'Normal', # JSText or Normal text
        LinkFeature     => 0,        # do some URL detections

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLStringRef = $LayoutObject->Ascii2Html(
        Text => \$String,


detect links in text

    my $HTMLWithLinks = $LayoutObject->LinkQuote(
        Text => $HTMLWithOutLinks,

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLWithLinksRef = $LayoutObject->LinkQuote(
        Text => \$HTMLWithOutLinksRef,


detect links in HTML code

    my $HTMLWithLinks = $LayoutObject->HTMLLinkQuote(
        String => $HTMLString,

also string ref is possible

    my $HTMLWithLinksRef = $LayoutObject->HTMLLinkQuote(
        String => \$HTMLString,


perform URL encoding on query string parameter names or values.

    my $ParamValueEncoded = $LayoutObject->LinkEncode($ParamValue);

Don't encode entire URLs, because this will make them invalid (?, & and ; will be encoded as well). Only pass one parameter name or value at a time.


build a HTML option element based on given data

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->BuildSelection(
        Data            => $ArrayRef,        # use $HashRef, $ArrayRef or $ArrayHashRef (see below)
        Name            => 'TheName',        # name of element
        ID              => 'HTMLID',         # (optional) the HTML ID for this element, if not provided, the name will be used as ID as well
        Multiple        => 0,                # (optional) default 0 (0|1)
        Size            => 1,                # (optional) default 1 element size
        Class           => 'class',          # (optional) a css class, include 'Modernize' to activate InputFields
        Disabled        => 0,                # (optional) default 0 (0|1) disable the element
        AutoComplete    => 'off',            # (optional)
        OnChange        => 'javascript',     # (optional)
        OnClick         => 'javascript',     # (optional)

        SelectedID     => 1,                 # (optional) use integer or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedID     => [1, 5, 3],         # (optional) use integer or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedValue  => 'test',            # (optional) use string or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)
        SelectedValue  => ['test', 'test1'], # (optional) use string or arrayref (unable to use with ArrayHashRef)

        Sort           => 'NumericValue',    # (optional) (AlphanumericValue|NumericValue|AlphanumericKey|NumericKey|TreeView|IndividualKey|IndividualValue) unable to use with ArrayHashRef
        SortIndividual => ['sec', 'min']     # (optional) only sort is set to IndividualKey or IndividualValue
        SortReverse    => 0,                 # (optional) reverse the list

        Translation    => 1,                 # (optional) default 1 (0|1) translate value
        PossibleNone   => 0,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) add a leading empty selection
        TreeView       => 0,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1)
        DisabledBranch => 'Branch',          # (optional) disable all elements of this branch (use string or arrayref)
        Max            => 100,               # (optional) default 100 max size of the shown value
        HTMLQuote      => 0,                 # (optional) default 1 (0|1) disable html quote
        Title          => 'C<Tooltip> Text',    # (optional) string will be shown as c<Tooltip> on c<mouseover>
        OptionTitle    => 1,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) show title attribute (the option value) on every option element

        Filters => {                         # (optional) filter data, used by InputFields
            LastOwners => {                  # filter id
                Name   => 'Last owners',     # name of the filter
                Values => {                  # filtered data structure
                    Key1 => 'Value1',
                    Key2 => 'Value2',
                    Key3 => 'Value3',
                Active => 1,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) make this filter immediately active
            InvolvedAgents => {
                Name   => 'Involved in this ticket',
                Values => \%HashWithData,
        ExpandFilters  => 1,                 # (optional) default 0 (0|1) expand filters list by default

        ValidateDateAfter  => '2016-01-01',  # (optional) validate that date is after supplied value
        ValidateDateBefore => '2016-01-01',  # (optional) validate that date is before supplied value

    my $HashRef = {
        Key1 => 'Value1',
        Key2 => 'Value2',
        Key3 => 'Value3',

    my $ArrayRef = [

    my $ArrayHashRef = [
            Key   => '1',
            Value => 'Value1',
            Key      => '2',
            Value    => 'Value1::Subvalue1',
            Selected => 1,
            Key   => '3',
            Value => 'Value1::Subvalue2',
            Key      => '4',
            Value    => 'Value2',
            Disabled => 1,


check if access to a frontend module exists

    my $Access = $LayoutObject->Permission(
        Action => 'AdminCustomerUser',
        Type   => 'rw', # ro|rw possible


returns browser output to display/download a attachment

    $HTML = $LayoutObject->Attachment(
        Type             => 'inline',          # optional, default: attachment, possible: inline|attachment
        Filename         => 'FileName.png',    # optional
        AdditionalHeader => $AdditionalHeader, # optional
        ContentType      => 'image/png',
        Content          => $Content,
        Sandbox          => 1,                 # optional, default 0; use content security policy to prohibit external
                                               #   scripts, flash etc.

    or for AJAX html snippets

    $HTML = $LayoutObject->Attachment(
        Type        => 'inline',        # optional, default: attachment, possible: inline|attachment
        Filename    => 'FileName.html', # optional
        ContentType => 'text/html',
        Charset     => 'utf-8',         # optional
        Content     => $Content,
        NoCache     => 1,               # optional

generates a page navigation bar

    my %PageNavBar = $LayoutObject->PageNavBar(
        Limit       => 100,         # marks result of TotalHits red if Limit is gerater then AllHits
        WindowSize  => 15,          # max shown pages to click
        StartHit    => 1,           # start to show items
        PageShown   => 15,          # number of shown items a page
        AllHits     => 56,          # number of total hits
        Action      => 'AgentXXX',  # e. g. 'Action=' . $Self->{LayoutObject}->{Action}
        Link        => $Link,       # e. g. 'Subaction=View;'
        AJAXReplace => 'IDElement', # IDElement which should be replaced
        IDPrefix    => 'Tickets',   # Prefix for the id parameter

    return values of hash

        TotalHits  # total hits
        Result     # shown items e. g. "1-5" or "16-30"
        SiteNavBar # html for page nav bar e. g. "1 2 3 4"

        ResultLong     # shown items e. g. "1-5 of 32" or "16-30 of 64"
        SiteNavBarLong # html for page nav bar e. g. "Page: 1 2 3 4"


build the HTML code to represent a date selection based on the given data. Depending on the SysConfig settings the controls to set the date could be multiple select or input fields

    my $HTML = $LayoutObject->BuildDateSelection(
        Prefix           => 'some prefix',        # optional, (needed to specify other parameters)
        <Prefix>Year     => 2015,                 # optional, defaults to current year, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Month    => 6,                    # optional, defaults to current month, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Day      => 9,                    # optional, defaults to current day, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Hour     => 12,                   # optional, defaults to current hour, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Minute   => 26,                   # optional, defaults to current minute, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Second   => 59,                   # optional, defaults to current second, used to set the initial value
        <Prefix>Optional => 1,                    # optional, default 0, when active a checkbox is included to specify
                                                  #   if the values should be saved or not
        <Prefix>Used     => 1,                    # optional, default 0, used to set the initial state of the checkbox
                                                  #   mentioned above
        <Prefix>Required => 1,                    # optional, default 0 (Deprecated)
        <prefix>Class    => 'some class',         # optional, specify an additional class to the HTML elements
        Area     => 'some area',                  # optional, default 'Agent' (Deprecated)
        DiffTime => 123,                          # optional, default 0, used to set the initial time influencing the
                                                  #   current time (in seconds)
        OverrideTimeZone => 1,                    # optional (1 or 0), when active the time is not translated to the user
                                                  #   time zone
        YearPeriodFuture => 3,                    # optional, used to define the number of years in future to be display
                                                  #   in the year select
        YearPeriodPast   => 2,                    # optional, used to define the number of years in past to be display
                                                  #   in the year select
        YearDiff         => 0,                    # optional. used to define the number of years to be displayed
                                                  #   in the year select (alternatively to YearPeriodFuture and YearPeriodPast)
        ValidateDateInFuture     => 1,            # optional (1 or 0), when active sets an special class to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls to be in the future
        ValidateDateNotInFuture  => 1,            # optional (1 or 0), when active sets an special class to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls not to be in the future
        ValidateDateAfterPrefix  => 'Start',      # optional (Prefix), when defined sets a special class to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls comes after the date with Prefix
        ValidateDateAfterValue   => '2016-01-01', # optional (Date), when defined sets a special data parameter to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls comes after the supplied date
        ValidateDateBeforePrefix => 'End',        # optional (Prefix), when defined sets a special class to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls comes before the date with Prefix
        ValidateDateBeforeValue  => '2016-01-01', # optional (Date), when defined sets a special data parameter to validate
                                                  #   that the date set in the controls comes before the supplied date
        Calendar => 2,                            # optional, used to define the SysConfig calendar on which the Datepicker
                                                  #   will be based on to show the vacation days and the start week day
        Format   => 'DateInputFormat',            # optional, or 'DateInputFormatLong', used to define if only date or
                                                  #   date/time components should be shown (DateInputFormatLong shows date/time)
        Validate => 1,                            # optional (1 or 0), defines if the date selection should be validated on
                                                  #   client side with JS
        Disabled => 1,                            # optional (1 or 0), when active select and checkbox controls gets the
                                                  #   disabled attribute and input fields gets the read only attribute


Produces human readable data size.

    my $SizeStr = $LayoutObject->HumanReadableDataSize(
        Size => 123,  # size in bytes


    $SizeStr = '123 B';         # example with decimal point: 123.4 MB


converts text to rich text

    my $HTMLString = $LayoutObject->Ascii2RichText(
        String => $TextString,


converts text to rich text

    my $TextString = $LayoutObject->RichText2Ascii(
        String => $HTMLString,


1) add html, body, … tags to be a valid html document 2) replace links of inline content e. g. images to <img src="cid:xxxx" />

    $HTMLBody = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentComplete(
        String => $HTMLBody,


Serve a rich text (HTML) document for local view inside of an iframe in correct charset and with correct links for inline documents.

By default, all inline/active content (such as script, object, applet or embed tags) will be stripped. If there are external images, they will be stripped too, but a message will be shown allowing the user to reload the page showing the external images.

    my %HTMLFile = $LayoutObject->RichTextDocumentServe(
        Data => {
            Content     => $HTMLBodyRef,
            ContentType => 'text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"',
        URL               => 'AgentTicketAttachment;Subaction=HTMLView;TicketID=123;ArticleID=123;FileID=',
        Attachments       => \%AttachmentListOfInlineAttachments,

        LoadInlineContent => 0,     # Serve the document including all inline content. WARNING: This might be dangerous.

        LoadExternalImages => 0,    # Load external images? If this is 0, a message will be included if
                                    # external images were found and removed.


please see Kernel::System::HTML::Layout::DocumentCleanup()


This sub has two main functionalities: 1. Check every line and make sure that "\n" is the ending of the line. 2. If the line does _not_ start with ">" (e.g. not cited text) wrap it after the number of "MaxCharacters" (e.g. if MaxCharacters is "80" wrap after 80 characters). Do this _just_ if the line, that should be wrapped, contains space characters at which the line can be wrapped.

If you need more info to understand what it does, take a look at the UnitTest WrapPlainText.t to see use cases there.

my $WrappedPlainText = $LayoutObject->WrapPlainText( PlainText => "Some Plain text that is longer than the amount stored in MaxCharacters", MaxCharacters => 80, );


set properties for rich text editor and send them to JS via AddJSData()

$LayoutObject->SetRichTextParameters( Data => \%Param, );


Get initials from a full name of a user.

    my $UserInitials = $LayoutObject->UserInitialsGet(
        Fullname => 'John Doe',

Returns string of exactly two uppercase characters that represent user initials:

    $UserInitials = 'JD';

Please note that this function will return 'O' if invalid name (without any word characters) was supplied.

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