Kernel::Test::Role::IsTestCase::Generic::HandlesResults – role to collect test results.
has 'TestResults'
holds test a result data structure in the form the CI server expects it to be sent.
has 'TestCounter'
counter for the already executed tests.
has 'StartTime'
non-lazy attribute for the time when testing started.
has 'SeleniumData'
stores additional diagnostic data provided by the Selenium driver, for sending this to the CI server.
has 'StopOnError'
stop test run on any test case failure.
register a single test success or failure, along with description text.
attach a screenshot taken during Selenium error handling. These will be sent to the server together with the test results.
Filename => $Filename,
Content => $Data # raw image data
send the test results to the parent process via a temporary file. Kernel::System::UnitTest will pick them up from there.