

Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::FAQ::PublicFAQGet – GenericInterface FAQ PublicFAQGet Operation backend



perform PublicFAQGet Operation. This will return a Public FAQ entry.

    my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
        Data => {
            ItemID = '32,33',
            GetAttachmentContents = 1,                    # 0|1, defaults to 1

    $Result = {
        Success      => 1,                                # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage => '',                               # In case of an error
        Data         => {                                 # result data payload after Operation
            ItemID => [
                    ID                => 32,
                    ItemID            => 32,
                    FAQID             => 32,
                    Number            => 100032,
                    CategoryID        => '2',
                    CategoryName     => 'CategoryA::CategoryB',
                    CategoryShortName => 'CategoryB',
                    LanguageID        => 1,
                    Language          => 'en',
                    Title             => 'Article Title',
                    Field1            => 'The Symptoms',
                    Field2            => 'The Problem',
                    Field3            => 'The Solution',
                    Field4            => undef,                          # Not active by default
                    Field5            => undef,                          # Not active by default
                    Field6            => 'Comments',
                    Approved          => 1,                              # or 0
                    Keywords          => 'KeyWord1 KeyWord2',
                    Helpful           => 20,                             # number of votes who thought this article was helpful
                    NotHelpful        => 5,                              # number of votes who thought this article was not helpful
                    StateID           => 1,
                    State             => 'internal (agent)',             # or 'external (customer)' or
                                                                         # 'public (all)'
                    StateTypeID       => 1,
                    StateTypeName     => 'internal',                     # or 'external' or 'public'
                    CreatedBy         => 1,
                    Changed           => '2011-01-05 21:53:50',
                    ChangedBy         => '1',
                    Created           => '2011-01-05 21:53:50',
                    Name              => '1294286030-31.1697297104732',  # FAQ Article name or
                                                                         # systemtime + '-' + random number
                    ContentType       => 'text/html',
                    Attachment => {
                            Filesize    => '540286',                # file size in bytes
                            ContentType => 'image/jpeg',
                            Filename    => 'Error.jpg',
                            Content     => '...',                   # base64 content
                            Inline      => 0,                       # specify if is an inline attachment
                            FileID      => 34                       # FileID for relation with rich text content
                            Filesize    => '540286',                # file size in bytes
                            ContentType => 'image/jpeg',
                            Filename    => 'Pencil.jpg',
                            Content     => '...',                   # base64 content
                            Inline      => 1,                       # specify if is an inline attachment
                            FileID      => 35                       # FileID for relation with rich text content
                    ID                => 33,
                    ItemID            => 33,
                    FAQID             => 33,
                    Number            => 100033,
                    CategoryID        => '3',
                    CategoryName     => 'CategoryD::CategoryE',
                    CategoryShortName => 'CategoryE',
                    LanguageID        => 1,
                    Language          => 'en',
                    Title             => 'Article Title',
                    Field1            => 'The Symptoms',
                    Field2            => 'The Problem',
                    Field3            => 'The Solution',
                    Field4            => undef,                          # Not active by default
                    Field5            => undef,                          # Not active by default
                    Field6            => 'Comments',
                    Approved          => 1,                              # or 0
                    Keywords          => 'KeyWord1 KeyWord2',
                    Helpful           => 20,                             # number of votes who thought this article was helpful
                    NotHelpful        => 5,                              # number of votes who thought this article was not helpful
                    StateID           => 1,
                    State             => 'internal (agent)',             # or 'external (customer)' or
                                                                         # 'public (all)'
                    StateTypeID       => 1,
                    StateTypeName     => 'internal',                     # or 'external' or 'public'
                    CreatedBy         => 1,
                    Changed          => '2011-01-05 21:53:50',
                    ChangedBy         => '1',
                    Created           => '2011-01-05 21:53:50',
                    Name              => '1294286030-31.1697297104732',  # FAQ Article name or
                                                                         # systemtime + '-' + random number
                # ...
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