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Kernel::GenericInterface::ErrorHandling::RequestRetry – Module do decide about rescheduling for failed requests


Decides if a non-successful request should be retried, based on the configuration. Relevant module configuration variables are: – ScheduleRetry # enable or disable retry for request – RetryIntervalStart # time in seconds for first retry after initial request – RetryIntervalFactor # send further retries after the same interval as the first or in increasing intervals – RetryIntervalMax # maximum allowed interval between retries – RetryCountMax # maximum allowed number of retries – RetryPeriodMax # maximum time allowed for retries after initial request

    my $Result = $ErrorObject->Run(
        PastExecutionData => $PastExecutionDataStructure,   # optional
        ModuleConfig      => $ModuleConfig,

    $Result = {
        Success       => 1,          # 0 or 1
        ErrorMessage  => '',         # if an error occurred
        Data          => { ... },    # result payload
        ReScheduleData => { ... },   # reschedule information
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