

Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch::Parameters – Ticket search parameter handling.


This class takes care about the parameters, that are passed to the TicketSearch method, during a search execution.

The main purpose is, to prepare, handle and provide ticket search parameters properly to just hold the data, that is used for a certain search request.

Apart from the bare search parameters, the class provides data like a current timestamp (DateTime object), to be used by datetime restrictive search filters or boolean flags to indicate, if certain tables are already joined.

Therefore this class is intended to be instantiated for every single search execution, to reset variable data entries and flags at the beginning of a search.

For a detailed description of the possible parameters and their syntax/structure, please refer to the POD of method TicketSearch in module Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch.


Instantiating and initialization

The parameters can either be passed to the object during the instantiation process as a single hash reference to the constructor, or the parameters can be added after the instantiation.

If the parameters are passed to the object constructor, they will be implicitly forwarded to the method Prepare, to handle certain default values and validation.

    my $Parameters = Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch::Parameters->new( \%SearchParameters );

If the object is instantiated empty, the parameters must be added afterwards to the method Prepare, before the object can be used.

    my $Parameters = Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch::Parameters->new();


After preparation and validation, the parameters are stored in attribute _Parameters, that provides two handles (methods): Keys to get a list of parameter keys, that can be used to request the related values and Get, which has to be called with the corresponding keys.

    my $Parameters = Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch::Parameters->new(
            Result              => 'ARRAY',
            Limit               => 25,
            ConditionInline     => 1,
            FullTextIndex       => 1,
            Fulltext            => 'some search query',
            ContentSearchSuffix => '*',
            ContentSearchPrefix => '*',
            SortBy              => ['Changed'],
            OrderBy             => ['Down'],
            UserID              => 1,

    my $CurrentDateTime = $Parameters->CurrentTime()->ToString();

    for my $ParameterKey ( $Parameters->Keys() ) {
        print "Value of key $ParameterKey is " . $Parameters->Get($ParameterKey);

    my $DefaultParameters = Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketSearch::Parameters->new();

    # UserID or CustomerUserID is required!
    my $DefaultLimit = $DefaultParameters->Prepare( { UserID => 123 } )->Get('Limit');  # returns 10



has CurrentTime

DateTime object of now.

has SortOptionMap

Provides a map of sortable ticket keys to related database column names.

has DynamicFieldMap

Provides a map of all configured article and ticket dynamic fields.

has ArticleSearchableFieldsList

Provides a map of all searchable article fields.

has SortByOptions

Provides a map of all configured article and ticket dynamic fields.

has ConditionHandlers

Provides a map of parameters and their corresponding handler methods.

has ValidationStaticFields

Prepares and provides validator definitions for several fields.

has QueueJoined

Indicator if the queue table was joined already.

has ArticleJoined

Indicator if the article table was joined already.

has HistoryJoined

Indicator if certain history tables were joined already.

has HistoryTypeCondition

Indicator if the history_type_id condition was already added to the WHERE clause.

has DynamicFieldJoined

Indicator if certain dynamic field was joined already.

has DynamicFieldJoinIndex

Index for joined dynamic fields, that will be used to generate table aliases.



Prepare parameters if they are passed to the constructor.


If parameters are given as a single argument, we add them to the related key (Parameters).

has MethodParamValidationSchema

Validation schema preparation.


Prepares and validates given parameters. Apart from that, it defines some default values for parameters and ensures uniform type (for params which can be string or array).


Returns an array reference containing the method names, that have to be called, based on the given parameters.



has _Parameters

The prepared and validated parameter hash.

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