

Kernel::WebApp::Controller::API::Frontend::Agent::Form::Customer::Role::HandlesCreateUpdateForm – Handles the form schema of the customer company and customer user create/edit.

has DataSourceList

Attribute that holds the data source list if needed.

has DataSource

Attribute that holds the current data source.

has DataSourceReadonly

Attribute that holds the data source read-only information.

has ConfigMap

Attribute that holds the current backend config map.

has IsCaseSensitiveSource

Attribute that holds if the current data source is configured as case sensitive.

has SourceFields

Attribute that holds the form schema fields.

requires _BuildSourceFields

Every form endpoint that consumes this role, must implement a method _BuildSourceFields, this provides the list of fields from the current customer user or customer company source.

has FormSchemaFields

Attribute that holds the form schema fields.

has PasswordPolicyRules

Attribute that holds the password policy rules.

requires BackendType

Define the backend type of the current form endpoint ('CustomerUser' or 'CustomerCompany').


Holds the usage type of the current form. The default is 'Create', but it can also be 'Update'.

has Preferences

Attribute that holds the form schema fields.

has ObjectData

Attribute that holds the form schema fields.



Initializes the attribute DataSourceList. Is only relevant for the create form, so the builder should be overwritten in in this endpoints.


Initializes the attribute DataSource.


Initializes the attribute BackendConfigMap.


Initializes the attribute ObjectData. Is only relevant for the update form, so the builder should be overwritten in in this endpoints.


Initializes the attribute FormSchemaFields.


Helper method to show the correct value for the fields.


Helper method for the special customer user validation (e.g. UserLogin unique).


Helper method for the special customer company validation (e.g. UserLogin unique).


Initializes the attribute Preferences.


Initializes the attribute PasswordPolicyRules.


Initializes the attribute IsCaseSensitiveSource.


Returns the given value (must be case-sensitive) in dependency to the current data source configuration.


Initializes the attribute DataSourceReadonly.


Checks if the given customer company is valid, otherwise reset the field value.

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