Kernel::System::Time – time functions. DEPRECATED, for new code use Kernel::System::DateTime instead.
This module is managing time functions.
create a time object. Do not use it directly, instead use:
my $TimeObject = $Kernel::OM->Get('Kernel::System::DateTime');
returns the number of non-leap seconds since what ever time the system considers to be the epoch (that's 00:00:00, January 1, 1904 for Mac OS, and 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 for most other systems).
my $SystemTime = $TimeObject->SystemTime();
returns a time stamp for a given system time in yyyy-mm-dd 23:59:59
my $TimeStamp = $TimeObject->SystemTime2TimeStamp(
SystemTime => $SystemTime,
If you need the short format "23:59:59" for dates that are "today", pass the Type parameter like this:
my $TimeStamp = $TimeObject->SystemTime2TimeStamp(
SystemTime => $SystemTime,
Type => 'Short',
returns a time stamp of the local system time (see SystemTime()) in yyyy-mm-dd 23:59:59
my $TimeStamp = $TimeObject->CurrentTimestamp();
converts a system time to a structured date array.
my ($Sec, $Min, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year, $WeekDay) = $TimeObject->SystemTime2Date(
SystemTime => $TimeObject->SystemTime(),
$WeekDay is the day of the week, with 0 indicating Sunday and 3 indicating Wednesday.
converts a given time stamp to local system time.
my $SystemTime = $TimeObject->TimeStamp2SystemTime(
String => '2004-08-14 22:45:00',
converts a structured date array to system time of OTRS.
my $SystemTime = $TimeObject->Date2SystemTime(
Year => 2004,
Month => 8,
Day => 14,
Hour => 22,
Minute => 45,
Second => 0,
All framework code that calls this method only uses it to check if the server runs in UTC and therefore user time zones are allowed. It's not needed any more in the future and is only in here to don't break code that has not been ported yet. It returns 0 to tell its callers that the server runs in UTC and so user time zones are allowed/active.
( originally returned the computed difference in seconds between UTC time and local time. )
my $ServerLocalTimeOffsetSeconds = $TimeObject->ServerLocalTimeOffsetSeconds(
SystemTime => $SystemTime, # optional, otherwise call time()
returns the current time stamp in RFC 2822 format to be used in email headers: "Wed, 22 Sep 2014 16:30:57 +0200".
my $MailTimeStamp = $TimeObject->MailTimeStamp();
get the working time in seconds between these local system times.
my $WorkingTime = $TimeObject->WorkingTime(
StartTime => $Created,
StopTime => $TimeObject->SystemTime(),
my $WorkingTime = $TimeObject->WorkingTime(
StartTime => $Created,
StopTime => $TimeObject->SystemTime(),
Calendar => 3, # '' is default
get the destination time based on the current calendar working time (fallback: default system working time) configuration.
Returns a system time (integer time stamp).
The algorithm roughly works as follows: – Check if the start time is actually in the configured working time. – If not, set it to the next working time second. Example: start time is on a weekend, start time would be set to 8:00 on the following Monday. – Then the diff time (in seconds) is added to the start time incrementally, only considering the configured working times. So adding 24 hours could actually span multiple days because they would be spread over the configured working hours. If we have 8-20, 24 hours would be spread over 2 days (13/11 hours).
NOTE: Currently, the implementation stops silently after 600 iterations, making it impossible to specify longer escalation times, for example.
my $DestinationTime = $TimeObject->DestinationTime(
StartTime => $Created,
Time => 60*60*24*2,
my $DestinationTime = $TimeObject->DestinationTime(
StartTime => $Created,
Time => 60*60*24*2,
Calendar => 3, # '' is default
check if the selected day is a vacation (it does not matter if you insert 01 or 1 for month or day in the function or in the SysConfig)
returns (true) vacation day if exists, returns false if date is no vacation day
Year => 2005,
Month => 7 || '07',
Day => 13,
Year => 2005,
Month => 7 || '07',
Day => 13,
Calendar => 3, # '' is default; 0 is handled like ''