Kernel::Test::Role::Selenium::Agent::HandlesBusinessObjectPropertyCards – role to handle property cards.
Checks if a property card is displayed.
PropertyCard => 'Process', # required, name of the property card
ParentSelector => '', # optional, parent selector of the card, e.g. the widget xpath
Checks the content of a property card.
Name => 'Process', # required, name of the property card
ParentSelector => '', # optional, parent selector of the card, e.g. the widget
Content => '123', # required, content which is used for the check
ValueClass => '', # optional, class name of the element which displays the value
Checks if the inline editing for a specified property card is active or not.
Name => '', # name of the property card
Active => 0|1, # default 1,
ParentSelector => '', # optional, parent selector of the card, e.g. the widget
Activates the inline editing for the specified property card.
Name => '', # name of the property card
ParentSelector => '', # optional, parent selector of the card, e.g. the widget
Saves the inline editing form for the specified property card.
Name => '', # name of the property card
ParentSelector => '', # optional, parent selector of the card, e.g. the widget