Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::CustomerUser::CustomerUserUpdate – GenericInterface Customer User Update Operation backend
to update customer users
Perform CustomerUserUpdate Operation.
my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
Data => {
UserLogin => 'some agent login', # UserLogin or AccessToken is required
AccessToken => 123,
Password => 'some password', # if UserLogin is sent then Password is required
ID => 'jsmith' # required; the ID of the CustomerUser to be updated
CustomerUserLogin => 'some-customer-user-login', # optional
UserFirstname => 'John', # optional
UserLastname => 'Smith', # optional
UserCustomerID => 'C123', # optional
UserPassword => 'some-pass', # optional
UserEmail => '', # optional
ValidID => 1, # optional; 1, 2 or 3
DynamicField => [ # optional
{ # - non-existing dynamic fields will be created
Name => 'newDF', # - existing dynamic fields will be updated
Value => 'abc',
Name => 'existDF',
Value => 'xyz',
# ...
UserPreferences => [ # optional
{ # - non-existing user preferences will be created
Key => 'TimeZone', # - existing user preferences will be updated
Value => 'Europe/Lisbon',
$Result = {
Success => 1, # 0 or 1
ErrorMessage => '', # in case of error
Data => {
ID => 'some user ID',
CustomerUser => {
UserID => 'some user ID',
UserTitle => 'some title',
UserFirstname => 'some first name',
UserLastname => 'some last name',
UserFullname => 'some full name,
UserCountry => 'some country',
UserZip => 'some ZIP',
UserCity => 'some city',
UserStreet => 'some street',
UserMailString => 'some address',
UserPhone => 'some phone',
UserMobile => 'some mobile',
UserFax => 'some fax',
UserEmail => 'some email',
UserComment => 'some comment',
UserLanguage => 'de',
UserLogin => 'some login',
UserLastLogin => 1666349274,
UserLastLoginTimestamp => '2022-10-21 10:47:54',
UserPassword => 'some password hash',
PasswordLastSet => 2022-10-21 10:47:55,
PasswordHistoryData => [
'some password hash 1',
'some password hash 2',
'some password hash N',
UserCustomerID => 'some customer ID',
CustomerID => 'some customer ID',
CustomerCompanyName => 'some company name',
CustomerCompanyCountry => 'some country',
CustomerCompanyZIP => 'some company ZIP,
CustomerCompanyCity => 'some company city',
CustomerCompanyStreet => 'some company street',
CompanyString => 'some company name',
CustomerCompanyURL => 'some URL',
CustomerCompanyComment => 'some comment',
CustomerCompanyValidID => 1,
DynamicField_newDF => 'abc',
DynamicField_existDF => 'xyz',
UserTimeZone => 'Europe/Lisbon',
Source => 'CustomerUser',
CreateBy => 1,
CreateTime => '2022-10-21 10:47:54',
ChangeBy => 1,
ChangeTime => '2022-10-21 10:47:55',
ValidID => 1,
Error => { # in case of error
ErrorCode => 'ErrorCode',
ErrorMessage => 'Error Description',