Kernel::Test::Role::IsTestCase::DBUpdateModule – Role for DBUpdate
module tests.
has 'ModuleName'
Holds the name of the DBUpdate
module be tested, e. g. MigrateAdminInterfaceAccessGroup
or Permanent::SetSystemVersion
Runs the DBUpdate
module and returns its success state. You can pass additional parameters, if needed.
my $Success = $Self->TestDBUpdateModule(
ModuleName => 'MigrateAdminInterfaceAccessGroup', # Optional, use if you test multiple modules in the same test.
Method => 'Run', # Optional, use if you test multiple methods of one module
# in the same test.
Params => { # Optional
UnitTest => 1,
ExpectedReturnValue => 1, # Optional, specify if a non-true return value is expected.
ExpectedStdOut => [ # Optional, specify if a module should output something on
'AdminInfo: ...', # standard output; each item represents a line (or part)
], # of the line
ExpectedStdErr => [ # Optional, specify if a module should output something on
'ERROR: ...', # standard error; each item represents a line (or part)
], # of the line
Run the defined test case in context of a DBUpdate
my $Success = $Self->RunTestStep(
ModuleName => 'MigrateAdminInterfaceAccessGroup', # Optional, use if you test multiple modules in the same test.
Params => { # Optional
UnitTest => 1,
ExpectedReturnValue => 1, # Optional, specify if a non-true return value is expected.
ExpectedStdOut => [ # Optional, specify if a module should output something on
'AdminInfo: ...', # standard output; each item represents a line (or part)
], # of the line
ExpectedStdErr => [ # Optional, specify if a module should output something on
'ERROR: ...', # standard error; each item represents a line (or part)
], # of the line
ExpectedSettings => [ # Optional, specify if a module is expected to modify
{ # certain SysConfig settings and the new state should be
SettingName => 'AdminInterfaceAccessGroup', # checked; each item refers to a single setting and its
SettingValue => [ # effective value
ExpectedACLs => { # Optional, specify if a module is expected to modify
ACLName => { # certain ACL and the new state should be checked; each
ConfigMatch => {...}, # key will be deep inspected and compared with supplied
ConfigChange => {...}, # value