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Kernel::GenericInterface::Operation::CustomerUser::CustomerUserSearch – GenericInterface CustomerUser Search Operation backend


Perform customer user search Operation. This will return a CustomerUserID list. The search criteria are logically AND connected.

    my $Result = $OperationObject->Run(
        Data => {
            UserLogin            => 'some agent login',                         # UserLogin or AccessToken is required
            AccessToken          => 123,
            Password             => 'some password',                            # if UserLogin is sent then Password is required

            CustomerUserLogin => 'joey',                                        # optional; to search for customer user login
            CustomerUserLogin => 'jo*'                                          # starts with jo

            UserFirstname => 'Joseph',                                          # optional; to search for user first name
            UserFirstname => 'Jos*'                                             # starts with Jos

            UserFirstname => 'Smith',                                           # optional; to search for user last name
            UserFirstname => 'S*'                                               # starts with S

            UserEmail => '',                                       # optional; to search for user email
            UserEmail => 'jo*'                                                  # starts with jo

            UserCustomerID => 'some-customer-company-id',                       # optional; to search for the user customer company
            UserCustomerID => 'some-cust*'                                      # starts with some-cust

            Valid => 1,                                                         # optional; 1 or 0; default 1
                                                                                #   1 - the search will include only CustomerUsers
                                                                                #       in state valid
                                                                                #   0 - the search will include CustomerUsers
                                                                                #       in any valid state

            OrderBy => 'Down',                                                  # optional; Down|Up
            SortBy  => 'UserLogin',                                             # optional; UserLogin|UserCustomerID

            OrderBy => ['Down', 'Up'],                                          # optional; array for sub sorting
            SortBy  => ['UserLogin', 'UserCustomerID'],                         # optional; array for sub sorting

            Limit => 100,                                                       # optional; results limit

    $Result = {
        Success      => 1,                                                      # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage => '',                                                     # in case of error
        Data         => {
            CustomerUserID => [
            Error => {                                                          # in case of error
                ErrorCode    => 'ErrorCode',
                ErrorMessage => 'Error Description',
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