Kernel::GenericInterface::Mapping::Test – GenericInterface test data mapping backend
has DebuggerObject
Attribute that holds the debugger object.
has MappingConfig
Attribute that holds the mapping config.
usually, you want to create an instance of this by using Kernel::GenericInterface::Mapping->new();
perform data mapping
possible config options for value mapping are – 'ToUpper', turns all characters into upper case – 'ToLower', turns all characters into lower case – 'Empty', sets to empty string
if no config option is provided or one that does not match the options above, the original data will be returned
my $Result = $MappingObject->Map(
Data => { # data payload before mapping
$Result = {
Success => 1, # 0 or 1
ErrorMessage => '', # in case of error
Data => { # data payload of after mapping