Kernel::Test::Role::Selenium::Agent::HandlesBusinessObjectListTable – role to interact with business object list table in Selenium tests.
Return all the rows from a business object list table.
ParentSelector => "//somexpathselector", # optional
ExpectedRows => 123,
Check the given expected rows from a business object list table with the actual count in the browser.
ParentSelector => "//somexpathselector", # optional
ExpectedRows => 123,
Returns the current column names of the business object list table.
ParentSelector => "//somexpathselector", # optional
BusinessObjectListTableGetColumnPositionMapping {
Returns the current column names of the business object list table and their respective column position.
Fetches the data for a given row.
RowIndex => 5,
Returns an array with the cell content.
Checks if the infinity scrolling is working.
TestFlag => 'Some::TestFlag',
Limit => 10,
Checks if last row is same as first one after sorting on a specific column. Beware this is only valid in the case where we exactly know that the tickets number is not exceeding one table content. Otherwise the youngest can be in another table paging as the oldest if we are in date sorting.
my $Result = $Self-> BusinessObjectListTableCheckSorting (
SortingSelector => 'Changed', # (required) 'Created' || 'Changed' || ...