

Kernel::GenericInterface::Transport – GenericInterface network transport interface


has DebuggerObject

Attribute that holds the debugger object.

has TransportConfig

Attribute that holds the configuration.

has BackendObject

Attribute that holds the backend object.


create an object.

    use Kernel::GenericInterface::Debugger;
    use Kernel::GenericInterface::Transport;

    my $DebuggerObject = Kernel::GenericInterface::Debugger->new(
        DebuggerConfig   => {
            DebugThreshold  => 'debug',
            TestMode        => 0,           # optional, in testing mode the data will not be written to the DB
            # ...
        WebserviceID      => 12,
        CommunicationType => Requester, # Requester or Provider
        RemoteIP          =>, # optional
    my $TransportObject = Kernel::GenericInterface::Transport->new(
        DebuggerObject => $DebuggerObject,
        TransportConfig => {
            Type => 'HTTP::SOAP',
            Config => {


process an incoming web service request. This function has to read the request data from the web server process.

    my $Result = $TransportObject->ProviderProcessRequest();

    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error
        Operation       => 'DesiredOperation',  # name of the operation to perform
        Data            => {                    # data payload of request


generate response for an incoming web service request.

    my $Result = $TransportObject->ProviderGenerateResponse(
        Success         => 1,       # 1 or 0
        ErrorMessage    => '',      # in case of an error, optional
        Data            => {        # data payload for response, optional


    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error


generate an outgoing web service request, receive the response and return its data..

    my $Result = $TransportObject->RequesterPerformRequest(
        Operation       => 'remote_op', # name of remote operation to perform
        Data            => {            # data payload for request

    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error
        Data            => {
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