

Kernel::GenericInterface::Invoker – GenericInterface Invoker interface


Invokers are responsible to prepare for making a remote web service request.

For every Request, two methods are called:


The first method prepares the response and can prevent it by returning an error state. The second method must always be called if the request was initiated to allow the Invoker to handle possible errors.


has DebuggerObject

Attribute that holds the debugger object.

has Invoker

Attribute that holds the invoker information.

has InvokerType

Attribute that holds the invoker type information.

has WebserviceID

Attribute that holds the web-service ID.

has BackendObject

Attribute that holds the backend object.


create an object.

    use Kernel::GenericInterface::Debugger;
    use Kernel::GenericInterface::Invoker;

    my $DebuggerObject = Kernel::GenericInterface::Debugger->new(
        DebuggerConfig   => {
            DebugThreshold => 'debug',
            TestMode       => 0,           # optional, in testing mode the data will not be written to the DB
            # ...
        WebserviceID      => 12,
        CommunicationType => Requester, # Requester or Provider
        RemoteIP          =>, # optional
    my $InvokerObject = Kernel::GenericInterface::Invoker->new(
        DebuggerObject     => $DebuggerObject,
        Invoker            => 'TicketLock',            # the name of the invoker in the web service
        InvokerType        => 'Nagios::TicketLock',    # the Invoker backend to use
        WebserviceID       => 1                        # the WebserviceID where the Invoker belongs
                                                       # normally this is passed by the requester


prepare the invocation of the configured remote web service.

    my $Result = $InvokerObject->PrepareRequest(
        Data => {                               # data payload

    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error
        Data            => {                    # data payload after Invoker

    $Result = {
        Success           => 1,                 # 0 or 1
        StopCommunication => 1,                 # in case of is not needed to continue with the
                                                # request (do nothing just exist gracefully)


handle response data of the configured remote web service.

    my $Result = $InvokerObject->HandleResponse(
        ResponseSuccess      => 1,              # success status of the remote web service
        ResponseErrorMessage => '',             # in case of web service error
        Data => {                               # data payload

    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error
        Data            => {                    # data payload after Invoker


handle error data of the configured remote web service.

    my $Result = $InvokerObject->HandleError(
        Data => {                               # data payload

    $Result = {
        Success         => 1,                   # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage    => '',                  # in case of error
        Data            => {                    # data payload after Invoker
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